Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life...



  • PicNdazy
    PicNdazy Posts: 19 Member
    Damn!!! 70 lbs. Way to go.
  • plserio
    plserio Posts: 4 Member
    I wouldn't mind being your friend. My husband just went to a class to learn more about exercise through his county job and showed me this very inspiring video about a disabled veteran. I would like to send it to you, if you like.
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Feel free to add me bro!!! Sounds like you mean it!
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    Welcome bro your welcome to add me as well the more friends for support the easier it is.
  • You can do it! It sounds like you're motivated and off to a great start with a plan in place! Feel free to add me :)
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    you got this!! one day at a time :smile:
  • alucardd20
    alucardd20 Posts: 39 Member
    So I started this journey and was doing well, but like all normal people I fell off the wagon. I had been sitting at 490 lbs and bouncing up and down. Then it happened high blood sugar and A1C that would make you cringe.

    Well that's what I needed.. I am on track again and down to 465lbs, pushing me close to a 120lbs total weight loss. There is nothing to make me want to fall off the wagon now. I squandered my chances in the past and now I feel like I am I my last chance here. So why did I update this thread.. Because I started it and now I am going to finish it. Wish me luck!