My calories are spent but I'm hungry



  • minihaak
    minihaak Posts: 43 Member
    1280 is quite low... no wonder you feel hungry. If you are looking at reassessing your goals check out the in place of a road map forum post.
  • A lot of good tips here. I have to repeat some of them, because for me, they really do work.

    1) Drink water when feeling hungry - often I mistake being hungry for simply being thirsty
    2) Add more proteins into your diet - makes you feel fuller, longer - I am a vegetarian, so I drink protein shakes
    3) Don't start too optimistic with the diet - think of it long term. Don't go from eating 3000 calories a day to 1200 next day - think long term

    And I think what is most important as well, is to look at this as a journey. What works for some, might not work for you. If you are extremely hungry one day and you exceed your daily calorie need, don't panic. Just look at what you have eaten that day, and see where you can make improvements. I find that if I have a day of a lot of carbs, I get hungry in the evening. If I have had a lot of proteins and fats, I am having difficulty reaching my calorie need for the day as I'll feel full whole afternoon and evening. I will then adjust the next day to make sure I am within an acceptable level.
  • AnJulNZ
    AnJulNZ Posts: 186 Member
    If it were me, I'd change that 2lb/week to 1lb a week because I hate being hungry and weightloss is a long-term thing.

    My calories per day are at 1500. I try to plan my day out before lunch so I know what I can eat during the rest of the day. I usually eat most of my exercise calories back - the more I exercise the more I can eat, and I find I'm often not as hungry.

    And yes, make sure you're getting enough water. Good luck :smile:
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    I was still hungry last night after eating my dinner.

    So I done a 20 minute Jillian Michaels video from Youtube, I then had enough calories for a snack.
    Sometimes though a cup of tea or a glass of water can take away my hunger, it's worth drinking something before you eat to see if it helps.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I should have read the water tip earlier. I've only had 4 cups today so that probably is it!!

    I almost made the chicken and even googled bake time and set the oven to pre-heat--but then I stopped myself. I ended up eating a dill pickle (random, I know) cause it's zero calories and my sodium levels were under. Still wasn't enough so had a little hummus with baby carrots. Still went over on calories by 300, but better than yesterday when I was over by 3,000!

    Must work on the perfection vs "to hell with it" extreme thinking.

    Gotta try the water, next time!!

    You could have had the chicken breast for around 150cals and been over by less :) Never assume just because something is more of a 'meal' that you shouldnt have it. Also, I agree that 1280 cals is VERY low, if you're hungry, EAT THE FOOD! :smile:
  • Go to bed hungry!!! I do this a lot as I log my food, exercise and weight in morning. Yes, I weigh myself every morning as it stops me from stuffing things in my mouth. I know I will have to face the scale in morning. I get out of kitchen after dinner. If I get hungry, I take a bath, go to bed early and just think about how much easier this is than being hungry in middle of day. You fall asleep and voila - congratulate yourself the next day on keeping on track. This type of positive reinforcement will help you eventually want to wake up ready for b'fast instead of being pissed at yourself for giving in and falling asleep.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    I'm set at 1280 per day which factors out to a 2 lb. Loss per week?

    I love all the suggestions and tips everyone is giving. Taking it all to heart. I might make a bulleted list of all these tips and post to fridge so I don't forget them!

    That is way too low now wonder you're going over and beating yourself up about it.

    Rwad up about BMR AND TDEE- you're practically starving yourself and are craving fatty foods that will help you make up the difference leading to binges.

    For you id recommend eating your TDEE - 30% which i can guarantee will be double your current intake.

    Since I've been following my TDEE and using a deficit i've lost a lot of weight and i don't binge. you'll need to reset your metabolism so give it a few weeks and then the lbs and inches will fly off.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    I'm set at 1280 per day which factors out to a 2 lb. Loss per week?

    I love all the suggestions and tips everyone is giving. Taking it all to heart. I might make a bulleted list of all these tips and post to fridge so I don't forget them!

    That is way too low now wonder you're going over and beating yourself up about it.

