Any Family success stories?



  • GJH032713
    GJH032713 Posts: 1 Member
    My daughter and I have lost a combined 27 pounds in less thn 4 weeks
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    My daughter and I have lost a combined 27 pounds in less thn 4 weeks

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My husband and I have decided to do it together! It makes things SO much easier... We are both fully committed. He started out wanting to lose 30 lbs and I started out wanting to lose 50 lbs. We are both around 10 lbs down. (We started April 1). We both started just counting calories, etc. Over the passed month we have cut out most processed foods, things with high fructose corn syrup, etc. We have a 3 year old and a 10 month old. We have changed our 3 year old's eating habits a lot.. she's itty bitty but we want healthy habits to be a lifestyle for her so she is never in the shape we are in trying to avoid bad foods. It's been a great change for our entire family. We exercise together.. and have the timing down perfectly on the app c25k. (Husband starts his a minute and a half later and we are both running at opposite times so the other can push the stroller.)

    Fabulous, just terrific! Thanks so much for posting!
  • Mizzrigg
    Mizzrigg Posts: 23 Member
    My husband and I have tried just about everything in the last 3 years to lose weight.(My cooking really packed it on the both of us in the first year!) Finally in January we decided something seriously had to change. We converted one of our spare bedrooms into a home gym, started counting calories, stopped eating out, and started getting our booties out of bed in the morning and working out. My husband has already almost met his original goal, so has decided to lose an extra 10. He has lost 53 pounds and has gone from a 40 to a 34 waist! I am so proud of him and tell him everyday! I am almost to my halfway mark, with losing 24 pounds. I have gone from an 18 to a 14! It sometimes gets frustrating seeing my husband lose so much, so fast, and seemingly effortlessly...but I know to keep it up and my hard work will prevail. I know my husband will keep supporting me, he's kinda fantastic like that!
  • Khisalandra
    Khisalandra Posts: 100 Member
    My mom and both my sisters are on here with me. We all started MFP within about a week of each other, around January 1st. I've lost 25 pounds, and they have lost 28, 24, and 25.

    It's really, really nice to have the support. And when we all have dinner together, we don't have to worry about counting because no matter who's cooking, we've got it logged and can just copy the meal! :)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My husband and I have tried just about everything in the last 3 years to lose weight.(My cooking really packed it on the both of us in the first year!) Finally in January we decided something seriously had to change. We converted one of our spare bedrooms into a home gym, started counting calories, stopped eating out, and started getting our booties out of bed in the morning and working out. My husband has already almost met his original goal, so has decided to lose an extra 10. He has lost 53 pounds and has gone from a 40 to a 34 waist! I am so proud of him and tell him everyday! I am almost to my halfway mark, with losing 24 pounds. I have gone from an 18 to a 14! It sometimes gets frustrating seeing my husband lose so much, so fast, and seemingly effortlessly...but I know to keep it up and my hard work will prevail. I know my husband will keep supporting me, he's kinda fantastic like that!

    Girl, that's fabulous and I know whatcha mean about being a bit, ummmm, peeved or frustrated at your love's progress being better than yours. Here, my hubby and children and actually everyone in my entire family is slim and trim and healthy...EXCEPT ME :cry: :ohwell: :huh: :frown: :embarassed: :blushing: :cry:

    So....I use this as a carrot, instead of a "stick" and think to myself...this is possible for me too! I'm glad everyone in my family is supportive and is always cheering me on--I wanna be like them and will be slim and trim one day--AGAIN (I didn't grow up overweight and never had a problem with being overweight/obese until I started having tons of children later on in life--before that, I've always been skinny/which I wasn't happt about either....I HATED being stick skinny as much as I hate being fat:ohwell: , it's just going to take some good old fashioned time and changing my way of eating, drinking, exercising, thinking and living!
  • jimmyalice1984
    jimmyalice1984 Posts: 171 Member
    I joined in November and people really took notice around mid February. Since then a co worker (who doesn't like me looool) has got herself some workout dvd's and lost some weight, another much younger colleague has started walking to work when she can and going to the gym, as well as a few others. My 28 year old son actually took my advice, looked at Nerd Fitness and added strength training to his workouts instead of just running on the treadmill and is eating as clean as he possibly can, my 26 year old daughter who had very unhealthy habits when it came to controlling her weight has joined MFP and is making much more informed choices (phew, wipes sweat off brow!!), my 19 year old daughter who has never had a weight problem has started eating more healthily, joined my gym and is addicted to strength training and my 15 year old son's skin has cleared up since there is less, or no, junk to eat in the house!! (Most of the time anyway :blushing: )
    A friend has added strength training to her workouts instead running on the treadmill all the time and 3 others have bought Jillian Michaels dvd's......I feel so proud that I have had a positive influence on so many people, they say that misery loves company but so does positivity...:wink:
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    My husband and I started this journey about a year ago. To date I have lost 142 pounds and my husband has lost 130 pounds. Our teenage son has lost 30 pounds. We feel great and are more active than ever and we know we are setting a good example for our son.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    My partner and I had put on a lot of weight when we started dating(4 years ago today) 1.5 years ago we moved from Ireland to Australia and in with each other. We had lived at home with our families before that. So having our own kitchen,doing our own food shopping,cooking and being able to do a workout dvd whenever we wanted was the start. I began with mfp and the weight started coming off. My boyfriend never set a goal or counted cals. I never had the talk with him about losing weight. I had made the decision and would be there whenever he wanted to join in. He started to lose weight by just having the same dinners,coming on walks to keep me company etc. Everyone started saying how great we looked and he was hooked lol. He has lost over 50 pounds :smile:
    We now go to the gym together,go food shopping for healthy food,both really love to cook so try new recipes all the time. We are together 4 years today and I woke up to breakfast on the balcony,poached eggs and asparagus. We are both lighter than when we met. Very happy we did this together.
  • juliasays77
    juliasays77 Posts: 92 Member
    My husband and I are on this journey together and it's very motivating. He has lost 55 pounds and I've lost 21. He was actually talked into it by a close co-worker and they push each other, as well. He started off with the Advocare 24 day challenge and I think the progress he made from that made him realize that he could make long-term dietary changes and still be happy.

    Our older son is about to turn 10, and I'm hoping that the changes we're making are rubbing off on him. Unfortunately, we've taught him some bad habits and he is a little heavier than he should be, but with us all eating healthier and his high activity level (he LOVES sports) I'm hoping it will come off. We've been talking a lot about healthy choices and he is starting to choose healthier options when they're offered.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    My wife and I are taking the journey together. One day in a couple of months ago we were doing grocery shopping. For no reason at all (well other than we were overweight) we decided to make the change. We weren't following a diet or anything, we just bought a bunch of fresh fruit and veggies and searched for some recipes while we were shopping.

    A couple of days later I signed us up for the gym and we haven't looked back. I am 5'10" and started at 359 and she is 5'1 and started at 270. Now around 2 months in lim down to 316 and she is at 237. We both have a bunch more we want to lose, but we are committed. I think the reason that it is working for us is because we have made a lifestyle change as opposed to a diet. We basically didnt do much of anything physical before and now we both do at least 2.5 miles of cardio per day and strength training and love every minute of it.

    If we can do it, anyone can.

    That is AWESOME!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My mom and both my sisters are on here with me. We all started MFP within about a week of each other, around January 1st. I've lost 25 pounds, and they have lost 28, 24, and 25.

    It's really, really nice to have the support. And when we all have dinner together, we don't have to worry about counting because no matter who's cooking, we've got it logged and can just copy the meal! :)

    That is way too fabulous--I love it :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
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