people at the gym who arent getting results?



  • HardDon
    HardDon Posts: 204
    I just zone out when I'm at the gym. My entire focus is on the next set, I don't give anyone or anything else any of my attention.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    I don't know why it would bother you? I could care less what people are doing around me. At least he's there and not on the couch!
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    This reminds me of that song Eminem sings..where he says "I cant be your Superman"


  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    some people will train and train and train but if they dont feed themselves right and sleep well there pissing in the wind.. alot of people are like this at my gym, the reality is that if your lazy then it reflects in your progress, im sure your aware of that, i think some people just go so they can tell there friends they 'work out'.. and chances are if you tryed to advise him you will get no thanks for it.. such is life

    (For lazy men) there to watch the hot females lifting weights slowly with excellent form :laugh:
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    what do you think of people at the gym who dont look like theyre getting any results?
    do you feel sorry for them? do you try to rescue them to salvation?
    there is this guy at my small gym who works out M-F before work and he hardly does anything. he will do a couple sets on a nautilus machine then do cardio for no more than 15 min and then he hits the showers and leaves in business attire. he has looked the same all year long (top heavy and flabby)
    i feel like he is wasting his time. he could do so much more even in that small allotment of time. i know he could push himself more.
    do you notice this at your gym too? is it frustrating or do you ignore it? i just think if youre able bodied then you can get the results. some people just dont know what can be attained in the gym and i want to scream it out loud for them!!!

    Hey, no offense, but you don't know if the guy really is "able bodied" or not. He might be on cardiac rehab, and not cleared to do high intensity work outs. Focus on yourself, and let him do him.
  • CaliforniaSweetheart
    Worry about yourself, not others.
  • KBGAgent
    KBGAgent Posts: 165 Member
    That's a tougher question than you might think, and I've faced the same issue at my gym.

    1) I tried to help an older guy who was lifting way too heavy and just swinging the weights. He didn't want to hear it. I tried to show him the right form for doing triceps on a cable, he went back to too heavy and swinging it down.

    2) A guy at my gym now, spends hours there doing exercises but never pushing himself. Doesn't improve and I've heard others say things to him, he doesn't get it. He's friendly, seems to be there more fore something to do than to get something done.

    3) A guy saw I was doing shrugs in a way that could hurt my shoulder. He told me and seemed really hesitant, said it wasn't his place to tell me how to do it but the way I was doing it was wrong. He was right and I was glad he told me.

    When I think of me a year ago. I wanted to improve. I really didn't know how. In the past I always hurt myself when I lifted heavy. So I tended to stay with high reps, lower weights and stay on machines that didn't require a spotter and isolated muscles. A trainer at the gym suggest I work harder and work heavier and not just on the machines. I did work harder at her suggestion, but not heavier. I didn't know how to do that without hurting myself. I know form is really important when you lift and in my experience lifting heavy with bad form has done me more damage than lifting lighter. I have a DR appt for my should tomorrow, and I think I know what exercise caused it. I have got good gains this year lifting heavy.

    Do you talk to the guy or just see him there? Do you know if he wants to improve? What are his goals, did you ask him? Can you explain to him in a way that he knows he can trust you to are really helping him and not slamming him?

    I think its cool that it bothers you and that you want to help him, but does he want to be helped? I say Find Out.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Methinks that people that hide behind blue face profiles shouldn't be so quick to get on their high horse and judge other people's results.

    Truthfully,even if you put up a pic so we could judge you the way you judge other I wouldn't care. The only results I'm worried about are mine and those of the people that have to come me for advice. Trying to improve myself is a full time gig. I don't have time to moonlight as someone that looks down his nose at complete strangers.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Really, I have days when I'm like that. I'll go there and do something for not very long and then just go home because of a few reasons 1. I'm not in the mood 2. I have something else that I have to do 3. It's my business and I don't care who is judging me.

    If he wants to work harder, he will work harder. Having some strange at the gym telling him that he should will not force him to work harder. The end.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    <<<<too busy getting results to have any idea what you're talking about.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I mostly get on with my workout. If I notice bad form I make a mental note to myself never to do that myself. I would only offer help if someone asked for it.
  • Ninguneado73
    I particularly do not care what other people do with their lives. However, at the gym, there is a lady who does abs every day all the time. I've been going to the gym since September and she does abs exercises every single day. She is very weak and very, very thin. She struggles and seems in poor health. I think she is hurting herself but she obviously is committed to it and I would not like to cross that line.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    what do you think of people at the gym who dont look like theyre getting any results?
    do you feel sorry for them? do you try to rescue them to salvation?
    there is this guy at my small gym who works out M-F before work and he hardly does anything. he will do a couple sets on a nautilus machine then do cardio for no more than 15 min and then he hits the showers and leaves in business attire. he has looked the same all year long (top heavy and flabby)
    i feel like he is wasting his time. he could do so much more even in that small allotment of time. i know he could push himself more.
    do you notice this at your gym too? is it frustrating or do you ignore it? i just think if youre able bodied then you can get the results. some people just dont know what can be attained in the gym and i want to scream it out loud for them!!!

    Hey, no offense, but you don't know if the guy really is "able bodied" or not. He might be on cardiac rehab, and not cleared to do high intensity work outs. Focus on yourself, and let him do him.
    I was thinking the same thing..when I had my heel issue I was not able to do a lot because of the extreme really don't know if people are healthy
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I ignore them.


    i have (or had) pals on here who swing between overeating, undereating, over exercising and then doing nothing for a week.... unless they ask for help, its not my place to give them 'advice' however well meaning (because usually they dont want it and find it offensive!)
  • sarahDickson501
    sarahDickson501 Posts: 87 Member
    know a person who has been going to the gym and training with a trainer for over a year now and there have been small changes, but I do feel bad for them. I think (at least in this case) it all boils down to diet.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I have had people show me how to do things correctly when I was obviously a total noob, and I appreciated it.
    But everybody is different, so you never know why people do what they do, or if they will appreciate any advice you have to give. I
    f you're really concerned, strike up a conversation with the guy and see if you can determine why he does this and if he really needs advice.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Sounds like my husband approx a year ago. It was all he was allowed to do. You see, he has heart issues & had been hospitalized like 8 times the year before. He's been given the all clear now & is doing a 14 mile bike trail next weekend.

    Point is this: mind your own business! You don't know what his story is, and it's not for you to know.

    This. My dad was training for a race, and while he was running on the treadmill, he tore his meniscus. He was in a leg brace for months, and now he needs surgery (minor thank goodness). But he still wants to go to the gym, but he can really only slowly do the elliptical, or lift weights. People might think he's not really doing much, but he has a medical reason and would love to be able to run more or anything else.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Do you know anything about this person? Not wise to judge. He could have health issues, a heart problem...anything and is doing what he can to stay healthy. A person's age is no indication of any health issues they could have, including arthritis. If he'd been staying the same for a year, I'd think he was doing so for a reason.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I don't even notice what other people are doing at the gym. I'm too busy focusing on my own workout.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Why don't you worry about bulking up those muscles and your own form, not what others are or aren't doing.

    Is this the same guy that thought girls envied his skinny body at the gym?

    Bro, you need a wake up call. Either that or you're a troll.