May I suggest... You'll lose 20 pounds in a week!



  • tallvesl99
    tallvesl99 Posts: 231 Member
    People are all about Visalus shakes now! I'm sorry, but I enjoy "eating" my food, not drinking it....yes, you will lose weight but more importantly you will make somebody upline be able to afford their BMW....whatever! Diet/Exercise....old fashion but the ONLY REAL way to lose it and keep it off. I Thank God every day for is SO EASY. At this age, I really struggled with my weight and getting it down, but this has been wonderful! Slow and sure....
  • bermudamel
    bermudamel Posts: 212
    Everyone thinks they have the answer for you (either they are a stick insect or have gained it back plus extra)

    I tried the eating plan that went with the cabbage soup diet in high school
    day 1 fruits
    day 2 veggies
    day 3 fruits and veggies
    day 4 6 bananas and 6 glasses of milk--this was a tough one, it was major starving day! Plus I drank all the milk at once and got major sick
    day 5 10oz meat and all you can eat tomatoes
    day 6 all you can eat meat
    day 7 rice and veggies
    you were allowed to have cabbage soup as much as you wanted all thru this, unlimited water and some sugar free grape juice. I lost fast but had to pee every 5 minutes and gained back quickly as soon as I stopped.
  • StarrySkiesYvaine
    StarrySkiesYvaine Posts: 35 Member

    Moreish but might give you a gippy tummy

    Tim Bayliss, Are you a Dylan Moran fan?! :smile:

    No lose weight quick schemes work for me. I put a lot of food and lack of exercise into making my body this way and it'll take hard work to change it!
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    ''When you feel hungry just have a coffee instead''...way to end up a quivering nervous wreck!

    I disagree, this actually helps.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    ''When you feel hungry just have a coffee instead''...way to end up a quivering nervous wreck!

    I disagree, this actually helps.

    Water helps too, oddly enough a fair amount of the time you are "hungry" you are actually thirsty, or so I've read.

    I don't drink coffee because it makes me less hungry, I drink coffee because IT'S COFFEE AND I MUST HAVE IT, GIVE ME MY EFFING COFFEE!!!

    I might have a problem...
  • phoenix7039
    To ask why someone would want to lose twenty pounds in a week is an odd question to me. Why would you not want to be twenty pounds closer to our goal if it could be done safely. I really think that if there were a pill I could take that would have absolutely no ill effects and I could wake up tomorrow morning at my ideal weight, I would take it.

    I have to agree with this. If I could lose 20 lbs before my wedding (in less than 3 weeks) with no ill effects and no risk of gaining it back, I would do it. However, I'm realistic and know the only way I can do this is to eat healthy and move more. Slow it goes, but at least it goes.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    Many, many years ago I did Slim Fast for 2 meals a day, then a regular meal at night. I ended up in the hospital. It messed up my intestines. I've never taken any supplement since then.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Well sure, if someone could wave a magic wand (I wouldn't trust a pill to have no side effects) and make me 130 pounds with a tight, toned body tomorrow? Yeah, sign me up! Who wouldn't go for it?

    But, I would rather lose slowly, but be healthy AND in the process *learn how to eat right and to enjoy exercise, than take some pill or go on a strange diet, which risks my health and probably won't be sustainable weight loss anyway.

    *This is the thing that gets overlooked SO often, IMHO. While you are losing weight by eating right (but eating realistically) and exercising you are forming habits that you can take with you the rest of your life. Are you going to eat cabbage soup or Slimfast every day for the rest of your life? No, you are not.

    But you CAN learn to eat healthy foods more often and unhealthy foods in moderation. You can learn portion control. You can find activities that you like doing. These are things you can do the rest of your life and that's what is going to help you keep the weight off. And these are the things you are missing when you take the "easy" way, which is a big part of the reason (again, IMHO) so many people who go on a fad diet or take a pill gain back so often.
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Oh I forgot to mention Herbal Life!
    You replace two meals with their shakes or whatever.. Yea My mom and aunts did it for about 4 months! Lost SO much weight... after 4 months! Gained back and more!!

    Girls all over my facebook are on Herbalife at the moment to get their 'Summer bods'. Sick of seeing it!

