people always commenting on your diet?



  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    i can relate - i have been on your side of that conversation.
    it's really frustrating and yeah it does get kindof embarrassing (at first), but then after a while, it's enraging.
    it's like "excuse me for wanting to have a healthier body and for wanting a leaner shape. and sorry for not treating my body like a trash bag."

    it's people like that that really get on my nerves.
    you just have to ignore them.

    grin and bear it. :)
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Happens to me nearly
    I'm over it.

    I'm eating something.
    "Hey, doesn't that have a lot of carbs?" "Well, I'm not doing low carb." "But carbs make you fat." "Shut it."

    Later that day....
    "Hey, since you aren't watching carbs why don't you just drink kool-aid instead of water?"

    Shoot me.
  • itslouiejay
    itslouiejay Posts: 26 Member
    Sometimes when people are like that I try to be as off-putting as they are. To the point it makes them uncomfortable. I get a weird thrill out of it.

    co-worker: "You need to eat more. What health kick is this?"
    me: "It's not. I'm just making better choices"
    co-worker: "Well it really seems like you're on a crazy diet. You only brought meat, vegetables, fruit and nuts. You need more."
    me: "What I brought is plenty. I'm just trying to be less fat."
    co-worker: "You're not fat- you need to eat more"
    me: "If you knew my weight, my health or anything about me you'd know this is long over-due. Would you like to phone my doctor to discuss this?"
    co-worker: "oh- I didn't mean. That's too personal..."
    me: "well it wasn't stopping you a minute ago when you announced that I'm on a 'crazy diet'. Why stop now?"

    And now she NEVER talks to me about my food/my weight or anything that revolve around her opinions. Just the way I like it :)

    Love this response! Ha!
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I don't know why they feel the need to comment.:tongue:
    HKSJS Posts: 23 Member
    'that within your calories is it?'
    only so many times i can say 'yes it is' and getting a disbelieving look in return

    ^^ This
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220
    I had a gal ask me "Are you going to eat all of that?!" when we were out to lunch this weekend. I wasn't actually, I was saving half of it for dinner, but for her sake I just looked at her and said "Damn straight!" and proceeded to take a huge bite of my flank steak & garlic veggies. :tongue:
    Way yummier and actually way more nutrient dense than her iceberg lettuce smothered in cheese and cream (aka caesar salad).

    I generally don't tell people I'm trying to eat healthy or changing anything, because 9 times out of 10 it triggers some sort of unfavorable response.
  • gettingmeback2013
    gettingmeback2013 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm very lucky in that the two people I work closest with are also healthy living..and both understand that this is life and we're not perfect and we can have a piece of damn chocolate if we want! I have a great support system in my co-workers!

    My husband, on the other hand, THINKS he's being supportive when he nitpicks about my piece of cake or bowl of ice cream. I have politely, and not so politely, informed him that that is not the way to be supportive. LOL And then eat it anyway. I'm a dessert girl. I make it fit. LOL And I've lost 21lbs thank you very much!! :)
  • Mrsmorman
    Mrsmorman Posts: 29 Member
    Sometimes when people are like that I try to be as off-putting as they are. To the point it makes them uncomfortable. I get a weird thrill out of it.

    co-worker: "You need to eat more. What health kick is this?"
    me: "It's not. I'm just making better choices"
    co-worker: "Well it really seems like you're on a crazy diet. You only brought meat, vegetables, fruit and nuts. You need more."
    me: "What I brought is plenty. I'm just trying to be less fat."
    co-worker: "You're not fat- you need to eat more"
    me: "If you knew my weight, my health or anything about me you'd know this is long over-due. Would you like to phone my doctor to discuss this?"
    co-worker: "oh- I didn't mean. That's too personal..."
    me: "well it wasn't stopping you a minute ago when you announced that I'm on a 'crazy diet'. Why stop now?"

    And now she NEVER talks to me about my food/my weight or anything that revolve around her opinions. Just the way I like it :)
  • Mrsmorman
    Mrsmorman Posts: 29 Member
    I LOVE IT...
  • ekahnicole
    ekahnicole Posts: 216 Member
    Luckily my boyfriend and family are very supportive and don't sabotage or make comments that have a negative slant. Everywhere else happens.

    And living in a small town in the South, most everyone knows I'm trying to be healthy and lose weight, and yet they still offer me junk. Especially at work, my boss tries to insist that I eat the Pizza Hut pizza she ordered or the McD's sausage biscuits. NO THANK YOU!