FAT, exhausted, and sad...



  • AJL437
    AJL437 Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with what everyone said here. I have 100lbs to lose. When I think about that, I get overwhelmed and want to quit. I don't see how it is even possible. However, when I just think about today and today only. I can do it. I can walk for an hour and log my calories today. I can do that. When I started, I didn't even try to get under the daily amount. I just logged my calories. And over the first couple months, just having that awareness led to some better choices. Figure out what is your commitment to yourself. Mine is to work out every day and to log every day. That's it. It's too overwhelming for me to think of more than that.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    The key is pushing through when you do not feel motivated.

    Sometimes you have to separate attitude and behavior.
  • Just one smart decision at a time is all it takes to see the weight come off, I am constantly battling with my choices but I realize that if I take it one choice at a time, it will happen. You can do it, we all can< just hang in there!! That smaller pant size is waiting for you!
  • move2health
    move2health Posts: 11 Member
    What are your goals? What do you want to achieve? What will it look like when you reach those goals? What will be different about your life? Focus on today and this week, forget about August for right now. What will you do today that is going to help you reach your goal? You are the one in control, no one else. You can sooo totally do this.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    My advice (what works for me) is:

    1. Don't think about the long-term goals too often. Just stay focused on making healthy choices each day. That way, the task won't seem insurmountable. You can eat right and work out today, right?

    2. I find that focusing on health and how I FEEL makes a big difference. Really reveling in the post-workout endorphins. Taking a minute as I walk out of the gym to think about how I pushed myself and making a note of how good I feel. That way, even when the scale isn't moving, I am still motivated to go back and keep working because I like working out for its own sake, not just because of where it can get me.

    3. This is kind of contradictory to what I just said, but every once in a while, take a minute to really notice how much different/better you look. Maybe like one night every two weeks, just take an honest look in the mirror and notice the changes you are seeing in your body. Last night, when I was trying on some shoes, I thought "hey, my legs are actually looking pretty good!" And seeing and noticing those results made it easier to get up this morning, work out and eat a healthy breakfast.

    Above all, just stay strong! You'll have bad days, but don't let it derail all of the progress you've already made!!
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    I feel like this every day. I have zero motivation, particularly with exercise.

    One person encapsulated everything for me so neatly on a different topic the other day, which is that you need to change your priorities. I have absolutely zero motivation to go to work every morning too, but I have priorities in my life (family, home, buying crap off eBay etc.) which mean it's something I just have to do.

    I'm still calling this a diet, because at the moment, I need it to feel new and special while it becomes a priority in my life. Once it is, it will be a complete lifestyle change. For me, it needed to be something I didn't want to do- it had to be something I actually needed to do.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    For what it's worth, my advice is to focus less on the weight goals, especially those big round numbers. First set a reasonable calorie deficit, not two pounds per week, while some people can do that, if you can't it is incredibly demotivating. then focus on small goals, like log every day for a week, then log every day for two weeks. Or eat at least one serving of fruits and vegetables a day for a week then two each for two weeks etc. Or with your exercises, make the goal to improve on them, add weight to your strength training, walk/jog/run a little bit faster or a little bit further.

