Proper Gym Etiquette



  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    In general: be clean, and be courteous.

    In particular: Don't curl in the squat rack.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Do not fart while doing squats.

    At least say "excuse me"

    Agreed. Sometimes you just can't help it.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Don't ever go to a Planet Fitness. Holy love of Jesus. I don't even know where to start.....
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Please wipe off the machine, even if you don't think you sweat.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    skinnybitchbarbie27 Posts: 306 Member
    For the love of god do not wear perfume or smelly body sprays to the gym.

    You are there to sweat and workout, not smell like james bond swam in axe.

    Jus sayin.

    It drives me crazy when I am in cycle class and can't breathe due to b**tches perfume.
  • ThePinkPenguin
    Don't be late for group classes! Even when it's not yoga, it's a distraction when I'm trying to focus on a routine and someone walks in the room late, especially when they walk in front of you to get to a spot. I've had two offenders of this in my Zumba class that particularly stand out:

    1) Last month, a woman who shows up kind of regularly, but hasn't been there as much as she used to be, walks in 15 minutes late. We had a sub that day, as our instructor was out sick. The woman saw this I'm sure, so she stayed for about 10-15 minutes more of class, then walked out. I thought it was pretty rude to our sub, as the rest of us were enjoying him AND he had only gotten licensed about five months ago, so like...give the guy a break! He was doing his best, as our instructor is pretty popular and I guess some people are hard to please. So it goes without saying to be courteous to any instructor, whether it's your favorite or a sub. Not to mention it's ignorant to show up late and leave early.

    2) Two weeks ago, a different girl showed up late, although not as late, as we were still doing warmup. She was not ready for class at all, as she walked into the room with flip flops and her hair down, so she was standing in the back of the room changing her shoes and putting her hair up. Last I looked, the group fitness room was NOT a locker room, so I don't understand why some people think it is. She should've done whatever needed to be done in a bathroom or at home, then come to class.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    the putting weights back bothers me. im guessing i am a little OCD but on the squat rack there are 8 pegs. two bottom outside pegs hold the 45s, the upper two pegs hold 25s. the two top pegs on the inside hold the 5s and the lower two pegs hold the 10s

    i get so freaking annoyed when the 10s and 5s get mixed and matched and a 45 is between two 25s. i am very aware i am not normal

    whether you think you sweat or not always wipe down a machine, it's only common courtesy

    pick up after yourself. the people employed at the gym should not have to go pick up paper towels off the floor cause you missed the garbage can or all the water that accumulates on the sink.

    the aforementioned people who are there to gab and not workout, leave. now.
  • AmandaLipphardt
    AmandaLipphardt Posts: 80 Member
    Yes! a chance for me to finally get this off my chest:

    Why are you stretching in the cramped area behind my treadmill when there is an open and spacious streching area 10 feet away? Your not fooling anyone creep.

    Don't take up multiple machines at the same time, especially when the gym is full and that is the only working lat pull.

    Don't drop the weights so that they crash down and disturb everyone. If you can't set them down normally then you are not in control and they are too heavy.

    Don't do your exercises on the stairs going into the gym. That is for traffic not training.

    Don't spit in the showers, I don't care that you think everyone does it. You could at least have the decency to not do it like you're yacking out a lung. Don't spit in the pool either.

    If a machine is designated for a class during a certian hour don't pitch a fit when you're asked to get off. You made the decision to use it during that hour so that is the risk you took. Quit interrupting the class.

    If you're late for class your position is in the back. Don't force your way up.

    Don't sit in the sauna naked. You don't have anything I want to see. On a related note, don't do your tai chi, yoga pose, ballet dance whatever it is while in a full sauna. If you're alone then whatever but I would rather not live in fear of getting clocked on the head.
  • trmiller21
    trmiller21 Posts: 6 Member
    Everything that has been posted is 100% accurate and you will see all of these offenses repeatably and may end up being guilty of them eventually at some point in time. The point is to be courteous and respectful of the fact that this is not your home or personal gym.

    The one I'll add is directed more for the "meat head" men who insist on loading up a weight rack machine with as much weight as possible and then leaving the weights on the machine for the next person to somehow figure out how to remove them. I would love to be able to use the Smith machine but when there are always 200+ lbs loaded on the machine, I can't safely remove all those weights to a more reasonable amount for me to work out with. So if you're a "meat head," please take the weights off the machine when you're done & wipe it down, so that those of us who want a tone physique rather than a beef physique can use the machine after you :)
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    I love you guys.

