Do you ever think: how did I get to this point?



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    In this society, with the HIGH calorie-low nutrient foods it is VERY easy to overeat every day (just to get satiated) especially when you are not tracking what you eat. That is why I do not understand people on here who say they will leave when they reach their "goal" or they need a break from logging. That is NUTS, who leaves or stops something that is SUCCESSFUL. Most people do not know what is IMPORTANT, that's why they fail.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Yup! I think most of us know just what you mean.

    I couldn't believe how heavy I got. I think what finally opened my eyes was the way it was affecting my health. Scary symptoms were enough for me to say "ENOUGH!"

    Feels too good now that I'm taking care of myself.... never going back!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Nicole65
    Nicole65 Posts: 41 Member
    The depression is also what gets me, two years ago I lost 60lbs and then slowly gained it back because I was so depressed and I just didn't give a f*^&. I'm so mad that I let my depression get the best of me, but I've made a lot of changes in my life and in myself, and I refuse to let the depression get the best of me this time.
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    What I think more is "why didn't I get it 30lbs ago"? I know how I got here. I kept eating like my husband and step-son, friends, family, etc. I never changed my eating from when I was in high school and very active to when I graduated and started a job that is sit down all day. Now 17 years later I am struggling to fix what I messed up. LOL It is my own fault and I am the only one who can get me out of it.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I was bored, lazy, complacent and I looooove food. Pretty simple in my case actually.
  • wammi30
    wammi30 Posts: 4
    I have similar thoughts about myself. At one point I weighed 152. Even 150. I managed to keep my weight consistently around 160. And slowly over the past 3 years the numbers on the scale have crept up. At my worst (which has been the past 2 years) my highest weight was 190! I was so depressed the first time i saw that awful number. I just started seriously using mfp one month ago and have been doing pretty good so far. i am really motivated this time to stick with it. As of today i am 179.5. My goal is to weigh 160 and keep the weight off. I know how i got to this point, I LOVE FOOD, I LOVE TO EAT and I HATE TO EXERCISE.
  • megbee617
    megbee617 Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks for the support. Its tough to forgive myself and let the past stay where it is... the past. I can't help but make comparisons to everyone in my life... especially if I'm surrounded by skinny people who might be apathetic to how I feel.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    I think that all the time and at times it gets me down but i try and stay upbeat and keep going,. I heard this once and it really helped me
    " You cant move on to new chapters if your still holding the page from before" I try and make changes and think what can i do this time to make it a better way.....but my best advice always make your cup half full and be postivie
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Oh yes! I definitely asked myself that. I knew HOW I got to that point(I ate anything and everything) but I didn't know WHY I did. I was happy with my job, happy in my relationship and my home life. I just liked to eat. It was a picture taken in December of 2011 that got my butt into gear. I knew I was heavy but didn't think I was THAT heavy. I stepped on the scale and it stopped at 252 lbs. I cried! Right on my bathroom floor. I wondered what people thought when they looked at me, and every other horrible thing I could think up. Then I woke up the next day, joined the gym, and made adjustments to my eating habits. Thankfully, it all worked out! I went for 252 to 125 and feel like I was never even that other person.

    I was cleaning out some old papers in my file cabinet the other day and found my old gym registration(that I joined in 2005) and I was 181 lbs, so I had gained 71 lbs in 6 years!

    Let's all be proud of ourselves for gaining control and becoming the best versions of ourselves!
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    I found some old weight watchers cards. It really bugs me that my lowest weight on WW was at 161lbs (I'm at 160.5 now haha!) and that I let myself put on a LOT more! Why didn't I just keep it off? Work at it? Get lower?! It's taken me 6 weeks to get this last 14lbs off... if I had stayed at the weight I was when I lost last time, I'd be 14lbs lower.... I'd be at 146 by now! Only 6lbs from my goal! Ahhh... maybe I should print this off and stick this on my fridge, or my scales!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I used to think it was just a matter of getting older, and that's just what happens when you get older...but it bugged me that my best buddy never really got "fat"...he'd put on a little from time to time and then just drop it when he wanted to. Used to make me so jealous and I couldn't understand why he was just "naturally" lean, etc.

