
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Moxie.................I realized it was day 100 cause I print it out every night, and when I get a small stack, I then add numbers in the upper right corner before I file them in a folder (perhaps a little OCD, I know). :)

    Have a good day everyone, gotta get to gym

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    the water pitcher from Bed Bath and Beyond is named Infuse Flavor It -beverage system, spill safe lid and its 29.99 but with the 5.00 coupon ,24.99.... just sayin:wink:
    got to the gym and did 1/2 hr on the bike, a few machines.. that was it....
    going in to work at noon, so doing a few loads of laundry. had some special K with banana and skim milk, but still hungry hmmmmmmm. will hold off eating anything,,,,
    yes I was looking at bathing suits,havent found any I will splurge on yet, I am saving up for a fit bit flex, for when I hit that 30 lb mark:happy:
  • I read your post and am interested.How did you calculate your BMR (basil metabolism rate, I take it)? What is a HMR and how do you calculate that? I fear my metabolism rate is low and need to figure out as you did how to work around it to lose weight. Thanks for the help.
    Good morning, wonderful ladies!

    Today I am NOT exercising, at least not until the sun comes out. Why? They delivered my mulch and pea gravel yesterday, and me being me I couldn’t WAIT to start pulling up the walkway stones between my garden beds and smoothing everything out with the gravel. Net result: 1/3 of the garden walkways done, one VERY sore lower back. I can see this is something that’s going to have to be taken in stages. I am planning on doing some more today, but it may be along the lines of sprinkling the Preen over the flower beds before putting the mulch down :laugh:. We’re supposed to have either a lovely day (high temp day for the week!) or a rainy one, depending on which weather forecast you follow.

    I just did a quick calculation of my BMR just for fun – it’s at around 1350 calories – to try to drop 500 from that is ridiculous but it also shows why I couldn’t lose weight before – I would have starved! What it really tells me is that I need to exercise back another 400 calories a day in order to keep the weight moving off. It’s simple math, really. If I didn’t do any exercise, this is the amount of calories my body burns (and I’ve confirmed that with the HRM as well – I burn about 100 calories/hour in general). If I want to work a 500 calorie deficit I need to actually burn MORE to reach that level and still consume at least 1200 calories/day.

    Kate, welcome back! I can’t wait to hear all about Ireland – and pictures!

    Outwardlycalm, it’s frustrating to deal with injuries when trying to get fit – but take it one baby step at a time. If you can’t exercise right now, at least eat healthy foods for now, then start walking or some other form of gentle exercise until your body’s ready for more. We’re in your corner!

    Sue in TX – great pic! From the cruise?

    Jodios, when I get a sec I’m going to check out your plateau busting plan. Your dinner sounds yummy – enjoy!

    Michele, I try not to do too much in the garden other than put down mulch and weed. I don’t really like using pesticides, etc., but I can tell you after pulling up all the spring weeds this year (partially my fault for not mulching last year) I’m about ready to go Round-up on the yard! My neighbor last night was telling me I have to put down Preen, and everyone else around here says the same thing, so I might try that. I do fertilize my lawn, but I try to avoid the nature-killers – ahem. Anyway, I don’t mind the mulch movement – it makes me happy to see the birds stealing the mulch shreds to line their nests. Every so often I just have to sweep it back in place. Now that we don’t have dogs I don’t have to worry about it being tracked in the house as much. Sorry, rambling. Thanks for the tip though.

    DH bought Dunkin Donuts for the kids this weekend. I admit, I looked, but bless him he bought the kind I don’t like :laugh:. Did you try the chocolate vinegar on the brussel sprouts? I bet they would have been tasty roasted with a glaze made of the vinegar.

    Barbie, that list will still be there tomorrow – you’ve not been feeling great and probably just need to rest and take care of yourself. I hope you feel better soon.

    Pamelajeanne – welcome! Sometimes when you don’t have massive amounts of weight to lose the weight tends to move more slowly – and your body needs time to adjust to its new “normal.” Having said that, see my paragraph at the start about BMR and exercise. With a bad back it might take some time for you to be able to get to where you can do a lot – but I highly recommend yoga for back injuries, and then go from there.

    Sylwheat – welcome and best wishes the surgery goes well. It looks like you’ve been doing great on losing weight so far – keep coming back for help and maybe some motivation.

    Kathy, congrats on a productive day! I agree on the kids – my youngest turns 26 this weekend and I called him late the other night to make sure he wasn’t one of the kids killed in the avalanche over the weekend. I’ll never stop worrying about them but him especially.

