I was asked if I am PREGNANT! (insert sad face here)



  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    12UK or 12 US? 12UK at that height isn't overweight at all really. It was rude of him but sometimes people genuinely think people are pregnant and not everyone in the world is good at expressing themselves. When I was younger I asked someone if they were pregnant and they weren't, I haven't made that mistake again though.

    Why not use it to help motivate you to lose the weight you need to lose.

    Anyway it is silly to leave work just because someone said something you didn't like. The world is going to hurt you occasionally and that's just how it goes.
  • skorpio1030
    Guys just don't get it.. Not at all...

    I just had a baby 5 months ago (a big 8 lb 5 oz baby) and I gained like 55 pounds.. Guys used to ask me all the time was I carrying twins or triplets.. The worse thing ever..I'm only 5'2" so you could really tell I gained a lot... Most of the time it didn't bother me, but sometimes it was just hard to shrug off! I'm still battling trying to loose the baby weight after 5 months now..
  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    I have a friend who is actually quite thin who used to get asked if she was pregnant all the time. It wasn't fat -- it was her posture! She would always stand with her shoulders slumped, her hips forward, and her belly lax, and it made her stomach look rounder than it really was. Once she realized this and started standing taller, she stopped getting asked about her pregnancy... or at least they stopped until she really did get pregnant.
  • kaylacollinscna
    kaylacollinscna Posts: 102 Member
    I work in a nursing home and I've had residents ask me that before. I usually just tell them "No, i'm just fat." It goes pretty awkwardly from there.
    At the same time I've had residents make different comment such as I look like I'm built for the job (like they're equating weight with strength? I don't know xD) I always think It's funny. I have one male residents who calls me the "big strong girl".
  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    I've never been asked if I was pregnant,probably because I'm only 19.
    I mean,the coworker is obviously a guy and you know how they can be inconsiderate.Or maybe he's mean.

    But,because you mentioned the cyst and I just assumed that you were taking some hormones,I wanted to tell you that you shouldn't feel guilty that you gained weight.
    I'm on hormone pills because I had problems with my ovaries(like cysts and twisted ovarian tube,but that's a long story) and when I first started taking them,I gained like 12 lbs in one month and some more after that.Hormones really have a huge effect on my appetite and I have to try hard to suppress it.I'm assuming that you were in a similar situation.
    Just keep on trying and the effort will pay off and don't pay attention to those stupid comments.You'll shove it up his *kitten* when you lose weight and come to work looking all gorgeous.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Somebody forgot to teach that guy manners. You don't just randomly ask people that!
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Well Kind of a bit weird that this happened, but the only time I was asked this question, heres what happened. My daughter was 8 months old and we were at a family reunion, aka surrounded by people I see once every 1-2 years. This older women who I dont even know came up and told me "Congrats, oh my goodness another one already??" I was sooo hurt when I realized she thought I was pregnant again! I cried for like a week straight... And then missed my period and found out I WAS pregnant again! Not far enough along to show, but it was still weird that she said that and I didnt even know I was pregnant yet!

    And yeah, isnt it taught in like Etiquette 101 that YOU NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant or reference her being pregnant unless she has told you she is, at which point you say "Wow you look great!" OR the child is coming out of her??
  • stephanieogle35
    This has happened to me twice. Once at a doctors appt the nurse said to me "Our charts indicate this is your post-partum appt, but you haven't even had that baby yet!" The second time it was the woman doing my pedicure. Really put a damper on my relaxing experience. When I was pregnant, I used to hear "Are you sure there's only 1 baby in there?" at least twice a week. I've had 3 kids, and my smallest was 9lbs 12oz. It takes a lot of growing to accommodate a baby that big, and I would get so offended when people would ask me "how many" babies were in there. Some people need to learn to not open their mouths.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Somebody forgot to teach that guy manners. You don't just randomly ask people that!

