No one likes a chunky Fireman...



  • csnyder0007
    csnyder0007 Posts: 26 Member
    That job as a truck driver probably made it difficult for you. I had a friend who became a firefighter, and he lost crazy weight just from the job. I drive a truck for my job too, but i'm constantly moving, in and out of the truck. But i know those guys with the tractor trailers always have it tough. But yeah, now that you gave up that gig, you'll definitely see the pounds drop! Good luck!

    Oh heck yeah, I was an OTR driver and it was hell on the waistline. It's tough to overcome 11 hours in a seated position and what it does to one's metabolism.

    The firefighter gig is a part time job right now. 100 hours or so a month. We are a small rural system and most of what we do 95% is EMS. I'm a Medic so I spend far more time starting IV's than I do fighting fires. I interview for full time sometime in May. I'm really hoping I get the full time slot this go round. If not, I'll just keep plugging along until I do.

    The weight I've already lost has made a huge difference. My knees don't pop anymore, I can do CPR without getting tired, I can drive my OP's Captain crazy asking for new, smaller uniforms. :)
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Welcome Chad!

    My hubby is a Fire Lieutenant/paramedic and has been on the job for 22 years.

    I will echo what others have said about sleep deprivation, stress and weight issues.

    It's a tough job but you can be fit.

    Everybody likes a fireman :smile:
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    Options are gonna be GREAT!! lets kick some *kitten* together BRO!!
    Kristian Rocco nyc
  • csnyder0007
    csnyder0007 Posts: 26 Member
    I was interested in your post because I'm considering volunteering for the local volunteer fire department, but told myself I wanted to get to my goal weight before I did so. Hopefully here in another 6-8 months, I'll be at my goal weight and feeling healthy enough to go for it!

    Uhm, NO! LOL

    Don't wait. If you're a big guy just own it and go for it. You will see volunteers and career staff of all shapes and sizes. Don't let being a little heavy stop you from pursuing this adventure.

    Being around other healthy people, being forced to be active, and wanting to look good in that uniform will help motivate you. Ask me how I know this? lol
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    Good on you! Welcome to MFP!
  • csnyder0007
    csnyder0007 Posts: 26 Member
    309.8 lbs



    Sorry about the two different sized photos. I'm not the most tech savvy individual. :/

    I gotta clean that mirror!!! :O
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    If no one liking chunky guys were true, I would never have had a girlfriend. :tongue:

    Glad to have you on board man. Enjoy your stay, learn about fitness and nutrition, and learn to post situation-apprpriate gifs. :happy:
  • FourLynne
    FourLynne Posts: 135 Member
    Congratulations to you Todd, and may I also say thank you for what you sounds like you have the proper mindset and are going to make this happen. I imagine you are not the only FF with weight issues, so have you thought about starting a program at the firehouse and EMT squad ... maybe a challenge program with a prize, kind of a biggest loser type thing? Pay what you know forward and hopefully you'll help others in your career field.

    Best wishes!
  • sfdf40
    sfdf40 Posts: 32 Member
    From one chunky firefighter to another- welcome to MFP. I managed to gain more than 70 pounds in my 11 year career. I've been on here since January, and have lost 30. Somehow though, every time I go to work I wind up eating stuff I shouldn't. To the stress and sleep deprivation add peer pressure to eat with them, and if you work 24s, add boredom...

    Best of luck in your weightloss, and career.:happy:
  • csnyder0007
    csnyder0007 Posts: 26 Member
    From one chunky firefighter to another- welcome to MFP. I managed to gain more than 70 pounds in my 11 year career. I've been on here since January, and have lost 30. Somehow though, every time I go to work I wind up eating stuff I shouldn't. To the stress and sleep deprivation add peer pressure to eat with them, and if you work 24s, add boredom...

    Best of luck in your weightloss, and career.:happy:

    Fortunately I work 12 hour day shifts. The volunteers handle things of an evening.

    But yeah, when your partner brings farm fresh eggs and bacon from his own farm it's hard to say no. Thankfully despite my weifght gain I've always been active so I surprise people with my level of athleticism. But the bottom line is when you're 310 lbs you don't get 30 minutes out of a 30 minute air tank. Knwo what I mean?
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hi Chad! Congratulations for pursuing your dreams:). I'd say that's better than the midlife red convertible any day!:)
  • ash_mason
    ash_mason Posts: 13 Member
    Hey Chad! Welcome aboard. I'm about a week in on MFP and loving so far, as I'm sure you will too. The community and support is so great. I love being able to draw off of other peoples success and instilling the want for success in myself. I wish you all the best and hopefully MFP will lead us both on the road to "recovery" in this weight battle.

    By the way, I'm a 911 dispatcher- so I automatically have TONS of respect for your and your profession since I work with multiple fire, police, and sheriff's dept for a living.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Hi chad!