Looking for people that need motivation :)

Hey guys, I'm on here a lot and I have been very successful with MFP as well as helping people reach their goals. I am no personal trainer (although I have taken the CanFitPro course) I would love to help anyone that needs an extra push or just someone to chat with along their journey, feel free to add me as a friend, I'm here to help!

You're not alone :)


  • daisygettinghealthy
    daisygettinghealthy Posts: 48 Member
    hi, do you have kik messenger?
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    hi, do you have kik messenger?

    No Kik but I have facebook and Instagram :)
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    Someone's gotta want some help?
  • suzmathew
    suzmathew Posts: 61
    Help and motivation needed please!
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    Hey Suz!!! thank's for commenting on here :) and thank you for the add :)

    I'll add ya into my group!
  • I would love help. Ive been stuck were i am for months, starting to give up.Jen
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    I'm looking for a good kick in the buns!! 35 yo mom of two, business owner, wife, sister, want to be triathlete! First triathlon in 6 weeks!! I'll take all the motivation you can give!
  • themonps3
    themonps3 Posts: 12 Member
    me im puttin on an eating less at this rate i will starve an be as big as a house lol ;)
  • I need just overall encouragement. I'm pretty much alone in this world, and I don't want to be ugly too!
  • Maxiejo12
    Maxiejo12 Posts: 1 Member
    Help!!! I can use all the help and motivation i can get!!!! :sad:
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    Wow! I am so excited for all of your replies! I'll be sending you all messages so that we can determine some goals and get your on your way!
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    I would love to have a friend to help motivate me and bounce ideas off of:)
  • CoachsWifeLife
    CoachsWifeLife Posts: 10 Member
    could def. use some outside encouragement! :)
  • Fabu_lass
    Fabu_lass Posts: 122 Member
    help and motivation needed please

    thanks for doing something like this, sometimes its hard on this journey without it
  • mzjessicaxo
    mzjessicaxo Posts: 330 Member
    help and motivation needed please

    thanks for doing something like this, sometimes its hard on this journey without it

    You are very very welcome, I too have needed that extra push and sometimes you need help! The first step is admitting it!

    Just so you all know, I am adding you as friends so I can motivate by message as well as by posting, if this is not alright with you, just don't accept! you won't hurt my feelings I promise!
  • grho
    grho Posts: 71 Member
    I sure could use some help. I have a long way to go and with out someone looking over my shoulder I tend to slack (I always did really well on weight watchers when I had someone actually looking at my weight every week!)
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    I could always use more motivation. I kind of feel stuck right now, I've come so far at 33lbs down (contrary to my tracker down there) but I'm only half way and it's so frustrating :/
  • IamL
    IamL Posts: 69 Member
    I would love some motivation. :)
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I could always use some more motivation! :) Down to the last few lbs and inches now so it's go time!!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I feel stuck too.
    I have motivation but I need reassurance.
    I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time!