5'2 ladies, what is your goal weight?



  • smvarnam08
    smvarnam08 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5'2" and am right around 150. I can flunctuate up or down 2lbs just in one day. I would love to get down to 130, but I have realized that may never happen for me. I started my journey in August of 2012 at 145 lbs, and actually GAINED weight at first (almost 10 lbs), but lost inches. I've dropped back down to around the 150 mark, but I've been holding steady at that weight for 3 months. I have continued to lose inches though! I'm down about 10 inches each off my waist and abs (which I carry most of my weight in my belly), but I've also started losing some inches off my arms and thighs. I really encourage you and everyone not to focus on the pounds. If that was all I had tracked, I would've given up months ago. But I tracked my inches and took pictures every 1-2months, and that kept me so motivated! I've talked to my doctor about it, but due to my thyroid condition, this may just be the weight I stay at. As long as I am healthy and can meet my goal of wearing a bikini for my 5th anniversary cruise, I will be happy!
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Welp, i'm 5'3 (close enough?) lol my GW is 128-130 but i'm not sure I will ever get there lol
  • I'm 5'1", and my ultimate goal weight is 130. I definitely have a larger/dense frame and doubt I would look good under that weight. Even at 170 pounds right now, I generally only wear a size 10/12/L. That being said, I'd probably be happy at 150 at this point in my life.
  • adorablechaos
    adorablechaos Posts: 54 Member
    130 and I'll be 42 this year. I think that's a very doable weight to maintain at my age.
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm 5'2.5", muscular build and would love to maintain at 136lbs but that might actually look too light on me so might maintain at 140lbs. Focus is on building muscles and losing inches and seems to be going well so far. Am size UK 12 on bottom (10 in A-line skirts) and UK 10 on top.

    Think this thread is a great illustration of how one size definitely doesn't fit all!
  • I'm 5'1, so I'm close to you. My weight goal is 120.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I'm 5'3", CW 129, CBF% 21.3%, Cpant size 2
    GW 118-120
    GBF% 18%

    I am MUCH more concerned with bf% at this point than the # on the scale
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,123 Member
    I'm 5'2 with a larger bone structure so i'm shooting for a toned 140. I've gotten as low as 152 before and just needed about 10# more to go with toning and I would have been happy with it. Unfortunately I gained it all back :(
  • sitastar2004
    sitastar2004 Posts: 77 Member
    117. I'll take 120 if i'm toned.
  • Goal weight is between 115-120. The main goals are (1) to get my body fat in the athletic range and (2) to get my waist around 26 inches. Currently I am 160, body fat of 29% (did the BodPod testing) and waist measurement of 37.
  • At 44 I would love for my weight to be at 125-135... that is my goal :)
  • Am 5-2, am aiming for 135!
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    Im 5'3 goal weight is 135. Im hopeful lol
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    135 for me...probably considered heavy for that height but it's good for me as I'm 42 and don't want to to take too much off my face...
  • I'm 5'2 and I'd like to get to 170 (First goal) then maybe 140. I still wanna have some meat. I'm not with the hype of super skinny.
  • I like 115-right im 124
  • JeeperChick
    JeeperChick Posts: 32 Member
    I started off at 132 pounds. I am now down to 108 and my goal weight is 112.
  • Tyurmus
    Tyurmus Posts: 1
    135 :) I want to tone up mainly, and aim for keeping my curves. I will be doing some strength stuff, cardio, and I just enrolled in a yoga class. I am super excited. :)
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I strive for 132.... but my body seems comfortable between 135-136.
  • Jillegos
    Jillegos Posts: 2 Member
    I'm at 121-123... and am happy here. If I get down to 115 I'll be okay with it :happy: