Embarrassed to diet



  • ddgx300
    ddgx300 Posts: 19 Member
    Sometimes I feel dead inside. I make progress, and then Infall so far. I can not stop eating. I don't know why, but I eat myself sick sometimes. Inam not even hungry. I feel worse because I am not super heavy. I only need to drop about 15 lbs. my job requires me to be a certain size arond the middle, and I struggle. There have been days I felt so low that I wanted to stop existing. Maybe this is the wrong topic to post under but this is ghe first time I have opened up at all. Is threre an end? Can I get help for eating lije this? Wtf is wrong with me? I nver ever feel like I ate. I can seriously eat continously from sun up to sun dow. And feel hungry all day. I hate what I am.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I used to feel that way; and since I no longer work at the office (I work from home) people don't see me regularly so the weight loss is now more pronounced. I had one woman in our office bug me for over half an hour, following me about the office with 'no seriously, what diet are you on?' I don't consider my health issues to be anyone's business, but finally I told her I'm diabetic and I can't eat the crap she eats if I want to live. I'm not normally a rude person, but please, how many times do I have to say 'eat less and move more' for you to get it? She's been huffy with me ever since and last week snootily said she hoped I kept all my fat clothes because I would gain all the weight back. And she wonders why I don't refer my clients to her (she's a loan officer) :noway:

    OMG your story made me LOL so hard. And that will be my strategy. I really do have diabetes, but what I didn't know is how people react to that when you tell them. If someone asks me why I am eating certain foods and not others I will just tell them I am diabetic and they will bend over backwards to not offer me crap food I don't want anyway.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Does anyone else get this? i find it hard to admit to anyone in work that i am dieting in the first pace, and also hate it when i get my lunch out in work and inevitably the question "are you on a diet or something?" comes about....Maybe am seeing it as a sign of weakness that i am having to do this and don't want to admit that to anyone?
    Also when ever i have lost weight i and other people notice and pass comment not to say am embarrassed of them noticing me, but its it like as soon as people start to notice i stop looking after myself once again and start to put weight back on again i seem to do this every single time i have lost weight and i don't know why!!!!
    Does any one else ever do this at all, would love to hear everyones opinion/advice on this matter!!!

    I could have wrote this very post many many times in my past. As a result well here I am decades later and lots of pounds heavier and for what? I don't know. I hadn't thought about this though as being one of the contributors of me getting where I am now though, but it really was and I hope that I am ok with it now, but I am probably still going to be a bit self-conscious. As a matter of fact I know I will be I am a bit embarrassed when I buy groceries because to me it looks like I am obviously dieting, very little processed food in my cart lots of veggies etc. The same when I go walking or anything like that. But, I am sort of over it taking it one day at a time and if anyone notices what I am doing, I will just say it like the poster I quoted in my post above this, I am diabetic. If they have a problem with that, then that tells me a lot more about them than they would like me to know.
  • skinnytayy
    skinnytayy Posts: 459
    I don't tell people I'm dieting because I'm not. I'm simply eating healthier. So if they ask just say no, I don't diet or I'm just eating healthier these days. About the compliments, I don't have that issue and can't offer any advice. I love compliments and I just soak up all the attention, to be honest. Plus when someone tells me I look like I've lost weight, it motivates me to keep going but it also sends a message to my stubborn *kitten* brain that I don't still look the same. When I look at myself sometimes I think there is no difference and THAT makes me want to quit so.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    So what you mean to say is that you are embarrased to be healthy.

    Why do you care what other people say? Are you doing this for them or are you doing this for yourself?

    You probably shouldn't be dieting anyway. Diets are short term fixes and usually don't last. You are making a permanent lifestyle change here. So the answer is, "Nope. I'm not dieting, but I am making healthier choices now. Thanks for noticing." Who knows? You could end up being a good role model for others. Keep up the good work..:drinker:
  • lizlovestrees
    lizlovestrees Posts: 47 Member
    Haters gunna hate... If you're super embarrassed you could bring shakes or smoothies and just stay busy with work, avoid lunch all together! ;)

    The truth is you're making a decision to be FIT and HEALTHY! Stop thinking of it as 'losing weight' or 'dieting' it's a lifestyle change. People should be proud of you and supportive or just don't have them in your life!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    So what you mean to say is that you are embarrased to be healthy.

    Why do you care what other people say? Are you doing this for them or are you doing this for yourself?

    You probably shouldn't be dieting anyway. Diets are short term fixes and usually don't last. You are making a permanent lifestyle change here. So the answer is, "Nope. I'm not dieting, but I am making healthier choices now. Thanks for noticing." Who knows? You could end up being a good role model for others. Keep up the good work..:drinker:

  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    I find it that people who are usually eating constantly unhealthy things in their lunch like fast food and they see a person packing their lunch everyday with a salad, or with veggies, and protein aren't used to seeing or being around people who actually take the time to prepare meals to eat and be healthy.
    They see this as people eating this way for one purpose just to lose weight not as a lifestyle.

    I remember when used to think this way but I realized that those people thought differently they were not on a diet.
    It was what they did what they new as normal.
    I would not pack my lunch ever and I was shocked to find out that there are people who constantly packed a lunch and took that time out of their busy day to make sure they nourish their body and don't skip meals or just opt to saying I want to sleep in and I will pick something up for lunch like chips and a hotdog. this is just my opinion. Don't care what others say and just tell them politely " Its what I do" that is it don't explain yourself.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    You arent' dieting-you are making healthy food choices. You could rattle off a list of all the things you can/can't eat and make it quite long and complicated and make them sorry they asked.

    Or you could just tell them it's not their business.
  • fluffychicken7
    fluffychicken7 Posts: 77 Member
    Like the others have said, if you find dieting as embarrassing then don't diet. Choosing to eat healthy doesn't always mean dieting. It means you are putting the proper nutrients in your body to make it perform optimally and dieting is too short sighted and it will never work.

    Remember that when you reach your target weight, it doesn't end there and that you can never go back to the way you may be eating before you joined MFP. Do you want to eat cardboard for the rest of your life? Probably not. Learn to live in harmony with the foods you eat, change your mindset and make a difference.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    We can reverse years of damage to our bodies by deciding to raise our standards for ourselves, then living differently. Old wounds heal, injuries repair, and the whole system improves with just a few changes in what we put into our bodies and how we move them.

    do me this is a lifesyle, not a diet
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Theory: When people start to notice you looking better, thinner, you tend to stop losing because, hey, you look better! And I think that, while you obviously KNOW you still need to work on it, it subconsciously tells you that you don't need to do anything anymore because you look better now.

    Or at least, I think that's how it works for me. I was losing, then people started complimenting me (I hadn't lost very much at all) and suddenly I stopped logging. It wasn't just thinking, "Hey, they think I look good, I guess I can stop now." It wasn't a conscious thing at all.

    Very interesting and also a good thing to keep in mind!