Do you have gut problems or low energy?



  • unnur16
    unnur16 Posts: 140 Member
    i have low back pain, and i do not eat any of those food except for maybe 1 slice of bread per. week
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I have a gut problem called ulcerative colitis.

    If I eat lots of bran- like branflakes, wholewheat bread etc, I know about it. If I swap it for white bread and white pasta then I'm fine. Its becuase of the insoluble fibre.

    Not everyone is allergic to gluten. People with coeliac disease must get really ticked off with everyone claiming to be gluten intolerant.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    But there's a difference between gluten intolerance/sensitivity, an allergy and celiac, which people don't realize. In that case people with celiac have every right to be annoyed. Sort of like lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance just causes uncomfortable effects. Celiac does actual damage, but it gets lumped in with gluten intolerance.
  • FitnessFinatic123
    YES! However, a great source of energy is BEETS!
    Heres a blog posting about the benefits of beets....who knew!??!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    ... this gluten thing has gotten way too trendy.

    I respectfully disagree it's "trendy" or a fad to have these effects, any more than lactose intolerance, diabetes, or hypothyroidism are trendy and fads. It's not that people are jumping on these "fad bandwagons", it's that doctors are becoming more open-minded about physical conditions that have plagued mankind for milennia, and are now diagnosing them. There is no evidence in pre-Neollithic, pre-agricultural human remains (bones talk) of any of these conditions until wheat started showing up in the human diet. I don't care what it's called; the cause and effects are real. The wheat that's grown today is nothing like the wild wheat Neolithic peoples began cultivating. Even then, there's a genetic component in that many humans cannot properly process gluten. There is plenty of PubMed literature.

    Bones talk about diabetes? And hypothyroidism?


    What Bout atherosclerosis? Or is that one been officially left off the list?

    If you think about it, isn't this kind of an extension of idealizing a mythic past, like the garden of Eden? The more evidence is uncovered, the more we find that these problems have plagued humanity since prehistoric times.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    The more evidence is uncovered, the more we find that these problems have plagued humanity since prehistoric times.

    There will be sources for this then? Yes, bones do tell tales. They tell what was eaten, by the chemical elements found in the soil taken up by the food source. The chemical elements remain in the bones. Certain geographical areas have their own chemical signatures. There's no denying that present day hunter-gatherer groups don't experience the physical ailments people in the "developed" world do. the Inuit are a prime example of an indigenous people who developed diabetes, in particular, when they gave up their traditional diet for a "modern" diet. They genetically predisposed to it because there hasn't been enough time for them to adapt to it. No one is saying that 100% of modern humans can't eat the typical modern diet (note my comment "Even then, there's a genetic component in that many humans cannot properly process gluten" ... many, not all) but among many groups, there hasn't been enough time for adaptation. compare 8,000 years of agriculture to 200,000 years of human evolution. Eight thousand years is a blink of the eye in evolutionary terms.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I posted a link for you right there, from the journal The Lancet. Published a couple months ago.

    They looked at mummified remains from various civilizations (no, not just Egypt) in various parts of the world, including hunter gatherers and fish based diets, as well as non grain vegetable base diets.

    It was quite well publicized and talked about. Debunks not all the claims behind paleo diets, but definitely the idea that heart disease and vascular problems are a symptom of modern diets or grain.

    It was a bit too good to be true, don't you think? Every few years we get some new fad diet claiming to take us back to the garden of Eden.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I posted a link for you right there, from the journal The Lancet. Published a couple months ago.

    They looked at mummified remains from various civilizations (no, not just Egypt) in various parts of the world, including hunter gatherers and fish based diets, as well as non grain vegetable base diets.

    It was quite well publicized and talked about. Debunks not all the claims behind paleo diets, but definitely the idea that heart disease and vascular problems are a symptom of modern diets or grain.

    It was a bit too good to be true, don't you think? Every few years we get some new fad diet claiming to take us back to the garden of Eden.
    Yes, well said. Thanks for the link.
    The previous poster compares gluten intolerance to lactose intolerance but there is a mechanism to explain that. Lactase non-persistence. There is one to explain celiacs as well. I'm afraid that gluten intolerance is trendy and the domain of "wellness" practitioners and the mechanisms are not in evidence.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Please Google 'PubMed gluten intolerance' and 'PubMed gluten sensitivity'. I'll leave you with that; I can't add anymore to those reports.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    I was wondering if any of you could tell me if you have any of the above, and how much bread/pasta/wheat you eat in a day?

