Alcohol made me do it....



  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    if I drink wine, I'm fine.. but if I drink booze, I will snack like crazy. so no booze for me, and red wine in moderation.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i do it every weekend, still haven't found the sollution
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i like booze.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    i like booze.

    It's good stuff lol
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I'm beginning to think I'm like the only person who doesn't get the munchies while/after drinking. I don't even crave the early morning mcdonalds run for a big, greasy breakfast afterwards.

    Anyway, we all have crappy days. Just gotta log it & move on. This slip up isn't going to ruin all your progress nor will it hinder your future until you give up and let it which doesn't sound like your plan so.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    This is me too! I can work out my triggers now. Weekends off - as those are rare...and like a drink with mates! But they are generally not fat like me! Stress at work...sometimes the shift is so full on....and then I will have a drink... or two that leads to eating rubbish.
    Since joining MFP, I have become more alert that it happens and that I don't want it to .....I'm making healthier food choices generally, I now exercise, have clearer goals, which so stopping me from this behaviour.....most of the time!

    Hope you figure it all out...and get to where you want to be...good luck!
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    I had to address this issue with my own health, as opening a bottle of wine meant I finished it in one sitting.

    Since alcohol is my main treat in life and diet, I really focused on spreading out the treat- one bottle of wine over two days means two days worth of treat. I also used my extreme laziness to motivate myself ie. if I still have wine left for tomorrow, I can spend the rest of tomorrow in my pants playing computer games and not leave the house.

    The only time I find alcohol affects my eating habits is when friends come over for a beer session. If I have a hangover, I need something from McDonalds- there is no other cure!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I'm sorry honey, that post just cracked me up.
    I've found that my food choices ARE affected by alcohol, but it depends on WHAT alcohol I partake of.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I tend to not eat when I drink so I can get buzzed on less alcohol. Poor people solutions...

    LOL :drinker:
  • aperrillioux
    aperrillioux Posts: 115 Member
    I tend to not eat when I drink so I can get buzzed on less alcohol. Poor people solutions...

    HAHAHAHA ditto! Although, I usually end up getting a small snack after I've gotten nicely buzzed on an empty stomach. IHOP at 3am on a Saturday night, best food EVER.
  • mcdonoughjl
    You dont even know how much you just opened my eyes. I have this same issue. I beleive it is time for me to put the drinks down and focus on my life. ... it may be another huge hurddle I need to achieve.
  • 80lbsdown
    :laugh: Funny
  • cheblack
    cheblack Posts: 4 Member
    I have not tracked in days because of this.

    Thursday ended up being a drinking/eating fiasco, which sent me on an unhealthy weekend. Once I give in on my diet, I want to keep giving in, going out to eat, carbing up, etc. I didn't get intoxicated all weekend but I ate unhealthy and didn't track. Last night was the same, and I looked in the mirror today and saw the weight gain.

    It sucks but it happens. I'm not weighing in currently (am looking for a 1nc a month weigh in) but I'm sure it slowed down my progress. Either way, my bad habits have been with me much longer than my good habits, so I know it will be a struggle at times and I will fail, but that's okay as long as you keep moving forward.

    Kudos for staying accountable!
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    ha! That was my after-work yesterday; NBD..... as long as it is a once a month thing.
  • frankensteen
    frankensteen Posts: 75 Member
    I tend to not eat when I drink so I can get buzzed on less alcohol. Poor people solutions...

    Haha, this^
    and the fact that I can be a pretty self-righteous drunk. I start talking about my new healthy lifestyle to the people I'm with and I feel like I have to prove it to them... no drunk eating!

    Glad you owned up to it though. Although alcohol doesn't make me eat quite like you did, I definitely have those nights where I'm tired, stressed, and sad and I will eat just about anything I can get my hands on. BED is a pretty serious thing and I don't think enough people are willing to admit that it's a problem for them!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    its called AA ...use it ..regularly...

    No don't. There are other ways if you need help. That's a bloody depressing place to have to go forever when you don't have to.

    Please enlighten us.
    It's actually a place full of happiness, hope, love, and support. Changed my life completely.
  • beebop85
    beebop85 Posts: 49 Member
    This post struck a nerve with me! And made me absolutely wet myself at 'dancing around to you tube videos for an hour and a half' :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am the exact same and I can never just have one! I can however just have 3, and I bought an optic so I know exactly how much I am drinking and I feel so bad about it I am trying to limit myself but I enjoy it so damn much its hard! Keep telling myself the guilt I will feel and the unhealthy breakfast Il no doubt want the next day isnt worth it so far ... its not really working so interested to see some other ideas!

    Good luck to you all :):heart: