Anybody doing the Herbalife diet



  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    I just started today! I have been on a horrible plateau for the past few months and I figured I would give this a shot! We will see!!
  • SaucySimon
    SaucySimon Posts: 6 Member
    I just started yesterday, I have found that Herbalife weight loss plan is for people who are truly fed up of their situation and need to make a change.

    I was to the point where i just didn't want to eat anymore, I just felt sick of myself. I lost 8 lbs in one weekend just because I didn't eat, I wasn't hungry because of my depression and I just didn't eat! I didn't mind the weight loss, but I almost passed out in the kitchen making dinner for my Husband that Sunday night...

    Just at that point I was reintroduced to Herbalife by a friend. It wasn't the first time I heard of it but I brushed it of several times before. This time I said, since I didn't feel like eating this would be a great option for me.

    I am finding it so easy, a real grab and go option. Packed with every Nutrient I need and then some more! I chose the Wild Berry formula 1 with a Vanilla Protein Shake Mix. The taste, way better than I expected of health shake. Really good! With just one meal a day, I can do this.

    Its doable! and you really have to want it, if you don't feel like going for two shakes one day, have one, that way you wont gain will condition your body.

    If you decide stop with the shakes, don't go crazy and just eat whatever you feel, then blame the shake for your ballooning. It's reality if you eat unhealthily you WILL gain weight. The idea is to want to lose weight and want your plan to work, and if you want it to work it will work!

    I wish you guys all the best...and I will let you know how my first week goes. wish me luck.
  • I started yesterday and I am DETERMINED..I joined because my aunt lost 18lbs in 2 weeks so let's see what happens
  • Hi can anybody help I signed up tonight I'm going to be doing 2 shakes with the pills and a balanced meal at night.. I've not taken the protein bars.. Can anybody give me some ideas on snacks for during the day m?

  • kaypee20
    kaypee20 Posts: 4
    Anything healthy. The herbalife diet will still help you lose weight fast as long as you eat healthy with it. Just think fruits and veggies :)
  • Hey I'd like to join 'forces' for newbie Herbalife users also!
    I started on Monday, having one strawberry shake for breakfast, with a small orange, or I leave it as a snack mid morning. I'm having a shake for lunch with another piece of fruit. Mid afternoon I have a yoghurt or some nuts. Then just have my normal dinner, trying to only have red meat twice a week, pork on my 'cheat' day, other days chicken, fish etc. Not really having anything madly healthy for dinner but not having anything unhealthy either and trying to cut down a bit on porttion size. I never eat bread anyway and always have used brown rice and pasta. It's my cravings for chocolate and crisps I have to keep a lid on.
    I have fruit and nuts at home to snack on if I feel hungry. But so far haven't really thankfully! I am alternating between skimmed milk and light soya milk. Tried it with light vanilla flavour soya milk and was yummy in not a little too sweet.
    I have the peach tea as well sometimes after or in between shakes and dinner. I also drink green tea and have been trying to drink lots of water.
    Apparantly having too much fruit snacks isn't so good because of the sugar content, so I'm going to try to remember boiling eggs and having them to snack on.

    I weighed myself at the start of the week and I'm 11 stone (I wanted to cry, heaviest Ive been a long time), actually thought I was a bit less so it's given me more motivation! I've been eating like a horse all winter and have done pretty much NO exercise. I also blame moving in with my boyfriend and matching his portion sizes with my own. Usually I run, swim, hike and do yoga and/or pilates. SO out of shape! I am busing out of my clothes and favourite jeans no longer fit me. Finding myself wearing leggings too much! I'm heading to the states for 3 weeks in September, have a friends wedding in August and basically want to be down to a slim, tones comfortable size 8/10. I'm 5ft 6.5ins. So goal weight is about 9 and a half stone.
    I also have a groupon offer of 30 days unlimited boxercise classes and have signed up for a 10k in three weeks, so my exercise levels will increase. Plan to go for hikes and swimming in the spring and summer also, and if I can fit it in, go back to yoga.
    My only concern is that with the running and boxercise I am building muscle, which weights more than fat so I'm worried the scales won't reflect my herbalife efforts! But we'll see. I might measure myself this weekend and take note of that as well.

    I think instead of having one whole cheat day I might have two 'semi' cheat days at the weekend. Like Saturday have a healthy cooked breakfast of eggs and lean bacon, shake for lunch and my usual takeaway saturday evening. Again being mindul of portion size. Sunday I'll have a shake for breakfast and lunch and a typical sunday dinner with a choccy treat for after.