    Focus on small attainable goals gradually increasing them and building on them until they add up to a lifestyle that will give you what you want that you can just keep doing exactly what you did to lose the weight to maintain the weight loss.
  • mamabear204
    mamabear204 Posts: 28 Member
    i'm in the same boat. when I finally had enough and decided to do something....my first thing was to give up the crappy fast food I had eaten everyday for lunch along with the fountain pop I drink everyday and started drinking more water. my initial result was a GAIN of ten pounds! so much for being motivated! I still tried to watch what I eat and tried logging but I feel like I spend more time in front of the computer trying to figure what to do and how to do it than actually just doing it. FRUSTRATING! well now I've finally lost that 10 pounds so i'm right back where I started I guess. I didn't get outside to do much exercise or walking or anything because well....I just plain *kitten* hate winter, cold, wind, etc. and here in Michigan that's all it's been. now that it's finally getting nice out i'm just plain *kitten* pissed at myself because I still feel fat, exhausted, confused, overwhelmed, and most of all now I don't want it to be nice out cuz I don't want to take my sweatshirt off or get my sandals and capris out
  • wendyrap2
    wendyrap2 Posts: 40 Member
    hola creo ke todos nos emos sentido asi en algun momento!!! a mi me a funcionado pensar que solo es un dia a la vez!!! solo por hoy comere saludable!! solo hoy hare ejercicio y asi sucesivamente!!! trata de entrar a este sitio todos los dias y busca historias de exito!!! de verdad te motiva aseguir!!! animo no estas sola!!! todos estamos contigo!!! besos y abrazos!! :)
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I agree with everything (mostly) that has been said, but I break it down into simple things for myself. Weigh/Track, Log/Eat, Move/Exercise. Adjust as necessary to reach your goal(s). Don't be asleep at the wheel!!! Simpler said than done, but infinitely doable.... Remember, baby steps, and every step is a victory! You can do it...
  • LosingitinWY
    LosingitinWY Posts: 29 Member
    My initial goal is 40lbs by Oct with a total goal of 65lbs. I have felt what you described. I've gotten over some aspects of it through the years. Even at a lower weight, I felt like I just didn't "fit in" the picture of my family. They're all tall and thin, I'm short and round :) My husband (19+yrs married) has NEVER done anything to make me feel bad about myself. The feelings come from within me. At one point, probably 15yrs ago, I had said something about being fat and/or ugly for the gazillionith time and he stopped cold and said, "you keep saying that, are you trying to convince me that is who you are? Because I don't see it. Please quit talking about the woman I love like that." Since then, I've had ups and downs with weight; but have worked hard on not self-bashing. (I am a Christian and my faith played a lot into it as well.) I was at a great place about a year ago with regards to weight and looking and feeling great. The past 10months have been hard on me (I quit smoking, moved 3 times...husband military....and lost a very dear loved one) and I've stacked on 50lbs. Up until this week Monday, I have beat myself up again because I WAS WHERE I WANTED TO BE and BLEW IT!!! Self-bashing is hard to overcome but is SOO counter-productive!! (A situation perceived as true will be true in its consequences) One day at a time! Sometimes 1 hour at a time :) Listen, truly listen, to compliments people give you and then go in front of a mirror and look yourself square in the eyes and repeat those compliments to yourself. Believe them! Embrace them! You're better today than you were yesterday and tomorrow is just around the corner!!

    i can NOT stay motivated!!! years of feeling this way, never feeling pretty, not prom, not my wedding day, NEVER! i have such a beautiful family, so many blessings and things to be thankful for and want to live for but my lack of motivation always kicks my fat butt! has anyone felt this way before starting a weight loss journey that worked? when had you finally had enough!!? i need help, motivation, and even with what to eat, or what diet to go on... some people say "dont call it a diet, you'll give up!" well.... what is it then? my husband and i are going on a mini vacation in august, i'd LOVE to finally feel confident enough to wear something i feel cute in and not feel like i'm embarrasing him with my weight (he denies that i do, but whatever!) i'm not looking for a pity party, i'm looking for real help, real motivation, maybe a group to keep me in check? trying to do this alone has just got me depressed and mad at myself!

    my first goal is to lose 40 lbs*
    over all goal is 80
  • 4mydogs
    4mydogs Posts: 66 Member
    One must replace temporary motivation with a relatively permanent habit.

    I totally agree motivation ebbs and flows, habits stick around and get you through those days you are having a tough time. I also look at food and escercise seperately, I need to move my body each day no matter what I eat period!! That has helped me stay on track food wise, when I move each day I tend to respect my body more by not outting bad foods into it. I just take each day as it comes and have lost my all or nothing mentality.