    -Low energy
    -Low back pain

    I really want to see if there is a link between these foods and these health problems.

    I have low energy , ocd pure obcessional,constipation and 2 disc herniation. I did a celiose test and indicated negative. I never did a gluten sensibility test thought
  • BluePHX
    BluePHX Posts: 184 Member
    I was wondering if any of you could tell me if you have any of the above, and how much bread/pasta/wheat you eat in a day?

    -Low energy
    -Low back pain

    I really want to see if there is a link between these foods and these health problems.

    Outside the OCD and Phobia, you just described a gluten allergy/intolerance. Which, I have both of. o_O
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Please Google 'PubMed gluten intolerance' and 'PubMed gluten sensitivity'. I'll leave you with that; I can't add anymore to those reports.
    From PubMed:
    Defining the symptoms and biochemical markers for gluten-sensitive conditions is an important area for future investigations, and high-quality, large-scale randomized trials are needed to prove the true benefits of the GFD in this evolving field.
    I'll be interested to read those studies/trials when they are done.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I have all but one of those issues. I don't avoid any food group but I eat high fat and low carb with lots of good protein. Diet has a lot to do with the way we feel and our energy. So does exercise. In fact, exercise can be your lifesaver.

    But having said that, I can tell you from a lifetime that we sometimes have to learn to live within our limitations and accept who and what we are if we can't do anything about it. Naturally you'll want to see a good doctor and see if you can do something about the problems. But they really don't have any answers for most of these issues so we're left to deal with it on our own.
  • Crazibaker
    Crazibaker Posts: 130 Member
    You read my mind :smile: . I was wondering the same thing. I have had quite a lot of digestive issues in the past year or so and low energy. I recently started juicing and cutting carbs. I do feel like I have more energy and my stomach is probably 75% better.

    I was thinking about the carb connection, but I wasn't sure if that's what the culprit was.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    Trendy or not...

    I have hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. When I cut out products with gluten and high carbs, I feel better. More energy, less moody, less pain, less stomach problems, etc. Just better. I still eat fruits, veggies, legumes, and the occasional sweet potato so I get plenty of carbs, just not refined ones. So whether it is trendy or not, cutting out gluten, starches, and excessive sugars has made a HUGE difference in the way I feel.
    For those that can continue to eat any kind of food they want with zero issues, feel great, and lose weight.. hey, more power to you but not everyone is cast from the same mold.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Please Google 'PubMed gluten intolerance' and 'PubMed gluten sensitivity'. I'll leave you with that; I can't add anymore to those reports.
    From PubMed:
    Defining the symptoms and biochemical markers for gluten-sensitive conditions is an important area for future investigations, and high-quality, large-scale randomized trials are needed to prove the true benefits of the GFD in this evolving field.
    I'll be interested to read those studies/trials when they are done.

    Do read the other reports, not just one that you think supports your position. There are plenty of others that support what posters here have suspected and experienced.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I fart like a mofo. I've done this when I was 170lbs, at about this height in high school, at 250 lbs, and now at 190 ish. I don't really even care anymore. I don't like my coworkers that much, so If I have to, I just cut one in the office. I don't fart around women I like, however.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Celiac disease or gluten intolerance....

    Eat a bunch of wheat and everything, then go get a FULL CELIAC PANEL test done..
  • jrutledge01
    jrutledge01 Posts: 213 Member
    I was wondering if any of you could tell me if you have any of the above, and how much bread/pasta/wheat you eat in a day?

    -Low energy
    -Low back pain

    I really want to see if there is a link between these foods and these health problems.

    this isn't going to get you a very good sample.. it will be biased and also you can't control for personal things such as blood type (which does have an effect on how your body reacts to eating different types of carbohydrates)
  • shellylb52
    shellylb52 Posts: 157 Member
    I read the book 'Wheat Belly'. Pretty interesting information. I have been cutting out most wheat products, probably 80% from what I used to eat. I have noticed that I feel better. But everyone should follow the diet that they can sucessfully maintain.