    What I like about it so far if how simple an easy it is, you dont have to think about what healthy food to buy for breakfast and lunch for the week. And I hardly have time for breakfast or lunch so I just shake and go! Also I can still have my regular dinner with my boyfriend and not have to cook up a salad every time for myself and something else for him.

    I started herbalife after seeing my cousin loose about 3 stone on it. She looks amazing! And she didn't do much exercise. She was just over 13 stone. She is still on it though cos she likes the energy it gives her and how it helps her skin, hair and nails. She has reached a plateau now and only wants to loose a few more lbs but has increased her exercise. Her friend did Herbalife too and lost 5 stone over about 6 months.

    One concern of mine is that because I haven't much to loose and I am still within (although just about) the 'normal' BMI, the weight loss won't be as quick or effective as I hope.

    Anyway any more hints/tips or anyone else who started or has experience of herbalife would be great to hear from you.
    Good luck to those who started it :-)
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    I'm not doing herbalife, as I find it expensive, but I am doing my own similar diet
  • Allyson1315
    Allyson1315 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, I started like three weeks ago and lost 9 pounds so far. I was wondering what flavor shakes you think is the best? I have vanilla right now and think it does not taste good!! Also, what are you all eating for dinners?

    Thanks :)
  • Allyson1315
    Allyson1315 Posts: 3 Member
    Has anyone used herbalife prolessa duo ?
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    I'm not on the herbalife DIET, but I do drink their shakes, tea and aloe shots. Only a few times a week as it is expensive and only right after my workout. It's a protein shake and I'm trying to gain some muscle since I lost a lot losing weight. If I do have the shake, I have 2 meals and a snack.
  • 9lbs in 3 weeks is good! I want to loose about 20lbs in total by the end of June.
    Ive only tried the strawberry one and it's lovely :-). Apparantly the cookies and cream one is nice. But I'm going to stick with the strawberry one for now.
    I haven't tried the prolessa duo. Hoping to loose the weight by just the two shakes, the tea and exercise.
    I am just having normal dinners, nothing too fatty though and being mindful of porttion size. I have potatoes veg and meat, spag bol (with wholeweat spaghetti and very lean mince), low fat chicken curry (brown rice), omelette, fish and salad and veg, e.t.c. I like that I can enjoy a normal meal with my boyfriend in the evenings.
  • bradnk8sma26
    bradnk8sma26 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Herbalife NUTRITION products 2/27/13 - Best decision of my life! Two shakes a day, Aloe and Herbal Tea. By day 3, my acid reflux was GONE and I have been sleeping like a baby since, which is huge for me! I signed up to be a distributor on day 4 LOL!

    Herbalife is NOT A DIET, it's Nutrition all the way to the cellular level of your being!

    I have been on hypothyroid medication for 17 years. Last week I had blood work done and the same day my Dr. called and LOWERED my medication!!! First time ever and the only thing I've changed is adding Herbalife Nutrition to my life! I heard stories of people getting off their thyroid meds (dream of mine) by adding the Ultimate Prostate supplement, so I added that two weeks ago. I know what you're thinking, I'm a girl and I don't have a prostate, right? Well, they're both glands and I'll gladly pay for an herbal supplement in order to get off chemical meds!

    AND I've lost 11.4 lbs and 6" since I started Herbalife Nutrition products. Confession: I really only stick with it during the week and I still lost over 11 lbs, without exercising! I was stuck on a plateau for 4 months, the scale wouldn't budge. I was depressed about it, frustrated about exercising 4-6 times a week and nothing was happening. Herbalife saved my life! My husband has been on Herbalife since 3/11 and has lost 14 lbs and 3" around his belly! Hardest decision is what flavor do I want haha!

    If you're on it, stick with it! If you're ready to maintain your weight, one shake a day, but watch your calories! Lots of water!
    If you've just started, Congratulations! Two healthy, high protein, low-fat snacks with a fruit or green veggies between shakes and "regular" meal, which should be 1/3 plate lean protein, 1/3 plate salad, 1/3 plate veggies (a.k.a. Colorful Meal). LOTS OF WATER - at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day. Protein intake should be about half your body weight in grams each day. Myfitnesspal is an excellent tool for tracking all of this! The person you got your product from should have passed this info to you and should be there to support you so don't hesitate to contact them if you have questions. Be assertive! This is your body and you only get one!

    There are also TONS of great Herbalife recipes, like pancakes and pie! Google is your friend ;)
  • bradnk8sma26
    bradnk8sma26 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Herbalife NUTRITION products 2/27/13 - Best decision of my life! Two shakes a day, Aloe and Herbal Tea. By day 3, my acid reflux was GONE and I have been sleeping like a baby since, which is huge for me! I signed up to be a distributor on day 4 LOL!

