any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • ehz1987
    ehz1987 Posts: 1
    Yep, I'm 5'6.5" and trying to get down to about 117. My weight fluctuates between 124-130 on its own (depending on the time of the month), but it is going to be a challenge to break 120.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi everyone! I'm glad I found this thread! I am 5'0" and weight 112-115. I want to lose the weight I have gained since starting graduate school and have been having some trouble sticking to it and finding a good balance between exercise and calorie intake.

    I know I have gained some weight from the muscle I have put on, but really want to get tone and get that flat stomach! I do cardio (elliptical) about 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes, Body Pump 1-2 times a week and Boot Camp once a week. It seems that even if I stick to 1200 calories a day, the inches and scale just wont budge.

    What have you guys found to be a good calorie goal for the day for you?
  • awyler
    awyler Posts: 78
    I'm 5'9 and currently about 120-123 depending on the day. I'm not trying to lose weight, but just maintain it. I'm in good shape (I run and work out 5 days a week) but I would like to see better definition in my muscles. I love this site for the awesome recipes and great advice. I've always been a health nut so I love reading about new exercises and different ways to stay healthy.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't think the site recommends dropping below 1200, but elsewhere I have heard not to drop below 1000, and even then you might have to alternate days at a higher calorie count so your metabolism doesn't slow down too much.
    I think for us, it just takes time, because the calorie deficit is just not that much, and so the weight comes off very slowly. If you think about it, it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 lb of fat, and if you need 1400 cals/day just to maintain, and you drop to 1200 cals/day, it takes 17.5 days at those cals to create a deficit of 3500 and lose 1 lb!
    Also, I read this, "You might be doing nothing wrong. The closer your body weight is to “ideal,” the more resistant you are likely to be to losing weight. So if you’re having trouble losing weight despite your concerted efforts, it might be because you don’t have much, if any, weight to lose. Protective physiological mechanisms may be kicking in to keep you in safe body-weight territory."
  • awyler
    awyler Posts: 78
    how do i "bump" something so i can come back to it later?
  • mfrazier87
    mfrazier87 Posts: 2 Member
    Me too! I just started on here yesterday and I'm currently at 140 and i want to get down to 125-127. I usually bounce back and forth somewhere between 130 and 140 and I'm so tired of it. This time I'm looking to loose the weight and keep it off.
  • Tbfree
    Tbfree Posts: 47
    Hi, I'm in a similar situation. People tell me I'm thin, etc., but I know I gained almost 10 pounds in about 2 - 3 months. I'm tall (5' 10.5), so it is not very obvious. In fact, when I was pregnant, I was 6 months along before anyone knew! Any way, the weight is all in my stomach and some in the thighs (not the chest :( ) I came on this site to loose this weight so I can be at my feel good weight of 139. So far, I have been a little hyper focused on the calories and then going over and stressing about going over, then I eat more because I am stressing (what a mess). I'm hoping the newness of this will wear off and I'll get into a rhythm with recording everything and dealing with it.
    It is nice to hear about others who want to loose a little for themselves, that it is ok to have that goal, you don't have to settle.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    I am not heavy, but would like to loose my spare tire LOL It jiggles too much. I need support from others to keep me motivated though!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.
    I am definitely at a sort of plateau after just 3 short months, but what can ya do? My workout changes daily, as does my diet. I've been finding if I eat a cheat meal once/week, I tend to lose weight more quickly.
    Anyone else found the same thing?
    Hopefully I'll be another lb. down next week. I'm dying to get to 10lbs. lost!
  • khursh8
    khursh8 Posts: 15 Member
    My best friend lectured me for an hour when I told her I was trying to lose 10 lbs. I'm 5'4" and 140 lbs. She said that she had never thought I needed to lose anything. But then my mom will lecture me for an hour if I have a piece of cake. So I'm confused. I don't really know if I need to lose weight or not by other people's standards, but I would like to lose 10 to 15 lbs just for me.
  • amythewolf
    amythewolf Posts: 3 Member
    Im a size 4. My BMI is healthy. I'm mad muscular and I know that weighs more than fat, so I'm a little hesitant to go on weight alone. I want to be a size 0 and around 120. I gained a bunch of weight this winter making cookies and being cozy with the boy watching the snow fall and now that it's summer and i'm single i want this weight off! I have 10-13 pounds to go. I use this thing religiously and it's been a god send. It integrates with my iPhone and I update it all the time. I've even stopped like, bing drinking on the weekend cause it was slowing my progress. No alcohol and no wasted eating sessions are kind of killing it for me. wondering if anyone has any crazy tips to lose weight quick cause i'm leaving for my vacation in 16 days! I already am super careful about carbs and sugar. Holler if you have any crazy fad diets!
  • kimbunny
    kimbunny Posts: 5
    I'm 5 foot 4 and 117ish pounds. wans to lose these laft few pounds to just be over 8 stone then i want to focus more on keeping fit and lean muscle to train to run properly.

