The worst meal I ever had was...



  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    I'm never opposed to trying anything of my co-workers brought Chitterlings/Chitlins in, as a soup, and I tried a bite. ONE.BITE.

    DISGUSTING doesn't even cover the horrible taste they have. They taste EXACTLY the way Poop smells. NO NO NO NO
  • jersey_jenn
    jersey_jenn Posts: 122 Member
    cold can of corned beef hash and a spoon of peanut butter. blech.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I tried my blueberry-whey shake with pea protein instead a few months back. Yuck!!!!
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    Ketchup Chips.

    I haven't even had them yet, but I am pretty sure they are going to be terrible.

    As a Canadian, I love ketchup chips. It's like one of the standards you get for a party. They don't actually taste like ketchup on chips, but even if they did... ketchup and potato products just work together.

    As another Canadian...they are good...yum...
  • Laurelthequeen
    I think it was when i tried to make a vegan pizza. I made vegan pizza dough, my own pasta sauce with the immersian blender, topped with "Daiya" cheese.

    It looked so pretty... i was so happy with myself...

    and then i tried it.

    threw the whole thing away.

    Isn't pizza dough always vegan?
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    My worst meal was not so much the food but the service.

    Went to a nice restaurant with my b/f at the time and ordered some steak with Chips. Only they sent out mash potatoes and when I told the waitress she said I had ordered it. I told her that I had not and would like chips but before I'd finished she went back to kitchen and bought out the chef- meat clever and all.

    He was also adamant that I had ordered mash potatoes but as I'm dairy intolerant i knew there was no way i would have. As soon as I mentioned this it was all smiles and replaced my meal and I got chips. but for a few minutes I had images of being chased out the restaurant by a mad chef.

    Also we took the family out to a Chiquitos once - took 45 minutes to serve food - only two other families in and some how they managed to both burn a burger but leave it raw in the middle. We know why it was the only empty restaurant in the block.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Don't ever go to Southend on Sea (UK) and order chicken and chips at a seaside cafe, it was so dry it got lodged in my throat and I couldn't get it down, had to drink a whole litre of water and my throat was aching the next day...
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    My worst meal was not so much the food but the service.

    Went to a nice restaurant with my b/f at the time and ordered some steak with Chips. Only they sent out mash potatoes and when I told the waitress she said I had ordered it. I told her that I had not and would like chips but before I'd finished she went back to kitchen and bought out the chef- meat clever and all.

    He was also adamant that I had ordered mash potatoes but as I'm dairy intolerant i knew there was no way i would have. As soon as I mentioned this it was all smiles and replaced my meal and I got chips. but for a few minutes I had images of being chased out the restaurant by a mad chef.

    Also we took the family out to a Chiquitos once - took 45 minutes to serve food - only two other families in and some how they managed to both burn a burger but leave it raw in the middle. We know why it was the only empty restaurant in the block.

    Oh man, which Chiquitos was this, I love Chiquitos!!
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    I once had this weird Dutch salted candy thing. It tasted like watching Two and a Half Men feels
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    My worst meal was not so much the food but the service.

    Went to a nice restaurant with my b/f at the time and ordered some steak with Chips. Only they sent out mash potatoes and when I told the waitress she said I had ordered it. I told her that I had not and would like chips but before I'd finished she went back to kitchen and bought out the chef- meat clever and all.

    He was also adamant that I had ordered mash potatoes but as I'm dairy intolerant i knew there was no way i would have. As soon as I mentioned this it was all smiles and replaced my meal and I got chips. but for a few minutes I had images of being chased out the restaurant by a mad chef.

    Also we took the family out to a Chiquitos once - took 45 minutes to serve food - only two other families in and some how they managed to both burn a burger but leave it raw in the middle. We know why it was the only empty restaurant in the block.

    Oh man, which Chiquitos was this, I love Chiquitos!!

    It was the one at Birstall retail park outside Leeds.
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    That spaghetti sounds horrible. My worse meal was one brought to me by an ex-boyfriend (who was my bf @ the time), before he went to work one evening. It was a BEAUTIFULLY-PRESENTED, WONDERFULLY-FRAGRANT meal that consisted of bbq baked chicken, mac & cheese, potato salad, and green salad. The only edible thing was the green salad. Everything else was DROWNED in table and Lawry's seasoning salt! With the exception of the green salad, I had to throw the ENTIRE plate out. And the worse part was that it was supposed to be a "surprise". I was hungy and in a grumpy mood because my car had broke down, so I'd asked him to bring me some McDonalds, but he'd refused because, as he stated, "McDonald's is HORRIBLE for you! All that damn SALT!" And what's worse, I thought I was able to convince him to get me the fries & nuggets anyway because he'd said "ok". When he got to my place, it was the plate of food he'd brought c/o his mother and he, who'd cooked it together before he'd left for work. Anyway, we spent a few minutes together and he went off to work, so I didn't start eating until after he'd already left, so I couldn't even tell him how I felt about it until later over the phone. Suffice it to say... I was PISSED! Had he just gotten me what I wanted, I would've been happy. And the worse part is that all of that sodium gave me a HUGE headache and my heart began racing (mind you, I only ate about 4 forkfuls out of shear hunger and desperation)! I didn't have much nice to say when he called me later that evening to see if I liked it. We broke up not too long after that, and though it wasn't because of the food, IT SHOULD'VE BEEN. SMH! Six years later and I am STILL traumatized!!!
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I can't get past the ketchup on pasta....
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    Ketchup Chips.

