May I suggest... You'll lose 20 pounds in a week!



  • EpicMeyri
    EpicMeyri Posts: 109 Member
    I have been on slim fast for about a month and honestly it has been working for me. I havent lost a whole lot of weight but the inches I have lost so far make up for it.

    Are you just taking slim fast? Or are you eating food too? And are you working out? (not judging just curious)
  • srrose15
    srrose15 Posts: 104 Member
    Don't forget all the diet pills that make your heart race - and then 2 shakes a day with only one meal - or HCG shots and a 500 calorie diet - these things might work for a short time but not a perm solution - excerise and a healthy clean diet is the way to go for results that last
  • gingabebe
    gingabebe Posts: 165 Member
    There's a meal shake out there, atkins advantage I think it is called that isn't loaded with sugar- I bought some chocolate ones for mornings when I am super late or having a chocolate craving. There is some sort of supplement that people in my area are taking, I can't remember what it is called, but appartently it works by making you run to the toilet if you eat fats. My husband mentioned it to me, he said he was laughing at all the local people on Facebook talking about their bathroom habits for the world to see! TMI:blushing:
  • debralekicsummers
    debralekicsummers Posts: 56 Member
    What about those wraps , where they wrap you up in plastic lol........................ and the machines that work miracles (yeah right) and cost a fortune. No for me there is no more quick fixes, it took me a long time to get like this and won't be fixed over night, slow and sure for me this time because this time it is forever!
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    I remember those days...every "magic" pill I wasted my money on. all that ever happened was I got fatter from them. I tried starving myself too. I tried diet shakes...I tried cereal diets...I tried grapefruit diets...all ended before 3 days and I got fatter. changed my lifestyle and now eat more veggies than ever in my life ( I crave them) and I WORKOUT and LIKE it OMG!! I learned to read labels learned to stop buying 90% off my meals pre-package and processed. I learned how to not eat fast food and I learned what MODERATION is.
  • ktdeangelis
    ktdeangelis Posts: 19 Member
    I hate when people suggest those kind of things to me!!! I mean, if it took me this long to weigh this much, I'm not going to lose it overnight, or in a week, or a month, even a year. Jeez people!!
  • jaymesjourney
    I've been seeing the 3 day military diet and tried it unfortunately :( worst decision EVER! and the wraps also along with hydroxcut and slimquick!
  • bonkers1224
    bonkers1224 Posts: 80 Member
    Double corset.....heck NO I want air in my lungs!
  • P_Trisha
    P_Trisha Posts: 1
    It's amazing what reducing the portions of food and a bit of exercise can do for your weight! Crash diets are just too ridiculous for me sometimes...yikes!
  • elka67
    elka67 Posts: 268 Member
    ''When you feel hungry just have a coffee instead''...way to end up a quivering nervous wreck!
  • TorrizzleWillSizzle
    TorrizzleWillSizzle Posts: 119 Member
    Ill get shunned for saying this but here goes :
    I did HCG for 2 months and lost about 30lbs, it was hard but I did it. I got pregnant 1/2 through the second round and had to quit but I didn't gain any of the weight back after giving birth. It was waaaay expensive and I wouldn't do it again because of that but I don't regret doing it either.

    I did try diet pills, slim fast, fasting and nothing worked. I'm back here so I don't have to rely on anything but me to lose weight and get healthy :) And really oatmea water... i don't even like regular oatmeal let alone oatmeal water!!!
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member

    Honestly why do people want to lose weight so fast! There is no magical diet that can actually help you lose the weight you need to lose and maintain it, in a healthy way. I rather eat 1200-1500 calories a day of healthy stuff and lose 1-2 pounds a week than to hurt my body and lose "5-10" in a week.

    I'd rather lose 1-3 pounds a month eating 1800-2100 calories a day of healthy stuff.
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    Seriously, WTF is oatmeal water?
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    -Don´t train before you lost weight or you will become all bulky
    -wear spanx all the time
    -drink water instead of meals ( you should see me when I don´t get enough to eat! :devil: )
    -skip dinner for a week

    And most of the suggestions without me even asking for one.:tongue:
  • abadmum
    abadmum Posts: 39 Member
    I did a thing must have been about 17 years ago which was these smelly pens.. they said that certian smells stops you from being hungry and made you eat less..

    so i had about 4 or 5 different pens.. which you would sniff, when you where hungry, when you were about to eat and after you had eaten,.. they were orange, apple and some others.. very weird.. and i am very embarrassed about having tried them... i didn't lose any weight, they just made me hungrier!!
  • cook6609
    cook6609 Posts: 182 Member
    Sadly, I tried a lot of gimmicks (even the herbalife ones).... I just couldn't stick with them at all. It felt like I was not allowed to enjoy the food that I love.... Since coming on myfitnesspal, I've made a lifestyle change that I could stick with. I don't have nagging cravings (if I do, I eat that food that I'm craving just in a smaller portion). I'm not grumpy or moody or feel like i'm starving myself. I'm happy, energetic, and feeling great!!! I've changed a lot of things at small amounts at a time. It's rare if I go to a fast food place now (maybe once or twice a month- whereas before it was like once or twice a week). I choose fruit and veggies to snack on versus cookies. There's so many little things that I have just changed in my daily lifestyle for the better.... Heck, I'm even going to a gym and using an elliptical (which I swore I would never use again- almost fell off of one the first time I used it yrs ago)....

    Don't fall for the diet gimmicks... Oh, and if you want proof that a lifestyle change is better than any one of those gimmicks: I'm in a weight loss class at my church. The ladies that are in charge are selling herbalife. Thankfully, you don't have to use their products to be in the class. Almost (if not everyone else) in the class was using their products during the first round of 12 week classes. I went to the classes understand more about nutrition and things like how much protein, fiber, etc our body needs and also to have an accountability group. Well, in the end I was the biggest loser in the class (and I started 4 weeks later than everyone else)!!!!! That's proof right there that you do not need to do some diet crap to lose weight!!!
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention Herbal Life!
    You replace two meals with their shakes or whatever.. Yea My mom and aunts did it for about 4 months! Lost SO much weight... after 4 months! Gained back and more!!

    Girls all over my facebook are on Herbalife at the moment to get their 'Summer bods'. Sick of seeing it!

    Oh god tell me about it! Got a herbalife dealer on my Facebook. F**king hashtags everywhere #herbalife #summerbody #how'saboutf**koffwithyourhashtags
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    That is some amazing dedication to be able to stick to that kind of crap.
    I'll never understand how these celebrities can drink lemon water with Cayanne in it for three or 4 days…
    Screw that give me food.
    Maybe I'm a glutton… Okay I'm probably a glutton…
    But I don't care brother be fat than drinking lemon oatmeal whatever…

    See you around

    You're looking great by the way.

    lol thank you! Yea I have heard of the Cayanne pepper and lemon water.. "Beyonce" does it... That's just sick

    I did that mess about 3 years ago for 14 days. Lost a ton of weight but when it came time to come down from it I got sick as a dog. Gained all the weight back and then some.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    If it sounds to good to be true it usually is!
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    I bought some pills from one of those 'As Seen on TV' stores - you were supposed to take them after you ate and they claim to congeal the fat from your meal and it would pass through before your body could absorb it. The demonstration was very convincing however, that was the only impressive thing about them. I still can't believe I spent so much money on gimmicks like that.