Mfp has cause more harm than good for me.



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I don't understand why people feel that clean eating equates to not enjoying their life??

    If your enjoyment of life hinges on consuming fast food you may want to revaluate your priorities.

    Or maybe you need to stop placing your judgments on others. In order to 'eat clean' I would have to shun most social functions with family and friends, completely reorder my life in a very unrealistic way due to my schedule, and otherwise obsess over something I'm simply not willing to obsess over. You bet that'd have an impact on my quality of life.

    And last I priorities were doing fine, thank you very much.
  • NHoughton13
    NHoughton13 Posts: 303
    I've never had the kind of success before that I've achieved with MFP. I'm sorry you feel obsessive about it, but totally understand. I was overwhelmed at first. But once I got comfortable here, I've l gained a lot of knowledge and motivation. I've also had to step back and laugh at some ridiculous posts. What works for some might not work for others. I accept that. I still don't understand TDEE and all that :laugh:

    I've learned to go at my own pace and not compare myself to others. I don't beat myself up over "bad days" because those will happen. If this is a lifestyle, then I cannot be expected to never have McDonald's again. I went from having fast food EVERY DAY to seldom/occasionally. I consider that a win!! I haven't found myself hungry and still eat processed foods. With my schedule, sometimes it's just a LUNA bar before lunch. I'm ok with that, it's better than what I was doing.

    I strive for progress, not perfection.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I have found that since finding mfp, I have spent every evening glued to the forums, obsessing on 'clean eating', have developed a fear of having any pre packaged meals, of allowing myself the treats I used to have regularly amidst my regular food, along with the fact I now feel impelled to workout everyday, regardless of anything else I might feel like doing, because everyone else seems to be working their *kitten* of obsessively on a daily basis, burning anything up to thousands of calories. Along with this, I have been having severe binges, only since joining the site. As soon as I started actively counting calories, obsession took over. Not to a point of starving myself or anything like that, but to a point of becoming totally consumed by analysing what might be the best diet for longevity, what might be the best diet for a lean body etc etc. It has removed whatever remnant of intuitive eating I had remaining. Sure, I did not have the best diet. I ate a lot of veggie microwave meals, alongside my fruit and veg, and mcflurries and chocolate were a fairly regular fixture in my life. I walked a lot, or swam, or rollerskated or cycled, and I was not overweight. Not 18% bodyfat lean, but not overweight either. I felt healthier. I felt happier. I was more relaxed and I was living my life and had space for other things. Now, every evening, all evening, is spent on mfp, reading more posts and feeling as if I am on some alien planet when I see people logging every bite, every calorie burnt. I go out for a long bike ride, and no longer feel able to stop off for a coffee and toast, or a slice of cake. No way jose, that is not clean, we are not meant to have treats more than once a week, once a month, once a year even, lol.

    Has anyone else hit this issue with mfp?
    I know it works great for people who are endangering their lives with their weight issues.
    But for me, sadly, it seems to have just kicked in my competitive, perfectionist streak, and made me feel compelled to have a perfect diet diary, to burn 600 calories + in exercise a day to not feel lazy compared to everyone else, to revolve my life around eating the best I can for a long life and health, which ironically, is making me feel less healthy. Yep, eating a pile of veggies everyday, and fruit, and greek yoghurt, eggs, fish, chicken, beans, almonds and sweet potatoes, has left me feeling more crap than when I had baked potatoes, microwave veggie meals, quorn(horribly processed), smaller amounts of veggies, ice cream, chocolate and some fish.

    I have lost 20 lbs in the last month and a half not eating clean not exercising, just tracking my eating on WW etools. Don't obsess and don't be perfectionistic. You can lose weight or maintain just by logging your calories and getting normal activity levels. It is impossible for me to lose weight or maintain without tracking my calories so I would not give up on that completely if you need to lose which it sounds like you don't. Just track to maintain , eat normally and keep up your normal activity levels and you should be fine. You don't sound like you were eating that unhealthy to begin with.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I don't understand why people feel that clean eating equates to not enjoying their life??

    If your enjoyment of life hinges on consuming fast food you may want to revaluate your priorities.

    Or maybe you need to stop placing your judgments on others. In order to 'eat clean' I would have to shun most social functions with family and friends, completely reorder my life in a very unrealistic way due to my schedule, and otherwise obsess over something I'm simply not willing to obsess over. You bet that'd have an impact on my quality of life.

    And last I priorities were doing fine, thank you very much.

    Hold on now - I wasn't personally attacking you...

    You can strive to eat clean at home and still partake in the odd fast food dinner with family if you really want to - it's not a prison sentence.

    If you're not willing to "obsess" over it then fine - do whatever works for you. But please don't try to make out that eating clean is a life of brown rice and no fun.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    Why do you think you came here to begin with? You said in your profile that you have never really been overweight, so are you just trying to log to maintain? What are your goals? Achieve your goals and block out any of the extra noise.