    Finding this last week really hard, ive had a headache and not feeling right don;t think im eating enough :(
  • I don't think the site recommends dropping below 1200, but elsewhere I have heard not to drop below 1000, and even then you might have to alternate days at a higher calorie count so your metabolism doesn't slow down too much.
    I think for us, it just takes time, because the calorie deficit is just not that much, and so the weight comes off very slowly. If you think about it, it takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose 1 lb of fat, and if you need 1400 cals/day just to maintain, and you drop to 1200 cals/day, it takes 17.5 days at those cals to create a deficit of 3500 and lose 1 lb!
    Also, I read this, "You might be doing nothing wrong. The closer your body weight is to “ideal,” the more resistant you are likely to be to losing weight. So if you’re having trouble losing weight despite your concerted efforts, it might be because you don’t have much, if any, weight to lose. Protective physiological mechanisms may be kicking in to keep you in safe body-weight territory."

    This is a great article, thanks! I have always been told (and taught in school) that everyone has a "set point" and their body doesn't like to fluctuate far from that. During undergrad, I gained a lot of weight and was about 130 and was able to get down to around 100-103 and stayed there for over a year until I started grad school... so I know my body will drop weight, it's just frustrating when it wont.. I'm sure many of you are in that same boat!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    It is probably easier to get back to the adult weight you used to be than to get to a weight your adult self never was.
    As far as how to quickly drop weight, I think the fads don't work. I have not seen any that worked for anyone I know. I had a friend do that hot water, lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper drink for three days. She lost a little water weight but it all came back as soon as she ate normally.
    I would recommend the 4 mini-meals (300 cals each) and just stick to a routine. If you can cut out sugar, alcohol and processed foods, so much the better. The suggestions I saw for mini meals: fruit smoothie, fruit and natural PB, lentil soup with avo and nuts, cheese with grapes and almonds, hummus with vegetables, grilled shrimp on salad with a little dressing. Other people got other mini-meal snack ideas?

    It may sound crazy but I think it's easier to lose by dieting and not exercising. When I exercise I am hungry, but I can stick to 1200 cals/day if I don't exercise (or drink).
    I had a friend who did weight watchers and she was 5", weighed 135 and she got down to 107, she also started running. I was surprised because I always thought she looked great and naturally curvy, so I was surprised she could get down to 107!

    Oh, and as far as cheating, I kinda think there is something to it! I had been really good and sticking to 1200 cals per day, then one week I had margs and mexican one night, pizza and beer the next and the day after that I was the lowest weight I had been in 5 years. I can't explain it. The 5-factor diet has the cheat day and some people say it works because you actually stick to your diet better on those other days, knowing you can cheat, or maybe it acts on your metabolism, making your body think there are days of feast and days of famine and not having to hold on/store extra calories.
  • karissastephens
    karissastephens Posts: 324 Member
    Im a size 4. My BMI is healthy. I'm mad muscular and I know that weighs more than fat, so I'm a little hesitant to go on weight alone. I want to be a size 0 and around 120. I gained a bunch of weight this winter making cookies and being cozy with the boy watching the snow fall and now that it's summer and i'm single i want this weight off! I have 10-13 pounds to go. I use this thing religiously and it's been a god send. It integrates with my iPhone and I update it all the time. I've even stopped like, bing drinking on the weekend cause it was slowing my progress. No alcohol and no wasted eating sessions are kind of killing it for me. wondering if anyone has any crazy tips to lose weight quick cause i'm leaving for my vacation in 16 days! I already am super careful about carbs and sugar. Holler if you have any crazy fad diets!