    Rwad up about BMR AND TDEE- you're practically starving yourself and are craving fatty foods that will help you make up the difference leading to binges.

    For you id recommend eating your TDEE - 30% which i can guarantee will be double your current intake.

    Since I've been following my TDEE and using a deficit i've lost a lot of weight and i don't binge. you'll need to reset your metabolism so give it a few weeks and then the lbs and inches will fly off.

    Adding on from this i lift heavy and i lose 2 lbs a week of FAT, this wont keep up forever i know but im gaining muscle which is speeding up my metabolism to burn more.

    it's not about losing weight as that equals muscle, bone, water and fat your goal should be to lose FAT
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Option A is a positive option.

    Mainly though I would agree with the others about changing your weight loss goal.
    Being successful trying to lose 1lb a week is much better than trying to lose 2lbs a week and failing while feeling constantly hungry and miserable.
  • Susan_fessler
    Susan_fessler Posts: 56 Member
    I get hungry at night sometimes also. My calorie limit is 1200 on anything I look at and that is losing 1 pound a week if I change that is does not go up. I had the same issue with Weight Watchers I always have the lowest points possible I think it's because I am short. I do crossfit 5 days a week before work and starting training for a 5k this week. I use to play roller derby and skater 3 hours 3 days a week. I use almost all my exercise calories or I don't lose any weight. I use a fitbit to monitor my exercise and it has seemed to work out really well. Great snacks are the 100 calorie nut packs, I get the cinnamon flavor and the chipotle flavor depending on if I want something sweet or salty. I also drink coffee or tea something hot seems to fill me up . Another trick is to brush your teeth because food just does not taste that good after that. It takes the body a while to get use to the lower calories but it does and eventually you find yourself trying to eat things to meet your calorie goal.
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    Good morning,

    Definitely take the water tip to heart. Lots of the time when I think I’m hungry, all I need is some water and/or some herbal tea. Then I feel fine!

    Since you typically binge at night, try eating light to heavy throughout the day. Eat fresh fruit and/or freshly prepared juice for breakfast. Eat raw salads with homemade dressings for lunch and/or homemade vegetable soup. Save the heavy starches and/or proteins for dinner. If you eat a heavier dinner, it might fill you up more and prevent that late-night binge.

    If you are still reaching for snacks at night, don’t eat anything heavy. Munch on raw veggies like baby carrots, broccoli, celery etc. Raw veggies tend to digest more quickly than other foods, so you won’t feel so loaded down in the morning. Try to avoid dips (hummus isn’t “bad” for you, but it will send your calories up much more quickly than plain veggies will). Fruit isn’t a terrible option, but eaten too closely to dinner it could inhibit digestion. I always suggest raw veggies over fruit before bed.

    Don’t be too hard on yourself, by the way. Especially since you’re new to this. If you go a little over, it is not the end of the world. I actually go over pretty often, but if most of my calories are coming from clean, natural foods, I don’t stress about it. And yes, I still lose weight!

    Best of luck to you, and feel free to add me as a friend! =)
  • margauxmilchen
    margauxmilchen Posts: 17 Member
    No no no! Do not eat fruit! That will spike hunger from sugar. Eat a little protein instead. Keep away fro. All sugar..especially fruit.
  • margauxmilchen
    margauxmilchen Posts: 17 Member
    Chicken breastfeeding will not put you way that!
  • margauxmilchen
    margauxmilchen Posts: 17 Member
    Chicken breast. Damn auto correct
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    This really has not happened to me in a long time. But it did when I first started using MFP. Probably 8 times out of ten, I would just go to bed. The other 2 times - when I was REALLY hungry - I'd eat something with protein, like a measured portion of nuts (something like 8 single almonds) or a single egg or string cheese, all under 100 calories.

    The exercise option isn't something I would consider past 9 pm but that's just because it would energize me & make it difficult to get to sleep. Not a problem on the weekend but I try to be in bed by 10 or so if I have work the next day.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Do you really think that the people who stopped posting in this thread about 16 months ago are going to read your very late to the party replies?
  • Chicken breast. Damn auto correct

    lol, you had me going there for a moment!