support for Binge Eating Disorder



  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Just checking in and saying hi and hoping you all had a good weekend!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Anybody still around on this thread?
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    Are you in the same boat as us! I hope you are ok dealing with this it can be very hard. But there are alot of great peeps on here to help you out! Any questions shot!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi there,

    Yes, in the same boat. I've been working with a nutrition coach for 5 months and it is helping a lot! I'm so impressed by your success and would love to hear more about it!

    Diane :flowerforyou:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Plz pass on any usefully info you find out that could help us out!

    Thank you!
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Can you share your experience with your nutrition coach? I have thought about it this, but not sure how it would help when I am at home alone. Thanks for any insights to the process!
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    I just read through this thread. It seems to have died off. I'd like to join an active group. Perhaps those that are interested in staying in touch could do weekly check-ins? Since we are all on this site, perhaps supporting each other to stay within our calorie goal (its hard to binge and stay in your calorie goal, but I must admit I have done it!). Or, a daily check in with "I had a healthy eating day today"! or something like that? Or, We could pick a day, say Sunday (tomorrow) to state our goal for the week. Then report back how we did the following Sunday and state our goal for the coming week. Any thoughts?

    I just wish we could do these boards on the iphone!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    I love that idea I really need help with this! So I will post how I did for the day every day and what my goals are! I'm trying protion control instead of counting cals beacause I found that if I binge and count it I eat more. So I still log in my food to make sure I don't eat to much. Also we can start a new thread to see if we get more people to help us out!:bigsmile:

    My goal is to only have one bad food day a week and not binge everyday! I'm really going to try! And to write about how I feel before I binge!

    Good luck!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Can you share your experience with your nutrition coach? I have thought about it this, but not sure how it would help when I am at home alone. Thanks for any insights to the process!

    The nutrition coach has been able to help me so that I don't even have that urge to binge as often, so at home is easier. The first month seemed hopeless, but it got better. I gotta run right now, but tomorrow when I have more time I'll type you more about what they have taught me. :heart:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    On a lighter note, the Milk Duds are gone and I have learned that I CANNOT have such a big box of them in the house. Buying candy in small quantities has been a difficult one.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I struggle with periodic binges but they last for days at a time and then I can go weeks without a binge and stick to my plan perfectly. I am glad I am not the only one who can eat a large quantity of food and then want more. I think I have always had some type of eating disorder from one extreme to the other. I weighed 97 pound in my late teens (I didn't purge, I would just not eat for days at a time) In my younger years around age 7 if I got stressed or extremely worried I would quit eating, As an adult from around my late 20's on it seemed to swing the other way and now I deal with obesity and binges. I have noticed it does help for me to get enough sleep and eat a lot of veggies and fruits, and keep hydrated. I just need to remember that when I start slacking off. I would love to be involved in this group and I am willing to be accountable and supportive.:flowerforyou:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    Very proud to say I had a great food day and no binging. I have binged everyday last week so one up for me!
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47

    Very proud to say I had a great food day and no binging. I have binged everyday last week so one up for me!

    Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    My worst binge time is evening right before bed. I need to unlearn this. Last night I was having a tough time falling asleep, so naturally my body thinks sugar will put it to sleep, right? Stupid brain, stupid body. I fought the urge and only had 1/4 of the chocolate bar I bought (60 un-needed calories). I eventually fell asleep, but it just irks me, you know? When do you guys find yourselves in these frames of mind?
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member

    Very proud to say I had a great food day and no binging. I have binged everyday last week so one up for me!

    Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!

    I 2nd that!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Can you share your experience with your nutrition coach? I have thought about it this, but not sure how it would help when I am at home alone. Thanks for any insights to the process!

    I have learned so much over the past 5 months. Definitely can't capture it all in one post (especially since I can be rather long winded), but as I remember things, I'll post them. I'll call them rules. Some of them may be applicable for all binge eaters, but some of them may only apply to me because of the type of food I would choose to binge on and what time of day. As you've read, my worst time is the evenings.

    Rule #1: Do not restrict your calories to an unattainable amount.

    Your body needs the fuel and nourishment and if you restrict yourself to too few calories, you are setting yourself up for a binge. Your body will get those calories one way or another, so it is best to do it the healthy way and feed your body with good foods and not junk. This was a very difficult concept for me to grasp since I thought the less I ate the better. That is what I have been taught previously anyhow. But dieting does NOT work, let me repeat, dieting for a binge eater does not work! There are lots of other things going on with us than simply over-eating. There is a big difference between the over eater and the binge eater. The binge eater must re-learn healthy eating habits; and dieting involving calorie restriction is not healthy, and is not something we can live with. They have taught me how to eat for life, not temporarily to lose weight. That is where I've gone wrong all along. I've tried every way to lose weight except for what I'm doing now and for the first time ever, it is working and I can feel that it isn't coming back! When I first started with them, they wanted me to get in 2700 calories per day! 2700! I've never been on a "diet" that has allowed that. I even had a hard time getting them in because 2700 calories of healthy food is a lot of food. 2700 calories of cheeseburgers, pizza, ice cream and candy is one sitting. Keep in mind I weighed over 300lbs when I went in as well. After about 3 weeks of not getting even close to 2700 most days, we decided it would be okay to lower it to 2200, but I even have a hard time getting those in with all the other nutrition rules they gave me...which we will get to later. On the days I only eat fuel and not just food, I'm usually not hungry for all 2200 calories because my body has been given lots of healthy food and is not craving junk anymore. I know I'm getting away from topic, but the phenomonon of not craving junk food every day is WONDERFUL!!! Halelujah! I didn't know it could be so...and I love it! That is now though, it has gotten easier and easier over the past 5 months. At first when they told me this would happen, I was so skeptical. I never thought my body would actually stop craving junk food...but it did!!!