    I have had issues with bulimia in the past, never really was addicted to it, so I stopped pretty easily. I have more issues being a compulsive overeater and lazy than anything else. I have never been my ideal weight so I can see how it would be easy to start thinking I want the best body possible or a "perfect" body and then start pushing yourself too hard. Find a lifestyle you can maintain and don't beat yourself up about not being perfect. You sound like a perfectly healthy woman to begin with. You exercise. you are in a healthy weight range. you eat relatively healthy.
  • nimbuk
    nimbuk Posts: 2 Member
    I'd agree that intuition is important but MFP can play a really good role in double checking that intuition. My intuition was telling me to snack healthy but, as it turns out, my healthy choices were really high calories.

    As for 600 calories a day - why on earth are you being limited to that extent? I'm allowed 1200-1400 and more if I exercise during the day. Are you sure this calorie goal has been calculated right? It sounds completely excessive and dangerous to me. Maybe check that first of all... :)

    As for personality versus app efficacy, well, that's for you to decide. If it really isn't helping you, then get rid of it. (If you're using an Android phone, the 'Noom' weight-loss app is pretty good and far more educational about what a healthy food is.)

    Good luck :)
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    It's true the forums can become addictive. I try not to come on too much (especially during work hours). I do enjoy catching up and cheering on the few friends that I have made and try to limit myself to that.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
  • lowerh22
    lowerh22 Posts: 20 Member
    MFP has been a bloody godsend for me. I was in total denial about my weigh 9 days ago. Til I got on the scales. I sat down to eat my dinner knowing it was my last takeaway for a LONG time. With the help of MFP, seeing what I'm eating and putting into my body has helped me realise that in fact I'm not taking care of myself. How can I expect to teach my daughter to take care of herself if I can't do it myself?
    I joined a gym and READJUSTED my eating. I allow myself treats and I still am losing. I've lost 6lbs in 10 days because of being aware of myself and my eating, not just shovelling it in because I'm bored.

    MFP is here to support and a a tool for calorie counting. Theres a little button to log off if you dont feel its for you. Good luck
  • Celestialfairie
    When I first started I'd obsess over everything. I tried the 1200 cals or in most cases less. And it worked. I dropped fifteen pounds pretty quickly. Then stalled. Got frustrated.

    Then I decided... everyone has great advice but I just need to follow what my body wants. It likes sweets and junk food and soda. And you know... I went back to eating that. And then lost an additional twenty-five pounds.

    I just sat down and thought about what I was doing to make me gain the weight. I became more active. I wouldn't let myself put away bags of candy at a time. And now I just eat what I want, when I want.

    I'm not out to be a body builder. I'm not out for a lean BF% or BMI. I'm sitting pretty comfortable, if I do say so myself, and now I just focus on not going back in the other direction. So I will read forums just to see how others are doing but I had to realize that this is my battle. I found tons of support here but the only thing that would lead to change is for me to fully understand myself.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I have found this place a little addictive. I had lost my weight and was almost at goal without MFP. I just started using it after Christmas out of curiosity...I needed a boost and some motivation to get me moving again and to lose that little bit of Christmas gain. I needed to get my head back in the game. It worked! I lost the Christmas weight and have some wonderful motivating friends on here. I need this site so I can see others losing weight and that motivates me. Seeing those calorie burns makes me proud and makes me want to do well too. It keeps me in the right mindset. I love MFP!
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    MFP is a great tool, but if you don't tailor it to YOU, then it's worthless. Sounds like you are/were overly influenced by what others on MFP were doing. It's great to see a success story, or to learn something new about exercise or food, but we fail when we are not true to ourselves. I don't eat clean, don't always eat great every day, and I know I could do a lot of things better. Thing is, what I'm doing works for me and I'm generally happy & feel good.

    The other thing is that you sound like you need balance. I love MFP & reading the forums, but it's only a part of my life. If you are spending hours upon hours here, then maybe you need to rethink that. Step away a bit. Spend more time with family & friends, watch a movie, read a book, you know, live! Sometimes I'll log off for days at a time and you know what? I survive. :laugh:

    Do what you need to do, take care!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You do realize you have control over yourself and whether you jump on MFP to surf the forums or not, right? Just put the computer down and stop complaining at us for "making you this way." It's not our fault.

  • zmzmzm19
    zmzmzm19 Posts: 155 Member
    For what it's worth - My advice would be to stay off the forums and surround yourself with supportive "Friends". I rarely come into the community side, tonight is just to be nosey :wink:

    I've found that MFP makes me accountable for what I put into my body and my exercise choices, accountable to myself and the people I chose to have as friends on here - That's what works for me.

