How Do you Curb Your Carb Cravings?



  • NoirDancer
    I hope you liked that alliteration I did there ;-). I'm a carb addict but know that low carb is the gateway to my weight loss. The instant I started, I lost 12 lbs in about a month. Now, I'm getting the desire to go back to carb eating, especially bread and potatoes, and I'm just wondering how you avoid going back!

    glycogen and water prob accounted for most of those 12 lbs

    Andddddd what is your point exactly?
  • NoirDancer
    I hope you liked that alliteration I did there ;-). I'm a carb addict but know that low carb is the gateway to my weight loss. The instant I started, I lost 12 lbs in about a month. Now, I'm getting the desire to go back to carb eating, especially bread and potatoes, and I'm just wondering how you avoid going back!

    What's wrong with bread and potatoes if they meet your macros?

    My body doesn't do well with bread and potatoes. While I eating those things I wasn't able to lose weight, now that I have, I see that more than likely I was insulin resistant and not breaking them down well.
  • NoirDancer
    I see from your profile that you have insulin resistance & PCOS so you are going to have to watch your carb consumption clearly.

    Personally, I think the way to curb cravings is to not have them to begin with - you don't have to fight something that isn't there. I think one of the keys to this is to not be hungry (which can be an indication of fluctuating blood sugar levels.)

    I think your best bet maybe to focus on lots of veg and high quality protein sources, sufficient calories to stay in deficit but not so low it creates lethargy and bad mood etc and eat when you feel hungry not at socially ordained meal times.

    If you can handle some potatoes / bread whatever in moderation then by all means do that as well. Some people can, some people finds it triggers binges. It's going to depend on you really.

    Thanks! This is awesome advice.
  • NoirDancer
    DO NOT!!! HEY i just dropped 20 lbs eating as many carbs as I wanted...I do not think that carb depleting is your me....its your gateway to temporary water weight loss and an unhealthy body and life! CARB up ALWAYS
    Kristian Rocco

    You know, in this forum people get upset when a vegan OP wants vegan tips to increase protein levels and someone responds with "OMG EAT MEAT". Since this OP is a low carber, so your advice to "CARB up ALWAYS" isn't helpful, and I'd hope you'd respect that choice.

    Exactly! Thank you :-)
  • NoirDancer
    This is a copy and paste from the group I started.
    Hope it helps. I have noticed a difference since starting it.

    From a weight loss standpoint, this could be my most important post ever if you suffer from cravings, specifically carb cravings. It's no secret after going off plan a bit this past weekend and then having the great pop tart mishap Tuesday, I had something going on. What was causing me to go astray when I typically don't? Why couldn't I control myself? After much research I believe I have found the answer. SERATONIN.

    Serotonin is our happy hormone. It is our stay on task hormone.
    What raises serotonin levels?
    1. Sunshine
    2. Physical touch
    3. Thinking happy thoughts
    4. Exercise
    5. Carbohydrates

    I am always a positive person. I always think happy thoughts. Recently I have jumped into my past hurts and emotions to write my book. To be honest, it has consumed my thoughts recently. Not in a bad way, I am just ready to tell the story and it is hard to find the time to get my thoughts on paper.

    So by changing my thoughts from happy things to the extreme opposite, it is my belief my serotonin levels have dropped. Once I figured out what was causing me to stumble, I wanted to know if there was anything else I could do to raise my serotonin levels. So I started reading.
    What causes carbohydrate cravings:
    1. Low blood sugar
    2. Sleep deprivation
    3. Low serotonin levels.
    The serotonin connection:
    When your serotonin levels are low, your body will naturally crave carbohydrates. Carbohydrates quickly raise and then lower serotonin levels. So the phrase ‘comfort food’ is accurate. High carb foods do indeed release chemicals in the brain that increase a sense of well being.

    Especially important in women:
    Why do women tend to have more of a problem with carb cravings and with staying on task at hand? Again, it’s serotonin. Estrogen, the dominant female sex hormone, decreases serotonin receptor density. So when Estrogen goes higher through a woman’s monthly cycle, the amount of serotonin needed to feel well, to curb cravings, and to stay on task increases.

    In men:
    Fat men have more aromatase enzymes, meaning the higher their body fat, the more estrogen their bodies will have. This higher estrogen level will naturally give a man with more bodyfat, more carbohydrate cravings. So in theory, the higher your body fat, the more serotonin your body would need to feel good and decrease cravings.

    Serotonin is made in the body by using the amino acid Tryptophan. Tryptophan is mostly found in plants and is not readily available in animal proteins. If you are on a low carb/high protein diet, odds are your Serotonin levels are low. Tryptophan is converted in your body to 5HTP. 5HTP is converted into Serotonin. 5HTP is one step away from becoming active Serotonin. By supplementing with 5HTP, studies show Serotonin levels do rise in test subjects. So if you suffer from carb cravings, depression, or staying on plan, you may want to give 5HTP a try.

    Awesome info!
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I hope you liked that alliteration I did there ;-). I'm a carb addict but know that low carb is the gateway to my weight loss. The instant I started, I lost 12 lbs in about a month. Now, I'm getting the desire to go back to carb eating, especially bread and potatoes, and I'm just wondering how you avoid going back!

    I'm a carb addict too and I was really over doing bread and potatoes before starting my new lifestyle. I've quelched that craving since February by finding satisfying alternatives.

    My current fav is ~ in the grocery produce section I buy the bag of pre-shredded, raw cabbage ~ it's "Dole Classic Cole Slaw Mix" (but not dressed with mayo). I like it heated in the microwave for 20 seconds and than I top it with all sorts of sauces & dressings. i have it with just about every lunch & dinner. It even looks like a pile of mashed potatoes on my plate :). I love it ~ it's so convenient and satisfying. Last nite I topped it with Italian salad dressing and broiled fish. Today I had it with a few ounces of chicken breast, a tbs of cheese dip, and an over easy egg on top ~ OMG soo good and truly filling!

    Good luck :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I've never had that problem so I might not be able to help much, but I'd suggest switching to whole grains instead of white stuff. Also start very slow or you might gain a lot of the weight back. Personally I'm not really watching carbs but try to avoid more than one carb heavy meal a day.
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    With the insulin resistance, you will probably find that being low carb helps with the blood sugar levels. Let your glucose meter tell you what your body can and cannot handle. I ate spaghetti last night - I just didn't eat very much of the actual pasta and my sugar levels were fine.

    I try to spread my carbs out over the day - taking in a small amount with each meal seems to help keep the insulin response more normal. Snacks in between meals help too. Consistency is supposed to be the key here - small amounts at regular times (although I'm not very good at that!). I notice from your profile you do intermittent fasting too - you may need to reconsider that, but again, let your glucose meter guide you.

    I do know there are things I can't eat - like several slices of a thick crust pizza. But I'm OK with a thin crust pizza, so I don't have to feel pizza-deprived. I find restaurant Chinese food puts me over every time, but I can cook a stir fry at home and have it with a small side of white rice. Brown rice would probably be better, of course!

    So, I guess I'm saying I curb my "carb cravings" by limiting the amount I have at any time, but not cutting out things I enjoy completely. And I still drink beer, dammit!
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    I find that eating something every 2-3 hours is the key to not have carb cravings.
  • NoirDancer
    All these suggestions are great! Thanks so much