Any 30 Day shred results with pics?! Need motivation! = ]

blmurphy37 Posts: 55 Member
Hello! i just started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and im feeling not so motivated, and seeing others with results and pictures will help tons! I know even with few lbs lost you can tell much difference from inches lost and looking more fit! Also feel free to add me! i love to help motivate as well if needed! Thanks!!!


  • exohrina
    exohrina Posts: 9
    Go you! The 30 Day Shred is a kick *kitten* work out! Stick with it, it's totally worth it. You start seeing (and feeling) a difference in about 3-5 days. The sore kicks in around day 2 though! It's so motivating when you move on to level 2, and then later, level 3. Are you following Natalie or the blonde? I can't remember her name... Ever notice how they don't stop smiling? It's irritating! Don't be a fitness robot, I'm making animal noises over here, shaking, and sweating like a pig.
  • blmurphy37
    blmurphy37 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks so much! Yes i can start to feel the soreness coming up but its a great soreness to know its from working out and becoming more fit! I have a powder for a drink mix i think creatin, that helps my muscles not be so sore so i can push myself harder. I am following the blonde, and yes! haha it makes me want to smile but then im getting tired and ready to relax and they are still going smiling haha!
  • MummyMikaela
    MummyMikaela Posts: 130 Member
    You will feel a difference after a few days and you will notice a difference in your body, have you taken a before pic and measurements? i'm on L3 day7 and have lost about 3.4 inches off my waist alone and i now can copy 'bad *kitten*' for most moves!

    stick with it - its great!

    also if you search 30 day shred results on the message board search there are some great success pic's also if you search on you tube!

    Good luck!
  • juliewulie4
    juliewulie4 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I'm just over half way through Level 2 and I'm already seeing results! The left picture is from the day I started the shred and the right picture is from yesterday. It's really worth it no matter how annoying Jillian gets!

  • blmurphy37
    blmurphy37 Posts: 55 Member
    Yes i did take before measurements and pictures! And awesome job! thats great! Yeah ive been searching around , i like to also be able to talk to others that did it and help pump up that motivation!
  • exohrina
    exohrina Posts: 9
    Oh man! So lemme tell you MY 30DS story... I did it for the first time last summer and I had just moved into this new apartment. There's no A/C and the windows don't have screens, so I can't open them or I'll be sleeping with bugs! So here I am in the middle of July/August doing this work out, drowning in sweat and slipping in it on my laminate floor (made super mans in level 3, and push ups etc SO HARD) and just SOAKING my clothes. I pretty much lived in my shower last summer. I definitely think not having A/C or cold air helped and I lost a serious amount of weight and got really, really defined, especially in the stomach and thighs which are my problem areas. I don't have the pics anymore because I've put all the weight I lost doing the 30DS last summer on again since and it hurts to see where I was.... but believe me when I say it's so worth it. WATCH YOUR KNEES THOUGH. I have problem knees and the last level just killed them. Improvise on the exercises if you have to!

    Helpful hint: push yourself tomorrow and follow Natalie! Even if you can't match her, you're still aiming SO high that if you don't actually make it, you're getting a super workout.

    I don't use any kind of drink mixes but that's just because I don't know much about them... Do you like yours? Does it work?

    PS, what's with Jill telling us she wants us to push it, work harder, don't give up, she can feel our pain, but she's not working out! She's walking around and kneeling beside the girls, pointing out how we should be doing it!
  • blmurphy37
    blmurphy37 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks Julie! those are great results so far! you can definenlty tell a difference in so many areas!!! Thanks again!
  • blmurphy37
    blmurphy37 Posts: 55 Member
    Omg no ac! that would be no fun! and awe im sorry. ive been there too. 2 months after i had my daughter i weighed 130 lbs and had a completely flat stomach and was toned and when i look back at those pics im like what did i let happen!? its very upsetting, but im trying to make sure to do my best now so i keep it up and once i lose the weight make sure its gone forever!
    and yes i love the drink, it tastes like watermelon candy lol, and i use it after intense workouts and it helps replenish your muscles with water so they are also not sore. I also like to drink a protein shake after a good workout it helps fill me up but not stuff me so i dont feel heavy and sluggish!
    lol i know! im use to seeing her do that off the biggest loser! I like watching the show and working out as i watched it, but the season is over for now. !
  • I am going to start it today :)
  • Nola4
    Nola4 Posts: 50 Member
    Wish I took other pics! I lost two back rolls and my arms have some muscle definition after 30DS. Its worth the 30 days. I learned ALOT of exercises with the hand weights that I now do on my own.

  • wadzanayih
    wadzanayih Posts: 3 Member
    hey, i have the 30 day shred disk at home. i think i better get on it!!!!!!!
  • kegbail
    kegbail Posts: 47
    I am doing Level 2 Day 3 today. I am planning to do it for 30 days and go from there. Already I can tell my endurance has improved AND I have lost a couple inches off my waist and hips.

    I plan to post pictures when I complete the 30 days. I do 3 days on 1 day off approach. My knees are not so great so it works great for me. I notice that when I take a day off my workout goes great the next day.
  • taradawn69
    taradawn69 Posts: 24 Member
    I did the shred in March and am currently doing ripped, feel free to check out my b4 and after pics on my profile:)
  • blmurphy37
    blmurphy37 Posts: 55 Member
    nwaters4 awesome pictures! what a change! thats definently encouraging!!! I hope ill see as fast results as you have! but even some change will be great!

    kegbail thats awesome! inches are always great, because if you gaining muscle in place of fat it weighs more, im trying to remember this so i dont get discourage with seeing little change on the scale. Cant wait to see pictures! and thats a great idea i have no so great knees as well but so far so good, so if i do run into problems maybe i will try that method!

    taradawn69 how is the ripped one as well? and i will be checking those pics out now! thanks!
  • bas27
    bas27 Posts: 61 Member
    When I get on a computer I'll post pics. I finished it last night. So far my results are still sinking in. I'm so afraid its too good to be true. The scale says I lost 19.4 pounds. I bought a pair of pants about 3 sizes too small. I couldn't get them passed my knees. TodayiI was able to button them. I seriously regret not taking measurements! I'm very bummed.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member

    I lost between 5-7# but over 14"

    The last picture on the lower right is actually day 17 of Jillian's Extreme Shed and Shred. I started it immediately after 30DS
  • rumplesnat
    rumplesnat Posts: 372
    Kicking myself because I didn't take pics, but I did take measurements! Actually gained about 4 pounds, but lost 24.5 inches! Over 2 feet!!! Just finished the program yesterday.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    I am not yet through with this but wanted to offer you motiviation to keep it going. I am on L2D9! Two more days of level 2 and I am onto Level3. I haven't weighed, measured, or taken any pictures yet. I feel so much stronger, so much more fit than before starting this. Yup, it's hard, no doubt about that. Even Day 8 on Level 2 was hard, but you push through it and the reward is so worth it!

    Keep on trucking!
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    Just completed the 3rd round of 30DS L1, not done it since November and my fitness has certainly improved.

    May have to order the other DVD's. Does anyone recommend any of the others that she has done?
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