    Okay, long story short, FEED YOUR BODY, feed it lots and lots of fuel food, not processed junk. You need to eat, so eat well.
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Can you share your experience with your nutrition coach? I have thought about it this, but not sure how it would help when I am at home alone. Thanks for any insights to the process!

    I have learned so much over the past 5 months. Definitely can't capture it all in one post (especially since I can be rather long winded), but as I remember things, I'll post them. I'll call them rules. Some of them may be applicable for all binge eaters, but some of them may only apply to me because of the type of food I would choose to binge on and what time of day. As you've read, my worst time is the evenings.

    Rule #1: Do not restrict your calories to an unattainable amount.

    Your body needs the fuel and nourishment and if you restrict yourself to too few calories, you are setting yourself up for a binge. Your body will get those calories one way or another, so it is best to do it the healthy way and feed your body with good foods and not junk. This was a very difficult concept for me to grasp since I thought the less I ate the better. That is what I have been taught previously anyhow. But dieting does NOT work, let me repeat, dieting for a binge eater does not work! There are lots of other things going on with us than simply over-eating. There is a big difference between the over eater and the binge eater. The binge eater must re-learn healthy eating habits; and dieting involving calorie restriction is not healthy, and is not something we can live with. They have taught me how to eat for life, not temporarily to lose weight. That is where I've gone wrong all along. I've tried every way to lose weight except for what I'm doing now and for the first time ever, it is working and I can feel that it isn't coming back! When I first started with them, they wanted me to get in 2700 calories per day! 2700! I've never been on a "diet" that has allowed that. I even had a hard time getting them in because 2700 calories of healthy food is a lot of food. 2700 calories of cheeseburgers, pizza, ice cream and candy is one sitting. Keep in mind I weighed over 300lbs when I went in as well. After about 3 weeks of not getting even close to 2700 most days, we decided it would be okay to lower it to 2200, but I even have a hard time getting those in with all the other nutrition rules they gave me...which we will get to later. On the days I only eat fuel and not just food, I'm usually not hungry for all 2200 calories because my body has been given lots of healthy food and is not craving junk anymore. I know I'm getting away from topic, but the phenomonon of not craving junk food every day is WONDERFUL!!! Halelujah! I didn't know it could be so...and I love it! That is now though, it has gotten easier and easier over the past 5 months. At first when they told me this would happen, I was so skeptical. I never thought my body would actually stop craving junk food...but it did!!!

    Okay, long story short, FEED YOUR BODY, feed it lots and lots of fuel food, not processed junk. You need to eat, so eat well.

    Thank you so much for sharing. I think you are right about feeding your body because it will get what it needs one way or the other. I was "good" for 3 days - no binge and stayed within my calorie goal. However, last night I stayed up late and binged. I went Waaaaaaaaay way way way over my calorie goal and I probably should not eat again for 3 days! The thing is, I am a very healthy eater. I used to binge on junk food, but I got rid of that a couple of years ago, and I am not overweight. Now, I just binge on the healthy stuff. Like nut butters - eat it out of the jar, very high calorie (but not filling so you can really do some major calorie damage), nuts, dried fruit, dark chocolate, bananas, grapes, etc.
    I am fasting today to try to get a grip and get back on track and hope tomorrow will be a better day. One more thing, the strange thing about today is that I woke up in a Good mood (?). I usually wake up feeling like crap physically and mentally, but not today. I don't know what is up with that. But there is a tiny devil in my head that is telling me to eat today so I will feel awful - that I didn't do enough damage (although calorie wise I really did).
    This is the first time I've shared the details of this. Hope it wasn't TMI. I would like to hear your comments if anyone has similar experiences or can relate, have been through, or overcome. Thanks.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Tbfree--not TMI at all, thank you also for sharing. I think it will help us all to share our experiences here on this thread. And it is a good place for it, because none of us are going to be judging. We get it.

    In regards to the "healthy" bingeing, I can totally relate. I am also guilty of this as well. Especially now since I have mostly all healthy food in the house. I think this is a misconception some people have that bingers always eat the wrong things. That isn't true. A binger will find anything and everything they can to cram into their mouth to satisfy that blasted urge. For me, whether it is healthy or not, any time I eat and it doesn't feel controlled, even if it is only 200 calories of this and that, I still feel like it is a binge. I'll go to the fridge and eat a teaspoon of this and a tablespoon of that to feed some sort of urge, and although it may not add up to a whopping amount of calories, it is still not how "normal" people eat.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    TBfree--Is fasting today going to set you up for another binge? I'm just asking out of concern because I know that's what it would do to me. They've taught me that when I do binge, I just have to pick up where I left off and continue doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I can't "punish" myself for it by restricting my calorie intake then the following day. I hate putting words in people's mouths so please don't take it that way :smile: You didn't indicate it was a punishment, I'm just really hoping that it isn't.
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Yes, its a punishment. However, in reality my body doesn't really need any more food/fuel after eating all night. You are right diane and I've heard it before - to just eat normally the next day. Its sooooo hard because I am not hungry at all - until night time again. So, I did go ahead and have dinner. But, after dinner, I found myself alone in the kitchen and I ate too much. Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know what you mean about that out of control urge to eat. A lot of times its not a technical "binge", but it is a binge because its not fueling my body in a healthy way, but rather is used to deal with emotions. I really appreciate your comments. If you want to message me, feel free. I'd like to give you support too so its not one sided :).
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