5'2 ladies, what is your goal weight?



  • skoecher45
    skoecher45 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'3" but shrinking at 63. My goal is to loose 40lbs which will bring me to 142. But I don't plan on stopping there. Would love to get closer to 130.
  • kailexx
    kailexx Posts: 197
    I'm 5'1, currently 194 lbs, started at over 200, my goal weight is 120 lbs, which puts me in the middle for what is acceptable for my height and build!
  • My current weight is about 114, but my ideal weight is 102!
  • chunkadoo
    chunkadoo Posts: 41 Member
    I'm not that concerned with weight since you could be super dense with muscle, but ideally 115-118lbs with a strong core+more inches on my tush.

    I haven't been sub 115lbs since I was like..8-9 so I wouldn't aim below that though I think at this height even sub 100 is still healthy (lower end of course)
  • kskonkol
    kskonkol Posts: 14 Member
    I joined and quit Weight Watchers in one day over goal weight.

    The leader asked what I wanted to be. I said that I was in the 120s in high school and a size 7. I would be more than happy with that. She promptly set my goal weight as 108. She refused to set it to even 120 and then re-evaluate how I felt at that point.

    Bottom line, there is more to it than just your height.

    What weight will make someone comfortable in their own skin?

    How hard is it going to be to maintain the weight you desire?

    There's probably 50 other things to consider...

    Don't let height and the dreaded BMI chart rule your decision.
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    It was 100 but I'm at 137 now and don't see that happening maybe 115-110 at the lowest. I'll still shoot for 100, I can always put a bit back on.
  • 115. I've been as high as 130, and have maintained 118-122 for the past 5 years. Can't ever seem to get the extra 5 pounds off no matter how strict I am about counting calories and getting daily exercise. I'm guessing my body likes to be this weight, so I try not to worry about it. I'm small boned, but have curves.
  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    110 give or take. i am 123 right now with 33% body fat... would love to see 25% body fat
  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    It was 110 but I am actually below that now. Now my goal is just to lose 1.5 inches on my hips. I actually am not as worried about the scale anymore as much as measurements and how I look. I want to be really toned even it means I gain 10lbs :)
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    5'2" and 19. At my lowest at 13 I was 120lbs or so with a tiny belly I didn't even care about. My highest was in March 2012 around 183lbs when I started my journey. Right now I'm at 150.4 and would love to get back to 120lbs :)
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    My happy place is around 120-125. Easy to maintain. I'm a size 4.
  • jfaironair
    jfaironair Posts: 26 Member
    125-130, I like having curves. Don't want to be highschool skinny again.
  • Cmg2k
    Cmg2k Posts: 35 Member
    29 yrs old. 5'2.25" currently 158-160lbs. 30% body fat, 37 in bust, 29 in waist, 41 in hip.. Not counting on the scale. But my goal is around 22-25% body fat (for now.)
  • I'm 5'4 & my goal weight is 130 ????
  • hailsmac82
    hailsmac82 Posts: 9 Member
    Hmm at the moment I'm aiming for 130-140, anything lower is a bonus :-) I guess I will reevaluate how I feel about myself when I get there!
  • Ideally what should be a healthy body fat percentage for someone of my height?
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Ideally what should be a healthy body fat percentage for someone of my height?

    healthy body fat percentage is the same regardless of height and frame size. It's different for men and women, because women carry fat in their boobs and hips that men don't have. Because it's a percentage, a small person will have less actual fat than a larger person at the same percentage, but the way it sits on the body will be roughly the same (i.e. there's more space on the larger person for it to go)

    The healthy range for women is 18-28%, although 15-18% is healthy if you work out enough to have strong bones and muscles... if you starve yourself down to 15% it's not healthy. Female body builders go down to 13% body fat for contests then go up to around 17% off season, because it's not healthy to sustain 13% body fat long term. 28-34% is overfat, and 35%+ is obese.

    As to what your goal should be, it depends how you want to look

    13% - women at this low percentage usually look very muscular with a lot of definition

    15% - visible abs and definition, but softer than at 13%

    18-20% - some muscle definition but overall a more softer look, a lot of bikini models have their body fat percentage around this, because there's less definition but you still look slim and toned

    low 20's - most women will not have muscle definition but will still look slim and fit, but maybe softer than 18-20%

    25%-28% - this is a more soft and curvy look

    as you get higher body fat percentages above this, you start to look chubby, then fat, then obese

    hope that helps.
  • I'm 136 now and would like to be 115
  • Ideally what should be a healthy body fat percentage for someone of my height?

    healthy body fat percentage is the same regardless of height and frame size. It's different for men and women, because women carry fat in their boobs and hips that men don't have. Because it's a percentage, a small person will have less actual fat than a larger person at the same percentage, but the way it sits on the body will be roughly the same (i.e. there's more space on the larger person for it to go)

    The healthy range for women is 18-28%, although 15-18% is healthy if you work out enough to have strong bones and muscles... if you starve yourself down to 15% it's not healthy. Female body builders go down to 13% body fat for contests then go up to around 17% off season, because it's not healthy to sustain 13% body fat long term. 28-34% is overfat, and 35%+ is obese.

    As to what your goal should be, it depends how you want to look

    13% - women at this low percentage usually look very muscular with a lot of definition

    15% - visible abs and definition, but softer than at 13%

    18-20% - some muscle definition but overall a more softer look, a lot of bikini models have their body fat percentage around this, because there's less definition but you still look slim and toned

    low 20's - most women will not have muscle definition but will still look slim and fit, but maybe softer than 18-20%

    25%-28% - this is a more soft and curvy look

    as you get higher body fat percentages above this, you start to look chubby, then fat, then obese

    hope that helps.

    Right now I am 26 percent body fat, but want to be 20
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    You know, whenever these "short woman" threads come up, I'm never sure if they're new or I've answered them before. Lol so sorry if I've maybe posted on this thread like 80 times in that case!

    I'm 128-9 right now. My goal weight is 110-115.