    I haven't even had them yet, but I am pretty sure they are going to be terrible.

    As a Canadian, I love ketchup chips. It's like one of the standards you get for a party. They don't actually taste like ketchup on chips, but even if they did... ketchup and potato products just work together.

    i don't even LIKE ketchup, but i love ketchup chips... although i'm Canadian too,
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    My husbands friend made potato salad once and the potatoes were very under cooked. Plus too much onions. I ate it to be nice, but it was awful. I can't stand undercooked potatos.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    many many many many years ago my husband went hunting and came home w/a pheasant...I was barely in my 20's and didn't have a clue...thought it looked like chicken so I shake n baked it.....not the best choice, it was like eating toothpicks. we ordered pizza that nite...and he never went hunting again (turns out he only wounded the animal and couldn't bring himself to kill it, someone else in the group had to do that...)
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    The most over-cooked gammon steak ever - it was like leather, my date's steak was just as bad. I still can't believe we actually paid for that meal. If it hadn't been a date I would have kicked off.
  • chileheadmike
    chileheadmike Posts: 78 Member
    My daughter and I driving back home to KC from camping and hiking in the Rockies. She got tired and just wanted a hot shower and a bed. So we stopped at a motel in Goodland, KS. One that offered free breakfast. When we checked out, they gave us a voucher for the restaurant. We sat down and gave it to our waitress. She said, "The buffet's over in the corner of the back room, make sure you get enough on your first trip, because if you go back for seconds, we'll charge you." Yikes, we should have left.

    I think they cook everything one day a week and just heat it up the following days until it's gone. Huge vats of scrambled eggs were dry, overcooked, and cold. Hashbrowns were black but still managed to be undercooked and cold. Biscuits and gravy... these were hockey pucks with wallpaper paste from a mix. And cold. They had toast stacked up at the end of the buffet, it looked like it had been there for a few days. Probably cold, but we didn't try it. I'm sure the milk for the stale cereal was warm though. We didn't eat much, and we sure didn't feel the need to go back for seconds. There was a family of 5 that came in as we were leaving. We tried to tell 'em but they went in anyway.
  • Laurelthequeen
    My husbands friend made potato salad once and the potatoes were very under cooked. Plus too much onions. I ate it to be nice, but it was awful. I can't stand undercooked potatos.

    One of my friends made guacamole and filled it with a bunch of raw onions. IMO, that is the quickest way to ruin guac is to mask the flavor of the avocados.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Worse food I ever ate: Durian.

    Worst meal: There's a few.
    Anything from Macaroni Grill, anything from the "mexican" places in Boston (staffed by brazilians and irish.).

    But for some down home, oh my god, are you trying to kill me with this crap?
    There's a "chinese" place here in town that looks like it was ripped from a rundown 1970s era casino. Think the peppermill, but decrepit. The menu has all the favorites, long duc dong, general's chicken, cream of sum yung gai, egg foo young. So we ordered a few things, the rice we got had the consistency of wall spackle. Apparently, they neglected to mention that it was more like a porridge. The dishes we got were so non-descript that both of our dishes could have been confused for the other if both had been the same meat. The beef tasted like the chicken, the chicken tasted like the beef, the vegetables had the texture of frozen jello. All of the sauces were variants of heavily diluted oyster sauce. It was terrible, and expensive, the dog wouldn't even eat the leftovers (Of which there was a lot.) It was terribly depressing. I just don't understand how that place always has a full parking lot.

    Finally, the worst meal ever due to physical pain...
    Hell night. (East Coast Grill, in Crambridge, MA)
    I had a bowl of pasta that had a sauce made up exclusively of scorpion chilis, and then doused in ghost chili hot sauce. I ate it, it hurt. When it came back up it hurt even worse. When it got in my eye while it was coming up, that was indescribable.

    To imagine the feeling of that pasta in your gut. Imagine a small volcano. Now eat it.
  • blondie_182_182
    blondie_182_182 Posts: 54 Member
    I have two that come to my mind. My ex-boyfriend's mother couldn't cook to save her life. She made pancakes for dinner one night that I was at their house. I was cautious, but how can you mess up pancakes? They were awful. No flavor, chewy, and fried in vegetable oil. Who fries pancakes? I might as well have drank the vegetable oil for dinner. Not even lots of butter and syrup could help those pancakes.

    The other was back in college. My roommate and I went to a chinese buffet that was cheap because we were broke college kids and couldn't afford much else. Everything we ate was awful. . I don't eat meat - even the vegetables were horrible. The worst part was the ice cream - it tasted like it was made from powder. We were both sick for two days after eating there. It closed down but anytime I pass the building, I shudder.