    Oh god tell me about it! Got a herbalife dealer on my Facebook. F**king hashtags everywhere #herbalife #summerbody #how'saboutf**koffwithyourhashtags

    Me too!! She's always posting some bull**** about 10 day belly buster detox drink. I mean REALLY?! I see girls all the time posting on her FB page saying, "Hey I did the plan! And it worked great! I got into my dress! But now I'm starting to gain weight again... what do I do?!"

    *Double face palm*

    I have a beachbody coach on mine... hashtags everywhere!!! I also have an Advocare sales lady. I have both of their posts hidden now. :)

    Lol I wish I could do that but I know him personally so I don't want to everything he says! Samantha, the guy I know posted a picture if a bloated fat fella, then 10 days later a picture of the same fella, not bloated and obviously pulling his stomach in! He was still fat, obviously!
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Its been suggested to me to use those pre-packaged meal plans. First of all theyre so damn expensive! Secondly, they dont teach you anything. I would be pissed if I lost 50 lbs and had no idea how to maintain it so I gain it all back. I cant understand how that would be good longterm.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    Oh and that diet with that drink made of lemons, syrup, hot sauce and all that weird stuff. no thanks!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Well sure, if someone could wave a magic wand (I wouldn't trust a pill to have no side effects) and make me 130 pounds with a tight, toned body tomorrow? Yeah, sign me up! Who wouldn't go for it?

    But, I would rather lose slowly, but be healthy AND in the process *learn how to eat right and to enjoy exercise, than take some pill or go on a strange diet, which risks my health and probably won't be sustainable weight loss anyway.

    *This is the thing that gets overlooked SO often, IMHO. While you are losing weight by eating right (but eating realistically) and exercising you are forming habits that you can take with you the rest of your life. Are you going to eat cabbage soup or Slimfast every day for the rest of your life? No, you are not.

    But you CAN learn to eat healthy foods more often and unhealthy foods in moderation. You can learn portion control. You can find activities that you like doing. These are things you can do the rest of your life and that's what is going to help you keep the weight off. And these are the things you are missing when you take the "easy" way, which is a big part of the reason (again, IMHO) so many people who go on a fad diet or take a pill gain back so often.

    :drinker: Very well said and wholeheartedly agree.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Was I the only one who spent $50ish dollars a month on Metabolife about 14/15 years ago? I was a chubby 16 year old and thought the kiosk at the mall had the answer. :noway: Oh the stupidity, it burnssss.

    Ahhhh Metabolife. I definitely remember this one. My father was a distributor and user. Didn't make much of a difference on the tubby fella.
  • stacydawn75
    It's taken me a long time but I'm finally starting to realise that it's not about losing weight fast, it's about changing yourself into a slim person. Think about it this way - large people:
    * eat too much
    * eat the wrong sorts of things
    * move too little
    Slim people:
    * eat the right amount
    * eat the right kinds of things
    * move the right amount
    My goal is to stop being in the first category and start being in the second category. How does cayenne and lemon water fit into that? Answer - it doesn't, so it has no place in my "becoming a slim person" plan. It might help you lose 20lbs, but you'd put it right back on again because you hadn't changed your large person habits into slim person habits.
  • stacydawn75
    I meant to quote what you said and tell you it was brilliant :)
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    Some people just don't get it ;/
  • lijepa1979
    lijepa1979 Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah, I did the laxative thing when I had an eating disorder. Sure, I lost weight, but I had stomach problems for years. Not to mention, the ED screwed me up so bad with my metabolism making losing weight naturally a lot harder than it should be. However, it is slowly coming off. I think I would rather be fat than do that to my body again.
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    Ha Ha - I love it... my faves are the old ones - cottage cheese, hot dogs and ice cream (although not altogether on one plate!!)

    You are so right though, it is only through sensible eating and moving about a bit more that anyone can lose weight successfully and keep it off - faddy ideas are just hawked from phonies who want to pray on the misery of others... unfortunately we all fall for it at one time or another!

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    - Lemon water

    The only way I will have lemon water is if it's made into lemonade. :wink:
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Oh! I just thought of another one. A while back, there was a girl who posted a list of diet pills looking for advice on which one to take. (I can't remember if it was on this forum or another one I'm on) One of the pills listed cayenne pepper as the main active ingredient and on their website, the claim was that the heat in the pepper would melt your fat the same way that butter will melt in the sun.

    Umm... WHAT?!?!? :noway:

    Who would fall for that? If that were even remotely true, all you would have to do to lose fat is stand around outside during the summer.