    I was missing a big piece of the picture though...I'd look at him and the way he eats and compare it to myself...not much different...we both ate a lot and loved what gives? Well, I used to train like a mad man back in the day...I lifted weights frequently and had a pretty good fitness regimen going on. About 10 years ago, I got lazy. I think the biggest thing that hurt me was that I quit all of those calories that were going to maintaining and building muscle started going to building and maintaining fat stores. Mean time, my buddy has missed nary a workout in these last 10 years. "Naturally"! He just didn't get lazy like I did.

    Having been here on MFP these last 6 months has taught me how important exercise is, and especially weight training if you like to eat. If I want to eat, I must lift.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member
    Most of us have probably had that "how could I let this happen" moment. Awful as it feels I think it's important, because personally if I don't know why I ended up overweight, my fear is that I'll make it a pattern. If you can understand it, you can conquer it.

    But beyond that there's no point in ruminating. Focus on the moment you're in, and the choices you will make today to achieve your goal. And when you slip back into the "how could I" thinking, just kindly remind yourself there's nothing to be gained by dwelling on that. Eventually it will become a very positive new habit.
  • jaw783
    jaw783 Posts: 40 Member
    Well no need in focusing on the past. The main thing is you have made a decision to make a change. Congradulate yourself on taking the first step!!!
  • misseseaj2010
    This is the story of my life!

    I think my problem is that I don't get big in one area, I just get wider but stay relatively flat. So it's really hard for me to tell on myself that I have gained weight.

    One thing I've often wondered is why didn't someone tell me? I mean I know it's a touchy subject but omg I wish my mom, my husband, my sister, ANYONE would have been like hey you've put on some weight. I'm not blaming anyone else but me, but like 50lbs ago I wish someone would have said something to me, and now I wouldn't be 100lbs overweight.

    Also going months at a time without getting on a scale doesn't help.
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    Oh I most definitely have felt that way. Why wasn't I happier when I was 16 and 135 lbs? Or 18 and 150lbs? Or 20 and 170lbs? But dwelling in the past gets us nowhere. I'm making a change NOW, which is more than what a lot of people do. So I choose to be proud of myself NOW. :)
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    When I started in January, I did wonder how I let myself go. I was thin my childhood and through my 20s. Why did I put on weight when I was 35 and then was able to take it off so easily? What changed between then and now?

    Why did I think it was OK to be heavy and to then let myself gain a total of 50 pounds through January 1, 2013?

    I had to face the brutal fact that I eat to cope with stress or other issues I don't want to face. That was hard. In fact, the hardest part of this journey is realizing why I ate and then breaking the self-destructive nature of my eating habits. Do I really feel better eating that comfort food? Why would I select that salty, sweet and fatty thing to nibble on when I was worried? Is my anxiety cured by that snack?


    It's fixed by facing the issue, the person and the trouble head-on.

    When I start maintenance, I will need more discipline, as I still have a slightly distorted view of what a portion size is for me. This is truly a story of a journey and not a destination. Stay tuned!
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    Oh heck yes! And when you start to lose weight, you look back on how much is gone, think of lifting that much on you EVERY DAY! I think most of us are in the same boat with you.
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    The only people not thinking, "how did I get to this point", are sleeping in the ground. And even they thought it.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Yes. The answer is stress. Now, I am working on ways to combat that without resorting to eating the refined carbs and lots of them that got me here. I am not anti-carb, but seriously I was eating a whole lot of them there would be 90% carb days for me for sure, no one needs that many especially if you are eating like 4000 calories a day.
  • ac_boubou
    ac_boubou Posts: 28 Member
    God! yes! I think about my weight all the time. How come I became so fat? I'm still in process to find the reasons why I have so much problems to get an healty weight. I have a younger sister who is healty, fit and never had those troubles.
    Why me? Well, I love food. I don't eat junk food but I absolutely overeat. I don't exercice enough. And I think too much about my weight.( that's stressful) That's what I found so far.

    Now, i'm working on myself to get more fit and have an healty weight. For instance, my Dr. told me that I was obese (based on my IMC). I was shocked. I'm really trying to change that every single day. It's hard, and my weight lost is so slowwwww. (About 10 pounds in 4 months)

    I don't give up, if others can do it, I surely can do it too.
    So I think it's good to think about what brought us there to never fall again in bad behaviours. Most important: You are asking questions about yourself, so you are conscious that there's something wrong out there.

    Keep it up! We worth it!!