    Eileen – keeping you in my thoughts. You’ve been a great daughter and sister.

    Jackie, here’s hoping it’s warm enough to warm up those darned bats!

    Mary, congratus on hitting the 20lb gone mark! Your water pitcher idea sounds marvelous – I’m going to have to try that this summer.

    Sue in SD, so glad to hear the biopsies were clean! I’m sorry to hear the weather is still stuck in the past – I think we’re all ready for a change now.

    Meg, um, yeah, lesson learned :laugh:. I’m with you on the snack thing. I’m going to post a list of healthy snack ideas on the door to my chip cabinet. Not that there are any chips in it at the moment, but I somehow always go there to look – and later on I’m mad when I remember I could have had x, y, or z instead. I even keep a bag of almonds next to the computer, but it takes serious focus for me to remember they’re there. I’m laughing about the cucumbers – my hairdresser is making her first run at gardening this year, and she was so proud of herself as she was telling me about planting the ENTIRE PACKAGE of both zucchini and summer squash. I told her for my next appt she is to bring me two of each plant, keep two for herself and throw the rest out! She’ll thank me later. And lol at the mint – I had the same experience, and that was in AZ where you can’t grow anything!

    Lucy, did you by any chance overeat the day before? Sometimes when I eat too much I find I’m starving the next day – I have no idea why that happens. Otherwise yes, it might just be this fickle weather. Or something. Congratulations on the mulch deal – that’s awesome! My neighbor was trying to talk me into hiring her yard crew to do mine, but I’m still determined to do it myself. I would never be all Judgy McJudgy about anyone who gets help though – I’m sure I’ll be there soon enough.

    Brooke, I hope the weather-guessers are right. DS is supposed to be flying to FL today, but after the foot of snow they got the other day I’m not sure he’ll be able to get through the tunnel!

    Katla, yes, that’s men – ahem. Give them a project and they’ll happily work on it – as soon as you want it be over.

    Tammy, glad to hear you’re still logging and exercising. As to your question, for me I find I tend to skip a meal usually when we’re traveling – we might eat a late breakfast and early dinner or an early breakfast and late lunch and light dinner, so it all works out. We also tend to move a lot more while on vacation than at home with all the walking – have a grand time!

    Sharon, sending drying thoughts your way.

    Deb A, so glad to hear you’re using exercise as a stress release – that’s exactly what it’s good for! Your work sounds busy but good – so glad for that.

    Carol in WNY, thanks and same to you!

    Yanniejannie, congrats on hitting the 100 day mark! And also on all the positive “gains” you have made – that all sounds terrific. I can remember wanting to weigh what I did at 9mos preggers – whew. I passed that mark last November and now am 10lbs away from pre-preggers – what a glorious day that will be! Wisteria . . . jealous . . .

    Joyce in IN, glad to hear DH’s testing went well. Yes, soup is one of those hidden sodium things. You have to be so careful with it. You might also remember that unless the item is pulled directly from a label it’s just a guess as to the calorie content, but still, drink lots of water to flush it all out!

    OK, I woke up at 4am wide awake so was able to get all of my responses in before starting work, but now I have to scoot. I spoke to my manager yesterday – they have surgery scheduled in a couple of weeks, and the oncologist says it’s still only a 30 – 40% chance it’s cancer, so I’m really holding onto every shred of hope I can find. I so don’t want her to have to go through this.

    Have a wonderful day everyone –


  • srdmomof3
    srdmomof3 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! Took my 11 year old shopping yesterday, walked the mall. Was so tired! But it was a good tired. We hit a lot of stores, got a few things. It is so hard finding decent clothes for her age these days! Oh well...

    Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good moning ladies,
    It is another glorious sunny day in the PNW.

    I have stumbled accross something that I forgot. Music makes me happy. I used to listen to music all the time. While cleaning the house, working in the yard, driving, etc. Somehow I had gotten away from it. I listen to the news in the car and DH always has the TV on so no music in the house. Well I have been trying to hide myself at work and that has afforded me the opportunity to put head phones on and listen to music all day. Pandora is awesome (On line personalized free radio station - you choose what you want to listen to) I am happier.

    On top of the music happy I have been given the chance to go work for another manager on a different program for 2 days a week. So at least I am away from the evil one for two days :bigsmile: and working for someone who appreciates my talents and skills. (oh, hi there self esteem, I had wondered where you had gotten off too.:tongue: )

    Although this upcoming weekend at the Renn faire will invlolve bad food choices and too much beverage, I am going to embrace the fun, friendship and kid like joy I feel when I play hard as a grownup. Tonight I need to do laundry and pack.