    He didn't randomly ask that. He went out of his way to ask that. That kind of makes the whole thing bizarre. I mean the guy was really motivated to ask this question. I would have doubts about his sanity under these circumstances. I would ask him how his med regimen is going and ask if they upped his dose of Wellbutrin, yet.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    one time i was outside and a guy came up to me and said "you shouldn't be smoking while your pregnant"
    i looked at him like ---> :mad: and he just said "oops! sorry!" and pretty much ran in the other direction! LOL

    i worked in retail last year and a really stupid woman (regular) came in and asked if i was pregnant. i waited till the other lady in line left, and i looked at the woman and said "nope. just fat. thanks for reminding me." and she just looked at me dumbfounded and you could tell she was embarrassed.
    i gave her a stern look and said "never ask another woman that. ESPECIALLY if you don't even know them"
    she said "sorry", looked down and left the store.

    i gotta say, i think i made her feel worse than she made me feel! lol
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    I have PCOS and it can cause women to gain in their stomach disproportionately. Which has happened to me. I have terrible social anxiety now after constantly being asked if I was pregnant, or how far along I was, even some people arguing with me after I had told them that no, I am not pregnant... "are you sure? You look like you are!" it's humiliating. I used to be able to laugh it off, but it got to a point where I just assumed everyone every where that saw me thought i was pregnant. I feel ashamed and embarrassed all the time by my physique. When I go out now I wear shape wear that is tight and uncomfortable, but it holds in my stomach enough to lift my confidence. It sucks. That is why I'm working so hard to lose weight now. But even when I do get down in size, my stomach will still be bigger then it should be because of how PCOS has affected my body. It's not fun. I hate that men can have "beer belly'" and nobody thinks twice, but if a younger woman has a larger stomach she is assumed to be pregnant.
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    I didn't even like that question when I was pregnant! I used to tell people "lucky for you, yes, otherwise you'd look pretty rude right now" every once in a while!
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    i worked in retail last year and a really stupid woman (regular) came in and asked if i was pregnant. i waited till the other lady in line left, and i looked at the woman and said "nope. just fat. thanks for reminding me." and she just looked at me dumbfounded and you could tell she was embarrassed.
    i gave her a stern look and said "never ask another woman that. ESPECIALLY if you don't even know them"
    she said "sorry", looked down and left the store.

    i gotta say, i think i made her feel worse than she made me feel! lol

    Haha love it! I have said something similar to people - it depends on who it is. I've been asked by two random middle aged strangers and I said "nope, just fat. thanks." and gave a b*tchy glare. It shut them up fast and that was that. Hopefully my reaction was enough to prevent them from ever asking anyone else! Another time it was an old woman and she was just like a sweet old grandma asking when I was due so I just said "oh, i'm not pregnant" and was nice about it bc I think she meant well.
    I thought everyone knew not to ask, but apparently not! :noway: I've also been asked (or been w/ a friend who was asked) if I wanted to sit on buses or subways - presumably they thought I was preggers and were trying to be nice! :( I just say no thanks and smile (and cringe inside).

    It is true about the posture though - I definitely have a bad habit of sticking my hips forward when standing and that juts your belly out, making it rounder as someone said. And hey, maybe it's a compliment as we aren't so huge that we're obviously fat, we are small enough that it could just be pregnancy :wink: :laugh:
  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    I didn't even like that question when I was pregnant! I used to tell people "lucky for you, yes, otherwise you'd look pretty rude right now" every once in a while!

    :laugh: I've known people that were pregnant but I wasn't sure so I would just be like "what's new with you?" And then she'd say "oh, I'm pregnant!" Much better than asking directly :wink:
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Aww.. I've been there. People suck.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    What a ( explisit)!!! Yes not this time around ( I lost a lot of weight then gained some back) but when I was at my heaviest I got asked that about 4 times I cried everytime until I had enough and got to working out and feeling better. I can understand the anger but use it to better yourself and once the weight is off keep it that way i have no idea why but its much harder for me to lose it this time around!!
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    A stiff palm to the teeth would be my response of choice. Just sayin.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    How is it rude to ask a women if she is pregnant? Just say "No."

    If a grown woman has a large stomach who you've never seen before anyone would assume that they were pregnant..
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    When I first started I'd lost ten pounds and was feeling really good, then some jerk who has been annoying me for years told me I was fat I didn't get mad or depressed I worked harder. Who was he to determine how i feel? So I made it a goal to one day make eat his words. Now I'm down 70 lbs and I see him drooling when I walk by, but to bad for him... He's already ruined his chances of me ever even talking to him. Who's laughing now!

    ^^^ Hero.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    A stiff palm to the teeth would be my response of choice. Just sayin.

    this ^^^^^^^