Is soy milk bad for you?

I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.

Here is the article I read. It is from

People say "everything causes cancer" but is this really a dangerous product? The article really makes it seem like it is.

Please comment if you have any experience or knowledge...also have you tried almond milk? How does it compare to soy milk and skim milk? Does it taste as good? It is healthier for you?

Thank you!


  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I have been drinking soymilk over a year. I am okay. I think you have some misinformation....dairy milk has hormones, not soymilk. Almond milk is good too. I get soy or almond milk. Both good, the advantage to soymilk over almond is that it is a complete protein with more grams of protein than almond. Both of these mills are good for people with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. The hormone thing is a myth. Buy into it or not.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    I have been drinking soymilk over a year. I am okay. I think you have some misinformation....dairy milk has hormones, not soymilk. Almond milk is good too. I get soy or almond milk. Both good, the advantage to soymilk over almond is that it is a complete protein with more grams of protein than almond. Both of these mills are good for people with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. The hormone thing is a myth. Buy into it or not.

    Soy has estrogens....

    And soy is trash.


    no reason to go for soy. Ever.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I have been drinking soymilk over a year. I am okay. I think you have some misinformation....dairy milk has hormones, not soymilk. Almond milk is good too. I get soy or almond milk. Both good, the advantage to soymilk over almond is that it is a complete protein with more grams of protein than almond. Both of these mills are good for people with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. The hormone thing is a myth. Buy into it or not.

    Soy has estrogens....

    And soy is trash.


    no reason to go for soy. Ever.

    You have some estrogen, are you trash?
  • alexmommy
    alexmommy Posts: 76 Member
    Soy has plant estrogens, which is not the same thing.
  • ingramjeaneen
    ingramjeaneen Posts: 2 Member
    My trainer at my gym also said to avoid soy milk. Since we live in the country and get all the hormone free cow's milk we can drink, I would never consider drinking fake milk of any kind. Yuck.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    My trainer at my gym also said to avoid soy milk. Since we live in the country and get all the hormone free cow's milk we can drink, I would never consider drinking fake milk of any kind. Yuck.

    Never heard of hormone free cow milk but I have heard of no added hormones cow milk.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.

    Here is the article I read. It is from

    People say "everything causes cancer" but is this really a dangerous product? The article really makes it seem like it is.

    Please comment if you have any experience or knowledge...also have you tried almond milk? How does it compare to soy milk and skim milk? Does it taste as good? It is healthier for you?

    Thank you!

    Milk has added hormones (unless it is organic).

    Soy milk can mimic estrogen and cause all kinds of problems. Women who have breast cancer are sometimes advised not to drink it. Here's a scary article about a man who drank a lot of soy milk and developed physical symptoms that mimicked taking estrogen:
  • TheWiseCat
    TheWiseCat Posts: 297
    causes kidney stones, has hormones, etc.
    Just drink it in moderation. Don't go "soy" everything like some people or you'll regret it. But some milk here and there is fine.
  • I wouldn't drink that crap.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.

    Here is the article I read. It is from

    People say "everything causes cancer" but is this really a dangerous product? The article really makes it seem like it is.

    Please comment if you have any experience or knowledge...also have you tried almond milk? How does it compare to soy milk and skim milk? Does it taste as good? It is healthier for you?

    Thank you!

    If you are concerned about hormones, then soy milk is probably better than cow's milk, as cows are injected with hormones, etc.

    The main concern with soy is that a lot of it is produced from GM (genetically modified) crops. I honestly wouldn't say it's any worse than anything else, but if you'd prefer an alternative, rice milk tastes amazing and almond milk is quite nice too! My favourite brand is Rice Dream.
  • Zumaria1
    Zumaria1 Posts: 225 Member
    I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.

    Here is the article I read. It is from

    People say "everything causes cancer" but is this really a dangerous product? The article really makes it seem like it is.

    Please comment if you have any experience or knowledge...also have you tried almond milk? How does it compare to soy milk and skim milk? Does it taste as good? It is healthier for you?

    Thank you!

    Milk has added hormones (unless it is organic).

    Soy milk can mimic estrogen and cause all kinds of problems. Women who have breast cancer are sometimes advised not to drink it. Here's a scary article about a man who drank a lot of soy milk and developed physical symptoms that mimicked taking estrogen:

    Yes, soy has compounds that act as estrogen in your body, some women need to avoid excess amounts of estrogen, especially if breast cancer runs in their family, as some forms of breast cancer feed and grow from excessive estrogen. If you have no problems with that, its a personal decision.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    So, as a lactose intolerant person, I LOVE soymilk. I will drink that stuff up, and I have been for at least 20 of the 21 years I've been alive. I've tried the alternatives (almond, rice, coconut) and they just don't measure up taste-wise or nutrient-wise to me.

    Soy does contain phytoestrogens, which may throw your hormone balance out-of-whack if you're on the iffy side of balance. Perhaps coupled with birth control or other hormone therapies, you may see more negative long-term effects of soy. I just think it's silly to avoid it otherwise, though. Lavendar, yams, and sweet potatoes also contain phytoestrogens.
    Cows and nearly every other food product in the US are also pumped with Growth Hormone.

    Now, if you want a politically "aware" type of soy, look for things that are locally made. Monsanto is essentially the devil. I'm aware of this. I'm also aware of the treatment most animals get before butchering, and I'm still an omnivore. Over-fishing is a huge problem as well, but I'll still eat the occasional Salmon or swordfish.