    I so appreciate all of you who have the time to so thoughtfully respond to so many. When I was unemployed and first joined this thread over 3 years ago I loved responding to everyone. I miss that. And I thank you for continuing to spread the love.

    Have an awesome day ladies,

    Robin,Ritter an Bodi

    PS Welcome back Chiclet
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Thanks for the replies yanniejannie and DeeDee! I looked where you both mentioned, even to the print out version, still am not finding the info. DeeDee, on the feed, it tells me how many days you have logged in, just not myself. I even went to the settings, but didn't find it there. Oh well, I am still learning my way around this site. :frown:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Amanda: Lash extensions? I haven’t heard f them. They sound amazing and possibly painful. Your plans for the Pod are wonderful. An outdoor office would be lovely.:flowerforyou:

    slimjoycenow: Welcome to the group. You’re wise to realize that you have to start where you are. We all do. You’ve found a wonderfully supportive group of women.:flowerforyou:

    Outwardlycalm: Welcome to the group. This is a supportive group of women, including me. That said, I’m worried about your goals. 15 pounds in one month is a huge loss and might not be healthy for you. Please consider letting MPF set a goal for you that you can stick with for the long term. Yoyo dieting is not healthy, and setting unrealistic goals could to lead to disappointment and discouragement. Start eating healthy as a gift to yourself in honor of your son’s graduation, and keep at it until you’re where you belong. In this race, the Tortoise wins.:flowerforyou:

    M: It is so easy to over do things that you love. It appears that you love gardening. Taking a “stages” approach to your project seems like a very good plan. I hope your aches and pains slip away quickly. :flowerforyou:

    Robin: YAY! :bigsmile: I’m glad you’re working with someone more positive two days a week, and I’m thrilled you’ve rediscovered your music. :flowerforyou:

    Today DH has his appointment with the new MS doctor. I am hopeful that this will be someone he can work with and respect. Underlying that is the strong hope that this is a doctor who can respect DH. That is the only way forward. I have a business card for his Chinese Medicine Doctor. She has offered to work cooperatively with his MS doctor. I plan to give the new doctor her card and ask if he is willing to consult with her. Cooperation between the two would be so helpful.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.Moving is going along.Should be out by sat.
    Am upset at how we are being treated.Was accused of stealing her paper towels.We continue to help and do things for her and then this is how we get treated.I am grateful for her taking us in,but can`t you treat people like people.
    Have a good day!!
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Hello Ladies ... just stopping by to say hi and to let you know I am still in it to win it. I have been busy running around and taking care of business. I will bump this to another time and catch up with you all later. Have a great day.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    I read your post and am interested.How did you calculate your BMR (basil metabolism rate, I take it)? What is a HMR and how do you calculate that? I fear my metabolism rate is low and need to figure out as you did how to work around it to lose weight. Thanks for the help.

    I just discovered this when I was playing with MFP this morning - if you click on the "APPS" tab it has a BMR and a BMI app on the menu bar - just click on it and it will use your data to figure it out. There are other ones that may or may not be more accurate you can find by googling - but every single one I've done comes back with about the same data. This is what I know about myself: I have a super low resting heart rate, a very low burn rate and a fairly low "fat-burning" range. All of this means I need to be pretty vigilant about my calories and exercise quite a bit.
  • sylwheat
    sylwheat Posts: 125
    Love all the post - you ladies are amazing in all your busy lives and healthy ways!! Only my second day here - but am glad I found you!
    You are such inspirations!!

    Have a great day! Wish I could comment on each post - but for some silly reason - the people here at work want me to WORK....wait, what??

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    A late check in from London today - just got home from all sorts of errands and then getting my lash extensions done. They don't hurt at all - they are put on individually and it took her an hour and a half. I had to lie still with my eyes shut all that time, so naturally I fell asleep

    Had a good half an hour stomp back to the tube station afterwards and I'm now home with fabulous lashes and a lot of shopping to put away. Best get on.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    It's raining again in Michigan. I'm almost positive I saw a fish swim by...