    GIIRRRLLLL!!! For one if that picture is are a total BABE and I'm extremely jealous :laugh: I'm fascinated that you surf and live life the way you do! Its awesome! And TWO...You are in such good shape in that picture its crazy. Buuuut if you want to lose weight (which U definitely look amazing already) im reading Jillian Micheals "getting Cut" book. It has a 30 day exercise program, a grocery list and eating plan fit for your personal metabolic type, and all kinds of good info! Its for people like us who are skinny....but want to be the size we would like. To be "cut".

    If you cant get the book I can tell you some tips that are in it if u message me.
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    My best friend lectured me for an hour when I told her I was trying to lose 10 lbs. I'm 5'4" and 140 lbs. She said that she had never thought I needed to lose anything. But then my mom will lecture me for an hour if I have a piece of cake. So I'm confused. I don't really know if I need to lose weight or not by other people's standards, but I would like to lose 10 to 15 lbs just for me.

    i have heard all my life larger people/friends say they were 'jealous' because i ate anything and they thought i was thin. I would tell them I only look thin in clothes ;-). It true. While I've always had a smaller frame like you (5'5" reg weight 110-115) even when I was a teen I've always had fat on my thighs, cellulite, and a tummy. Now that i've hit menopause the belly has gotten bigger and i am up to 130. People still tell me I'm thin, that they dont see where I gained 10 lbs: Well I do!

    When i went to my doctor about my severe menopausal symptoms, the NP weighed me. I told her I had gained almost 10 lbs. in the past 3-4 months , totally abnormal to me, weight gain!

    How you feel is all that matters. You and your body know your best weight. When I was thin if I dropped below 110 i just didn't feel good. Now at 130 i dont feel good. As long as you are eating healthy trust your own opinion.
  • sheyna1983
    sheyna1983 Posts: 137

    How you feel is all that matters. You and your body know your best weight. When I was thin if I dropped below 110 i just didn't feel good. Now at 130 i dont feel good. As long as you are eating healthy trust your own opinion.

    So true....I get so freakin annoyed when people tell me I don't need to lose weight....what's wrong with wanting to look good in a bikini, being as healthy as possible and feeling good?

    I appreciate the compliment when people say that but I don't understand why they try and discourage us.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    How you feel is all that matters. You and your body know your best weight. When I was thin if I dropped below 110 i just didn't feel good. Now at 130 i dont feel good. As long as you are eating healthy trust your own opinion.

    I think this is good advice. I am happy that I lost all of my pregnancy weight (over a year later). I still want to loose like 15 more, but I will see how I feel every week and change my goals based on this and not the number on the scale.
  • awyler
    awyler Posts: 78

    So true....I get so freakin annoyed when people tell me I don't need to lose weight....what's wrong with wanting to look good in a bikini, being as healthy as possible and feeling good?

    I appreciate the compliment when people say that but I don't understand why they try and discourage us.

    OMG I completely agree with you!! It's summertime... I want to feel my best in a bikini and stay healthy throughout the year. It's not about losing weight, its about how you feel! Some people just don't get it. Haha.
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    So true....I get so freakin annoyed when people tell me I don't need to lose weight....what's wrong with wanting to look good in a bikini, being as healthy as possible and feeling good?

    I appreciate the compliment when people say that but I don't understand why they try and discourage us.

    I think there is some genuine concern in there, but it makes me feel weird, like I have an eating disorder and have to hide that I'm dieting a bit. I mentioned something about my goal weight the other day and my mom was like "WHAT? You can't be trying to loose anymore weight! You're sooo tiny!". I'm used to being the curvy one, although I wasn't overweight, I just want to see what I look like on themother side of the weight scale. I have a lot of muscle too, and like my upper body, but I wonder at what weight do I get a line in the side of my thighs? Is that wrong when my bmi still will be healthy and I wouldn't be <100 like Nicole Richie?

    At the same time I am a hypocrite cause when some of you little ladies state your goal weight I'm like :noway:, even when most of the time it's still within a healthy bmi.
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