    It all comes down to your priorities. People make a far bigger deal out of soy products than they should, since it's no better or worse for you in the long-run than nearly any other product. If you want the safest bet: moderation. Soy in itself is not '****', as some people on here so eloquently stated. Nor is it the highest standard of perfection.

    Now, if nothing I or anyone else has said wins you over, you may want to look through a few scholarly articles (peer-reviewed, of course) to make an educated decision. I would accept nothing less than that simply because most websites like to be sensationalist about 'controversial' topics such as soy.

  • AngelsFan91106
    AngelsFan91106 Posts: 111 Member
    So, as a lactose intolerant person, I LOVE soymilk. I will drink that stuff up, and I have been for at least 20 of the 21 years I've been alive. I've tried the alternatives (almond, rice, coconut) and they just don't measure up taste-wise or nutrient-wise to me.

    Soy does contain phytoestrogens, which may throw your hormone balance out-of-whack if you're on the iffy side of balance. Perhaps coupled with birth control or other hormone therapies, you may see more negative long-term effects of soy. I just think it's silly to avoid it otherwise, though. Lavendar, yams, and sweet potatoes also contain phytoestrogens.
    Cows and nearly every other food product in the US are also pumped with Growth Hormone.

    Now, if you want a politically "aware" type of soy, look for things that are locally made. Monsanto is essentially the devil. I'm aware of this. I'm also aware of the treatment most animals get before butchering, and I'm still an omnivore. Over-fishing is a huge problem as well, but I'll still eat the occasional Salmon or swordfish.

    It all comes down to your priorities. People make a far bigger deal out of soy products than they should, since it's no better or worse for you in the long-run than nearly any other product. If you want the safest bet: moderation. Soy in itself is not '****', as some people on here so eloquently stated. Nor is it the highest standard of perfection.

    Now, if nothing I or anyone else has said wins you over, you may want to look through a few scholarly articles (peer-reviewed, of course) to make an educated decision. I would accept nothing less than that simply because most websites like to be sensationalist about 'controversial' topics such as soy.


    Nice reply! Another vote for soy here, but of course, also in moderation.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.

    Here is the article I read. It is from

    People say "everything causes cancer" but is this really a dangerous product? The article really makes it seem like it is.

    Please comment if you have any experience or knowledge...also have you tried almond milk? How does it compare to soy milk and skim milk? Does it taste as good? It is healthier for you?

    Thank you!

    If you are concerned about hormones, then soy milk is probably better than cow's milk, as cows are injected with hormones, etc.

    Dairy cattle in Canada are not injected with hormones (not sure about other countries)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.

    Here is the article I read. It is from

    People say "everything causes cancer" but is this really a dangerous product? The article really makes it seem like it is.

    Please comment if you have any experience or knowledge...also have you tried almond milk? How does it compare to soy milk and skim milk? Does it taste as good? It is healthier for you?

    Thank you!

    If you are concerned about hormones, then soy milk is probably better than cow's milk, as cows are injected with hormones, etc.

    Dairy cattle in Canada are not injected with hormones (not sure about other countries)

    Most american cattle are unless otherwise specified on the packaging label, however though no additional hormones, milk still contains some hormones.
  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    I have been drinking soymilk over a year. I am okay. I think you have some misinformation....dairy milk has hormones, not soymilk. Almond milk is good too. I get soy or almond milk. Both good, the advantage to soymilk over almond is that it is a complete protein with more grams of protein than almond. Both of these mills are good for people with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. The hormone thing is a myth. Buy into it or not.

    Soy has estrogens....

    And soy is trash.


    no reason to go for soy. Ever.

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Estrogens ARE hormones..... if you prefer milk, buy hormone-free. The brand I buy pledges to buy from farmers that don't give their cows hormones.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    I have also heard that it could possibly linked to cancer. Everything in moderation! I love almond milk!
  • omanitshann
    omanitshann Posts: 179
    almond milk is a way better choice, and it's delicious
  • chelleb1974
    chelleb1974 Posts: 69 Member
    I read online that any soy milk product that has an expiration date months away means it is bad for you since they are apparently filled with hormones, which can mess up your body/health.

    Here is the article I read. It is from

    People say "everything causes cancer" but is this really a dangerous product? The article really makes it seem like it is.

    Please comment if you have any experience or knowledge...also have you tried almond milk? How does it compare to soy milk and skim milk? Does it taste as good? It is healthier for you?

    Thank you!

    Milk has added hormones (unless it is organic).

    Soy milk can mimic estrogen and cause all kinds of problems. Women who have breast cancer are sometimes advised not to drink it. Here's a scary article about a man who drank a lot of soy milk and developed physical symptoms that mimicked taking estrogen:

    A few years ago, I noticed I was more on-edge than normal, and that it had been going on for a few months. I thought about what might be different, and realized the only real difference was that I had changed which brand of oatmeal I was buying (I was eating 2-3 packets a day). I checked the labels and found that the new oatmeal had soy protein, whereas the old one did not. It explained why I felt like I had PMS 24/7 instead of 1 or 2 days a month. I decided to cut as much soy out of my diet as I could, and noticed a change within a few weeks. Bread was the most difficult to replace, but two years later, there isn't anything I buy in the store that has soy in it. I'm so glad I did, I feel like a new person. Just my $0.02, YMMV.

  • blodk66
    blodk66 Posts: 60 Member
    Women should not drink or even eat soy, it effects their hormones in turn effecting their thyroid.