How do I lose more than 2 pounds a week?



  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    I already do a Jillian Micheals workout every single day, I have worked out every day since September and purposely not dieted, I did Tae Bo until November then switched to Jillian Micheals because Tae Bo wasn't really pushing me. So, I've done 20 weeks of the 30 day shred (or equivaent) with no noticeable results in terms of inches. I know other people have so I don't have a clue why it;s not doing anything for me, my muscles hurt, I breathe heavy, I sweat, my heart races etc so I'm not slacking off.....

    I think people have got the wrong idea about me, I am looking for a quick fix for a specific date in this instance but I don't make a habit of it.

    The reason I didn't diet when I started my exercise program in September is because people were suggesting to me that I ate too few calories and I was slowing down my metabolism (about 1400 a day with no exercise) so I purposely upped them and combined it with exercise. That clearly hasn't worked at all on a 20 week experimental basis. So, now I'm cutting the calories...

    Hey - Sorry, I didn't see this part of your post. I assumed you had been eating under maintainence already. Do some research on overtraining and cortisol - {Ben Greenfield does some posts on this topic]. It may not be your metabolism but just that you have worn yourself down with exercise. I still wouldn't go under 1200 though, even if you quit the exercise for a few weeks, -- going too low would give more stress. You may even drop the weight really fast at first if you really have truly not been restricting for several months. It doesn't always go as fitnesspal predicts. Try an appropriate deficit for a few weeks and see if you don't lose more than predicted.

    Good luck!
  • kennethsross
    In my limited experience, from previous episodes of weight loss, the amount lost by calorie counting would rarely come to more than 2 lbs per week, and often less. At 39, I weighed 260lbs, as the result of a life style with no exercise, and an uncontrolled diet. By 42, I was down to 170, and kept it there for a couple of years. I was running around 35 miles each week (at around an 8mph rate), and also cycling around 100 miles each week. By 45, my knees had given out, exercising stopped, and the weight slowly but surely returned. At the beginning of this year (53 years old), I was past 260lbs once more, and with only a little bit of prodding from my wife (who has never had any problem maintaining a weight bang in the middle of her ideal range), I decided to start shifting it again. My knees can't even cope with jogging, let alone running, but I can walk briskly and I can cycle. My work, as a pastor, involves a lot of visiting folks in their homes; I try, wherever possible, to do this on my bicycle, and also fit in a couple of good brisk walks each week, 6-8 miles at a rate of 4.2 / 4.3 mph.. I'm down 18 lbs since the beginning of January, and 6 since starting to use MFP a couple of weeks ago.

    Thinking back to my earlier experience of weight loss, Anything more than 2lbs a week had to come from exercise. Even with that, there would be times when weight would plateau, for 4,5 or even more days. I would add in an extra exercise session, and in time, the weight loss would kick in again. I guess everyone's experience is different. Even though I'm heavy, I've been blessed with good health. My BP is normal, and take no form of regular medication whatsoever

    Take home message. For significant weight loss, you have to be in it for the long haul. Don't let the plateaus put you off; keep at it and you'll break through.
  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
  • Raven413
    Raven413 Posts: 86
    I see that it's been a while since the last post and that's okay. I just wanted to say that I am literally mentally drained after reading this thread. :) Bottom line, if someone doesn't really want good advice, already has mind made up that what you say is wrong, guess what...she's going to do what she wants to do anyway!

    Have a great day!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    How do I lose more than 2 pounds a week?


    On top of this I know my metabolism is slow because I had an eating disorder in my teens when I only ate raw carrots and tinned tomatoes for about two years


    I'm convinced even 1200 calories won't be low enough to lose a pound but am equally concerned about further negative consequences for my metabolism if I go under.

    Anyone got any advice?
    You don't unless you want to do it in an unhealthy, temporary way.
    You have already screwed up your metabolism. Do you want to heal or to mess it up further?
    Learn how to eat in a long-term, healthy way.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Nothing, but HITT training got me the last 10 pounds faster than anything else I tried...and dropping another 100 calories from my TDEE.