    When I was in uni, the gym was somehow *always* full of "those guys." You know, the ones who couldn't possibly life unless they unleashed the most ungodly grunt in the world. Were they lifting, or having a poop?! So completely gross. I actually stopped going to the gym partly because of those guys - they made me really uncomfortable.

    People who don't wipe down machines should be tied down and bathed in the sweat of 10,000 strangers. With their eyes open.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Don't curl in the squat rack
    Don't attempt to tie up 4 different stations for a circuit workout when the gym is busy and you are 5+ minutes between sets on a specific exercise
    Put your weights away when you are done with them.
    Don't curl in the squat rack

    Anything else I can live with.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Do not fart while doing squats.

    At least say "excuse me"

    Agreed. Sometimes you just can't help it.

    If you ain't fartin, you ain't squattin' enough.
  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    In addition to all of the above, don't come by with your unsolicited advice!

    You may think of yourself as the next Mr Universe (as evidenced by your extreme case of the invisible lat syndrome) but you don't have the faintest idea about what I am doing, why I am doing it and what my goals are.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    A little strange to walk by the mirror and do maybe 1 or 2 pull ups or whatever he is passing then flex and keep moving and then repeat again and again circling from one machine to the next. Basically wasting time taking up machines because he wants to appear to be using them while checking the phone and talking with muscle buddy.

    Seriously though-If you take a shower pick your strands of hair off of the drain. AND if you are having a lady day wipe off the damn seat no one wants to see that. If this is what people do at the gym how do they live at home?
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    the putting weights back bothers me. im guessing i am a little OCD but on the squat rack there are 8 pegs. two bottom outside pegs hold the 45s, the upper two pegs hold 25s. the two top pegs on the inside hold the 5s and the lower two pegs hold the 10s

    i get so freaking annoyed when the 10s and 5s get mixed and matched and a 45 is between two 25s. i am very aware i am not normal

    If you are not normal, than neither am I. This was always my biggest pet peeve when I worked out a gym.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    On a serious note, be courteous of others first and foremost.

    Also -
    when you are finished using something put it away
    if you sweat all over equipment, wipe it down
    use equipment for what it is meant for, if what you are doing can be done somewhere else then don't use specialized equipment (aka don't curl in the squat rack)
    if you have questions/need help then ask someone
    don't slam stuff around or be extra dramatic
    if you check someone out, be discreet not creepy
    blow dryers in the locker room are not meant for your entire body
    seriously, don't take my spot in class.

    ^^^This exactly!! :wink:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    What is proper gym etiquette in the weight room, classes or the cardio area?

    Don't grab an *kitten* that is not yours.
    Don't puke on another person.
    Clean the **** up after yourself.
    Don't be a piker that's doing some stupid isolation routine that includes 20 seconds of "lifting" and 15 minutes of jawing off and posing per set.
    Don't respond politely to anyone who asks you to lift less.
    Don't drop your weights, it's cool if they make noise when they hit the ground, but don't drop them like you're some drummer on a drum line who is trying to serve some other drummer for some badass "wub wub dubstep" drumming.
    Don't put your stuff on a machine and then not use it.
    Just remember: There are some for whom the gym is a place to hang out, so they can get their steroids, and engage in homoeroticism. For others the gym is a place to go to after you put on make up and your lululemon yoga pants so you can spend 40 minutes looking around while moseying along on a step machine. Then there are the people who come to the gym to work. Be one of them.
  • brittknight828
    For the love of god do not wear perfume or smelly body sprays to the gym.

    You are there to sweat and workout, not smell like james bond swam in axe.

    Jus sayin.

    It drives me crazy when I am in cycle class and can't breathe due to b**tches perfume.

    I agree 100%! At my gym, there is this older man that I'm pretty sure showers in cologne before he comes to the gym. I ccn usually smell him 20 feet away-- no exaggeration! And I kept smelling him throughout the whole time I was there, even as he moved to different machines around me. Barf! You are supposed to smell like sweat. All other smells are just annoying.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    When you get off the machine next to me (as I am still running) please don't go crazy with the disinfectant spray. I appreciate you cleaning off the machine, but I don't appreciate being hit with a billowing cloud of bleach water. Or maybe turn off your flipping wind machine so the spray stays localized...Every.single. time:P
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    seriously, don't take my spot in class.

    That one reminds me:
    Don't come in late to class and then ask someone who is in "your spot" to move. Unless there's a name plate, you got there late and need to be earlier next time.