    Choose the right support people that fit in with the lifestyle you want. If you have no intention of being a bodybuilder or a gym bunny, then don't surround yourself with unachievable peers

    I hope you find a place where you can still make healthy choices that make YOU happy :smile:
    I totally agree with this post...I have supportive MFP Friends, and don't usually spend alot of time on the forums, I just check them once in a great while. Best Wishes to you! :flowerforyou:
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I understand how you feel. I got the same way. I no longer log my calories. I do log exercise most of the time. Logging becomes obsessive. When my mother was dying ( many years before the Internet), I was in her room logging my food. So selfish and stupid. I'm ashamed to admit that. I knew then that logging can become obsessive as can exercise and the whole thing.

    I'm now at my goal weight and quite fit. But I got that way with moderation and going at my own pace. No logging. And definitely no 1200 calories a day!

    This site is wonderful if you use it to share information and to support others and be supported by them. Some wonderful folks here. But it can also be rough on you. Just don't let it. Do what's right and comfortable for you. Don't compete with others or try and keep up with them. Most of them know no more than you do.

    Don't let this site stress you out. Use it but don't let it use you.
  • jaymesjourney
    Its addicting to me in a good way. I've had to control myself with the forums to only at work which is perfect since the mobile app doesn't allow you to look in the forums. I only use it to track my calories to make sure I'm in the calorie limit or else I'd be eating tons of cheese, chocolate, sodas, and energy drinks. Its given me the tools to actually SEE how many calories I was consuming. Its helped me lose 50+ pounds and I will always be grateful to MFP.

    If you need a break than take a break!
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    You do realize you have control over yourself and whether you jump on MFP to surf the forums or not, right? Just put the computer down and stop complaining at us for "making you this way." It's not our fault.


    You do realize that this is the "Motivation and Support" section of MFP and you can choosed whether to read a post or not, right?
    Just skip over the topic, and stop typing if supportive or motivating words fail to come to mind. It's okay, we know it's not our fault that you can't.

  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    Nobody is telling you to give up anything. MFP is based on burn more calories than you take in and get your body moving. For many of us, we had been taking in more calories than we burn and sitting on our butts for years.

    Personally, MFP has been more useful to me than WW, Jenny Craig or any other commercial "diet program" has ever been.

    I hope everyting works out for you!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I have found that since finding mfp, I have spent every evening glued to the forums, obsessing on 'clean eating', have developed a fear of having any pre packaged meals, of allowing myself the treats I used to have regularly amidst my regular food, along with the fact I now feel impelled to workout everyday, regardless of anything else I might feel like doing, because everyone else seems to be working their *kitten* of obsessively on a daily basis, burning anything up to thousands of calories. Along with this, I have been having severe binges, only since joining the site. As soon as I started actively counting calories, obsession took over. Not to a point of starving myself or anything like that, but to a point of becoming totally consumed by analysing what might be the best diet for longevity, what might be the best diet for a lean body etc etc. It has removed whatever remnant of intuitive eating I had remaining. Sure, I did not have the best diet. I ate a lot of veggie microwave meals, alongside my fruit and veg, and mcflurries and chocolate were a fairly regular fixture in my life. I walked a lot, or swam, or rollerskated or cycled, and I was not overweight. Not 18% bodyfat lean, but not overweight either. I felt healthier. I felt happier. I was more relaxed and I was living my life and had space for other things. Now, every evening, all evening, is spent on mfp, reading more posts and feeling as if I am on some alien planet when I see people logging every bite, every calorie burnt. I go out for a long bike ride, and no longer feel able to stop off for a coffee and toast, or a slice of cake. No way jose, that is not clean, we are not meant to have treats more than once a week, once a month, once a year even, lol.

    Has anyone else hit this issue with mfp?
    I know it works great for people who are endangering their lives with their weight issues.
    But for me, sadly, it seems to have just kicked in my competitive, perfectionist streak, and made me feel compelled to have a perfect diet diary, to burn 600 calories + in exercise a day to not feel lazy compared to everyone else, to revolve my life around eating the best I can for a long life and health, which ironically, is making me feel less healthy. Yep, eating a pile of veggies everyday, and fruit, and greek yoghurt, eggs, fish, chicken, beans, almonds and sweet potatoes, has left me feeling more crap than when I had baked potatoes, microwave veggie meals, quorn(horribly processed), smaller amounts of veggies, ice cream, chocolate and some fish.

    I only allow myself on the forums once a month.
    If anyone has questions about my methods they simply PM.
    Otherwise ill sit here and read everything all day and argue and say crap like "your doctor told you WHAT?!?!?"
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    MF is just a tool. I find it invaluable to keep track of calories and exercise, but I don't obsesss about it. Anyway, why should you give a rat's *kitten* for the opinions of strangers on the Internet? If you don't like the program, drop out. Nobody is forcing you.