    Herbalife is NOT A DIET, it's Nutrition all the way to the cellular level of your being!

    I have been on hypothyroid medication for 17 years. Last week I had blood work done and the same day my Dr. called and LOWERED my medication!!! First time ever and the only thing I've changed is adding Herbalife Nutrition to my life! I heard stories of people getting off their thyroid meds (dream of mine) by adding the Ultimate Prostate supplement, so I added that two weeks ago. I know what you're thinking, I'm a girl and I don't have a prostate, right? Well, they're both glands and I'll gladly pay for an herbal supplement in order to get off chemical meds!

    AND I've lost 11.4 lbs and 6" since I started Herbalife Nutrition products. Confession: I really only stick with it during the week and I still lost over 11 lbs, without exercising! I was stuck on a plateau for 4 months, the scale wouldn't budge. I was depressed about it, frustrated about exercising 4-6 times a week and nothing was happening. Herbalife saved my life! My husband has been on Herbalife since 3/11 and has lost 14 lbs and 3" around his belly! Hardest decision is what flavor do I want haha!

    If you're on it, stick with it! If you're ready to maintain your weight, one shake a day, but watch your calories! Lots of water!
    If you've just started, Congratulations! Two healthy, high protein, low-fat snacks with a fruit or green veggies between shakes and "regular" meal, which should be 1/3 plate lean protein, 1/3 plate salad, 1/3 plate veggies (a.k.a. Colorful Meal). LOTS OF WATER - at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day. Protein intake should be about half your body weight in grams each day. Myfitnesspal is an excellent tool for tracking all of this! The person you got your product from should have passed this info to you and should be there to support you so don't hesitate to contact them if you have questions. Be assertive! This is your body and you only get one!

    There are also TONS of great Herbalife recipes, like pancakes and pie! Google is your friend ;)
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Glad you guys found something that works for you. How many calories in one shake? I'm guessing 200?
  • KRRussell
    KRRussell Posts: 12
    I just started Herbalife about 3 days ago..I'm just hoping my sensitive stomach allows me to continue to take far so good. I love the snack defense because that's my biggest problem.
  • One shake with semi skimmed milk is around 220 calories. I usually use skimmed milk or light unsweetened soya milk to lessen the calories a little and for a change in tase.
    I weighed myself last week, two days after starting herbalife and was 11stone. Really depressed me! Thankfully I dont have scales in my house otherwise Id be weighing myself everyday so I will weigh myself in like a month or so to see if there is any difference. I dont really care about what the scales say though, because I am working out a lot, running boxercise etc I know I'll build up muscle. I just want to loose the inches and get fit.
    I am still waiting to see the results of herbalife impacting and improving your skin, hair and nails. Though Im happy with those anyway :-). I do like it for energy and I'm not hungry either. If I find myself getting hungry I snack on fruit or yoghurt.
    Trying to remember to drink lots of water too, I was bad the last few days in not drinking as much as I should, plus its a pain in the *kitten* to keep running to the loo all the time!
    But second week and I'm sticking to it! Also Im pretty sure its actually saving me money for breakfasts and lunches.
  • karisul1
    karisul1 Posts: 50
    I realize this post is kind of old, but since people are still commenting, I figured I would chime in. :)

    I will be starting Herbalife this week, but only to enhance my weight loss, I won't be following them as a "diet plan" of 2 shakes per day. I plan to replace my morning coffee (which consists of un-godly amounts of half and half and real sugar) with their Raspberry Tea and Aloe. I will be doing their shakes and protein powders for breakfast as others described (mixing with fruits and ff milk, etc), with my normal healthy eating for lunch and dinner (real meals, not shakes). I also plan to incorporate some other supplements they offer, so I have purchased Cell U Loss, ThermoBond and Prolessa to incorporate and see how that works out. I am excited to try it!
  • iwilldothis2
    iwilldothis2 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started as well and I'm doing one shake for lunch. I haven't tried the tea yet. I've been drinking lots of water too. I just can't seem to figure out the calories. If you find out, can you please fill me in?? I'd appreciate it. Good luck on your journey!!
  • Hi I'm starting herbalife and I'm wondering if everybody whose done really stuck to their protein and calorie count? My distributor said I needed 117 grams of protein a day. Between the shakes, two high protein snacks and dinner, I still only around 100 grams and it just doesn't make sense to me to keep eating when I'm on a diet? I've been doing it for a few days now and haven't lost any weight. do i need to hit 117 grams? if not, Would it be bad to skip snacks if I'm not hungry?
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    R the shakes expensive?