May I suggest... You'll lose 20 pounds in a week!



  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I have a friend who lost about 60 pounds on Atkins. Has kept it off for almost a year. She is smaller but is a flabby mess. No exercise. Only diet. She is trying to get me to do it. No thanx. I'll exercise, lift and watch my diet. Not sure what eating carbs again will do to her. I guess time will tell.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I had a doc who suggested I do the Scarsdale diet.

    I found a new doctor.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Nearly every bottle of "diet" pills has a little asterisk after it's huge text LOSE UNWANTED BELLY FAT *under healthy diet and exercise*.....If you do that...that completely eliminates the need for these bogus, gimmicky BS pills.

    The only pills I take are multivitmains and fish oil.
  • FromFat2Phat2013
    may fave of wall was laxatives in each meal!! nice :D
    you can eat what ever you like then.....just make sure you never walk far from the toilet!!

    LOL i love that one!!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    I have a friend who told me I could 'eat' whatever I wanted...the trick was to chew the food into a pulp and then spit it out. It's supposed to trick your body into thinking it's had a meal. :laugh: Can you imagine yourself fine dining somewhere: 'Excuse me, waiter, could I please have something to spit my chewed up food into?' Pretty gross!
  • sjr1016a
    sjr1016a Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah some one mentioned Herbal Life. I tried that and was even a distributor long long ago. Someone also suggested the cabbage diet. LOL I lasted a day and got smart. I could not believe people did that. Most gained it all back and then some. There is no quick fix remedy to weight loss and there are no DIETS!

    I thank God I realized that and got on the right path to healthy eating. It is not a walk in the park but well worth it when you see the results.
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    Was I the only one who spent $50ish dollars a month on Metabolife about 14/15 years ago? I was a chubby 16 year old and thought the kiosk at the mall had the answer. :noway: Oh the stupidity, it burnssss.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    I'd much rather find the magic pill that'll help me lose 20 pounds of fat a week (for a week or 2), than do all the hard work for most of the year. And honestly I don't believe most people who say they do not want a miracle cure. I wouldn't bother about maintaining much either. It it just takes 1 day a month stay at my target weight while eating what I want, I'd take it. I'd still go train because that's helping me run and lift, but I'd happily do without all the calorie counting and skipping of ice cream.

    Unfortunately miracles do not exist. I'm not surprised if you lose 5 lbs if you only drink water for 3 days, you've just cleaned out your intestines, good luck with your next meal, that'll show on the scale immediately. But if and when there's that miracle, I'm definitely in for it.
  • Emmielia
    Emmielia Posts: 75 Member
    At first when I started I was so tempted by shakes and what not. But I couldnt use them because I am breastfeeding my LO. I was after a quick weightloss because I felt so ashamed of the way I looked, but I figured why put my body through something that wouldnt be good for my child, or myself. So there I am eating clean and exercising, the good old way :)
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Drink water with cinnamon sticks in it. It will literally melt the fat off of you! Yeah right.
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention Herbal Life!
    You replace two meals with their shakes or whatever.. Yea My mom and aunts did it for about 4 months! Lost SO much weight... after 4 months! Gained back and more!!

    Girls all over my facebook are on Herbalife at the moment to get their 'Summer bods'. Sick of seeing it!

    Oh god tell me about it! Got a herbalife dealer on my Facebook. F**king hashtags everywhere #herbalife #summerbody #how'saboutf**koffwithyourhashtags

    Me too!! She's always posting some bull**** about 10 day belly buster detox drink. I mean REALLY?! I see girls all the time posting on her FB page saying, "Hey I did the plan! And it worked great! I got into my dress! But now I'm starting to gain weight again... what do I do?!"

    *Double face palm*
  • Amyp7777
    Amyp7777 Posts: 79
    "For breakfast you have oatmeal, for lunch a can of tuna, then for dinner a can of green beans. I know this lady who lost six pounds in a week". A CAN of green beans. Guess Frozen green beans just don't melt the same amount of fat cells.
  • rehlaereht
    HAHAHA!I Thats exactly how I feel... Gimme the Cookie... the whole cookie.. nothing but the cookie... and point me in the direction of a treadmill. I just try to burn off whatever it is. :)
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    may fave of wall was laxatives in each meal!! nice :D
    you can eat what ever you like then.....just make sure you never walk far from the toilet!!

    Ewww, and I thought Ally was bad with the anal leakage. That may cause anal flooding!

    DOUBE EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I lmao reading this one! Thanks, made my day!
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    To ask why someone would want to lose twenty pounds in a week is an odd question to me. Why would you not want to be twenty pounds closer to our goal if it could be done safely. I really think that if there were a pill I could take that would have absolutely no ill effects and I could wake up tomorrow morning at my ideal weight, I would take it.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    What I hate... I mean really HATE(!!!), are the people who see me and say: "Wow, you look GREAT! You've lost so much! Hey, you should try X diet/pill/ect. I hear you can lose, like, 10 pounds a week."

    Um, ok, you just told me I'm looking good. You can see I'm losing, and doing fine with it. What on earth makes you think I'm looking to *change* what is working for me?

    ETA: Forgot to mention this. There is a place around here that is advertising that you can "spray your fat away" Dear Lord, help the poor people who fall for that one! And they've named their store Healthy Systems USA. Because yeah, it's not only healthy (it must be, it's right in the title :huh: ), but patriotic as well. They even have a little jingle, it goes "if you've got fat, don't worry 'bout that! Call Healthy Systems USA!" :noway:
  • tamjak
    tamjak Posts: 28
    Different things work for different people. If someone is motivated by quick results, then a meal replacement plan is temporary can be great. Then while they are on the meal replacement plan, they need to learn how to eat proportioned meals within a calorie range appropriate for their exercise level. Not everyone who goes on a meal replacement plan gains all the weight back. A good one will slowly wean you off it as you drop the weight.
  • AndreeAnneB
    AndreeAnneB Posts: 20 Member
    One of my friend did a protein diet, where you can only eat veggies and dry "proteinated" food. She gained everything back as expected. But the worst to me was the nutritionist (using that term very loosely here) told her she should continue with the weight loss even after she got really skinny.

    Certain people are just terrible.
  • case87
    case87 Posts: 30 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention Herbal Life!
    You replace two meals with their shakes or whatever.. Yea My mom and aunts did it for about 4 months! Lost SO much weight... after 4 months! Gained back and more!!

    Girls all over my facebook are on Herbalife at the moment to get their 'Summer bods'. Sick of seeing it!

    Oh god tell me about it! Got a herbalife dealer on my Facebook. F**king hashtags everywhere #herbalife #summerbody #how'saboutf**koffwithyourhashtags

    Me too!! She's always posting some bull**** about 10 day belly buster detox drink. I mean REALLY?! I see girls all the time posting on her FB page saying, "Hey I did the plan! And it worked great! I got into my dress! But now I'm starting to gain weight again... what do I do?!"

    *Double face palm*

    I have a beachbody coach on mine... hashtags everywhere!!! I also have an Advocare sales lady. I have both of their posts hidden now. :)
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Funny how anything that is advertised that promises success without hard just crap. Lots of diets out there but only one thing can change your life...YOU! Funny to read all of these posts.