    They are still wearing parkas here <lol>
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Well, I’ve come to realize I’ve been tracking my weight ‘bass ackwards’ (as my Uncle used to say) - - my husband is gone four days/nights each week, so eating cleanly then is really a cinch, but when he is home it’s much more challenging (he is a meat & potatoes man through and through). Because my first weigh-day was a Wed. I’ve kept that up, however that is also the first day he is back on the road so the scale is always up! Duhhh, I’m going to start weighing now on Saturdays, the “end of the week”. Not getting near a scale before then, so maybe it will come unstuck! I have some new, smaller-size clothes teasing me to fit into them (close, but so far no cigar) as incentive. Wish me luck!

    Tammy in VA Beach – Just try to load up on produce and lean proteins while you’re traveling. San Diego has many great restaurant options, obviously fresh seafood is very plentiful there! Lots of great walking “sight-sees”: Balboa Park, Torrey Pines, the Zoo, Coronado (you can rent bikes there too). You can do it!

    Kate – Welcome back, Ireland is in the top 3 of my travel wish list! Hope you had a wonderful time and I hear ‘ya about the @#%^@ snow (soooo over it).

    DeeDee – “even my teeth taste salty” :laugh: I think we’ve probably all over-indulged and had a similar aftermath. Water is your friend, drink up!!! (wouldn’t hurt your body or mood to whip out the tiara and the hula hoop either)

    M. – Wow what a garden workout you’ve gotten (so far)! I can understand your back being sore in response. Hope your DS makes it to where he needs/wants to go. Lastly, prayers out for your manager’s positive diagnosis, improving health

    Sonja – Welcome back! How nice to combine quality time with your DD (dear daughter) and get some exercise too. I can only imagine how difficult clothes would be for her, it seems the marketers try to mature “our” girls younger and younger :huh:

    Robin - Thank you for sharing the “aha!!” of how music lifts ones’ mood. I too have always loved and been soothed by it, but for some reason haven’t been listening in quite some time. Am adding it back into the mix this very day! Also, how awesome that you’ll be away from “evil one” 2/5ths of your work-week. I know what you mean about your self-esteem slipping away when others treat you badly. You deserve better and I’m thrilled you’re getting it! Have a fabulous time at the Faire!

    Katla – Good luck at the M.D. appt. for DH, I hope they both find it a “good fit”. You’re right about how important that is when dealing with a chronic condition. Hope too that he is amenable (dare I say maybe even enthusiastic?) to working with the Chinese Medicine professional who is already helping. Keep us posted!

    Sylwheat - Darn it, those mean people really want you to do work at work???? :grumble: Shucks! Welcome and come back as often as you're able, you'll be glad you did!

    Amanda - Blonde bombshell with enviable, luxurious lashes have a lovely day in London!!!!! :wink:

    Brooke from Colorado
    “Each new day is another chance to change your life.”
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I think I posted in the wrong topic.
    Is this the current April 2013?
    I'm looking MFP-Friends in my age group

    Do you have room for one more?
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    I think there is always room for one more "mature" lady at table err board :wink:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I can't remember who posted it but what is 'hump day'???

    My husband got a call from the doctors office this morning and his nuclear stress and the results were good. So he picked up his pace a bit at the mall today after I stopped walking. I appreciate that he stayed with me until I had to stop and then he picked up the pace. Sometimes a heart attack can bring a couple together again and I'm hoping this may happen. I don't pretend that we will have the beautiful marriage that my parents had or what my oldest daughter has but I hope it will be stronger. We are on a different journey right now, he didn't always support me trying to be healthy with my MS. But after his heart attack eh realized that he needs to be on a healthier journey. And he has been patient and supportive of me, most if the time. He still likes to go out to eat all the time which I wish I could change because that would really change what my nutrients are at the end of the day. I June he has a lipid profile and he may find out that his own eating has to change also. I just wish I could cook!
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Wednesday is "Hump Day". The day in the middle of the week which, when complete, leads to the WEEKEND :drinker:
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good sunny afternoon!

    Thanks for the encouragement and ideas. I do love to get away with DH, away from work, house, responsibilities...
    and can't think of a better place to go than San Diego!

    Think I'll go out and enjoy today's sunshine. Don't think we'll be having sun tomorrow!

    Keep smiling! I'm grateful for you all and this thread. :love:

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :frown: I've lapsed a bit - not logged or exercised. Just can't seem to get my head in the game. It's silly because when I planned and logged my food beforehand, I started to lose weight!

    :yawn: :yawn: I'm so tired all the time, but I'm going to start exercising again now that my cough has gone.

    Well sorry I only seem to be flying in and out but it is time for bed I am up early so need my beauty sleep :bigsmile:

    Goodnight dear Vit Fs

    Viv UK - had a bit of sunshine today!