I really BLEW IT TODAY!!!



  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    I really blew it today. It was a bad day. So, since it was such a bad day I binged and ate over 3,500 calories!!!!!!!!! I BLEW IT!!
    I hope I can fast the whole day tomorrow to make up for the binging! Like I said, it turned out to be a bad day.

    This is a set-up for failure.

    It wasn't a bad day cuz you binged, you binged BECAUSE it was a bad day???? You BLEW IT!! so now you have to punish /deprive yourself of nutrition to make up for it. The real likelihood that will happen is ZERO. So then you have two failed days and feel like *kitten*. Ick, ick , ick. I may as well just give up and eat anything I want.

    I REALLY like the idea that tomorrow is just another day to make healthy choices. No matter how much mud you get into, you are only one shower away from clean. Plan tomorrows meals tonight. Pre log breakfast. Pack your lunch. Plan your dinner. It's just another day in paradise.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Don't fast. Do eat like you normally eat. Establish good, sustainable habits.
  • mebsuta
    mebsuta Posts: 11 Member
    I have fallen into this quite a few times. I start a new healthy program... am doing well for a few days. Then completely derail and binge eat. I have tried to do the fast the following day, but that just made it worse for me. After a few hours of being awake, the stomach is rumbling big time and craving more junk since I had eaten so much junk the night before. Then I give in and binge again. Then I am like 'screw it'.

    After many times of this happening, I have learned that it is best to just start the next day and get back on track. You have to forgive yourself for messing up, then let it go. Its normal to have a mess up here and there. Just gently let go of that mess up and more forward. Pat yourself on the back for getting back on track instead of just giving up all together. You can do it! I wish you well. :smile:
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    everyday is a fresh start

    worst advice ever.

    if you don't learn from your past, you are doomed to repeat it. life isn't a board game (although there is a board game named Life). you can't just start a new game and have things go differently. you have to understand why you did what you did, and try and prevent it in the future.

    are you to restrictive on your calories? do you deny yourself many favorite foods you've percieved as bad? there are no bad foods, only improper quantities. were you overly stressed out and threw caution to the wind?

    think about what caused you to binge today. be mindful of when it can happen again, and think about what you can do to prevent it from happening again.

    please don't fast tomorrow, although you might not be hungry for breakfast. you didn't binge today, you just fueled up for a big early morning work out.

    Good reply!
  • sweetmissie
    sweetmissie Posts: 27 Member
    Today is tomorrow yesterday so today could gone and theres just tomorrow and guess what its a
    NEW DAY another chance to do it right
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't beat yourself up by fasting tomorrow. You'll be fine, just don't make it a habit...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Is this in any way related to the following thread?

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    tomorrows a new day
  • SuccessHere
    SuccessHere Posts: 240 Member
    Thank you all for your wonderful replies.