SHAKEOLOGY - Day 1 from a Skeptic



  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm interested in hearing both sides. I've sat and listened to the creator of this product and researched some of the ingredients but I've never heard an opposition from the scientific side, only those who complain about the price.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's not unlike rejecting Fiji water in favor of tap water based on price and nutritional value.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Beachbody does not make any claims that Shakeology counteracts symptoms of MS but there are people on the BB message boards who claim when they started drinking Shakeology, THEIR symptoms were alleviated in different ways. There is a whole link of people with MS who discuss how it has helped THEM.

    My friend has suffered from an autoimmune disease. When I met her 3 months ago, she was in pain-all of her joints ached and she was in a lot of pain. She spent most of her time on her couch. She decided to give Shakeology a try with no real expectations other than she needed a healthy shake because her disease causes sores inside of her mouth and food hurt to swallow. She started some treatments, sort of like chemotherapy (I'm not really sure exactly what they are but they are via IV) and they leave her in pain too. SInce drinking the Shakeology, she started walking, then running, she does barre classes, Tai Cheng and is no longer lying on her couch all day. This is NOT to say that Shakeology is a miracle cure, but the ingredients include many superfoods. Its not a gimmick.

    Please look up Darin Olien on Facebook. He's the co-creator. Beachbody also has a booklet that explains each ingredient and why its in the shake and what it does for the body. The book has 12 chapters, and this only book 1. Sachi Inchi, Astagalus Root, Papain, Wild Grasses, Goji Berries, Maca Root, Quinoa Seed, Chia, Yacon Powder, Cordyceps and Amaranth.

    I won't list them all, but here is an example: Sacha Inchi: contains more immunity-boosting vegetarian omega 3s than any other food on the planet. It contains all of the essential fatty acids. Omega-3s help promote heart & joint health, better memory & mood health while promoting a strong immune system. It is naturally rich in protein & fiber so its a strong appetite controller. It also speeds up your metabolism. Its easy to digest, then full absorbed by your body, so it all goes to work right away. It draws its nutrients from the rich soils of Peru. They are grown on farms & Darin works with the farmers to make sure they are using the best indigenous agricultural methods-without using chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

    Sacha Inchi was researched by the University of Life Sciences in Prague in the Czech Republic. They revealed that Sacha Inchi is ideal for young and old alike-improving digestion in children and also helping to provide a wide range of benefits for the elderly.

    The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition publshed a study showing that individuals who consumed the highest levels of omega 3s, a key component of Sacha Inchi-had the strongest bones.

    So, for me, that one ingredient MIGHT be why its helped my friend so much. I know for me, my depression is much less than before and I have been able to decrease my anti-depressants to a minimal amount. My mom is 65 and is finally losing weight, has energy, and feels better than she has in a long time. Shakeology is NOT a weight loss product but for my mom, I believe feeling better mentally & having more energy has, in turn, given her the motivation & desire to walk & eat better.

    Is it for everyone? No, not if you don't like shakes. It disappointing because there are so many junk filled shakes that give ALL shakes a bad name & that is just not the case.

    I've been drinking it for 3 years, so has my husband & my mom. My kids drink it. I am a coach so I can save 25% and drink it for $89 with free shipping. For me, its worth it. And, I DO still eat "real" food, but this is where I get all of my vitamins. My cholesterol has never been lower & I haven't gotten a pre-diabetic results from my blood work since drinking it (and I used to get it all the time prior to it).

    If they have remitting/relapsing MS, it is more likely that their symptoms randomly remitted. It has NOTHING to do with Shakeology. People with progressively debilitating diseases will grasp at any convenient straw they see to deny what is inevitable. My concern is that putting these unsubstantiated reviews on a website could prevent people from getting the medication they need that will actually halt or slow down the progression of this disease. Any responsible company would not post any disease curing claims on a website, whether from clients or not.

    It is irresponsible and dangerous.
  • To the lady who started this thread: Congrats on finding something that fits into your life that you feel comfortable with. If it is helping you reach the goals that you want for YOUR body, then more power to you. It has taken me a VERY long time and many trials to find out what works for me and I am glad that you have found something that works for you.

    For those of you who are doing what this site is meant for (which is supporting people in their journey) : Thank you. It shows me that there are still people out there who can still be happy for others.

    To those who feel the need to bash her: Please just stop. She is not forcing her opinion on you. She is merely stating what works for her in case someone else is struggling and may find something useful in what she has to say. She is not pitching, she is merely commenting.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I'm interested in hearing both sides. I've sat and listened to the creator of this product and researched some of the ingredients but I've never heard an opposition from the scientific side, only those who complain about the price.

    I like your attitude. You can see why it's important to not only be able to know what is in the shakes, but if it's even in a dose that will make a difference. Someone previously used Vitamin C as an example. If your pills have 5% of your daily value, what good are they?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    That, I do not know but you can go on Facebook and message Darin Olien, he'll answer all questions.

    Sorry, that was a rhetorical question, I already know the answers. Not very much and not very well would be the answers

    Efficiency of conversion of alpha-linolenic acid to long chain n-3 fatty acids in man. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2002 Mar;5(2):127-32.

    Alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) is the major n-3 (omega 3) fatty acid in the human diet. It is derived mainly from terrestrial plant consumption and it has long been thought that its major biochemical role is as the principal precursor for long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, of which eicosapentaenoic (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) are the most prevalent. For infants, n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are required for rapid growth of neural tissue in the perinatal period and a nutritional supply is particularly important for development of premature infants. For adults, n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation is implicated in improving a wide range of clinical pathologies involving cardiac, kidney, and neural tissues. Studies generally agree that whole body conversion of 18:3n-3 to 22:6n-3 is below 5% in humans, and depends on the concentration of n-6 fatty acids and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet.

    Can adults adequately convert alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3)? Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 1998;68(3):159-73.

    A diet including 2-3 portions of fatty fish per week, which corresponds to the intake of 1.25 g EPA (20:5n-3) + DHA (22:6n-3) per day, has been officially recommended on the basis of epidemiological findings showing a beneficial role of these n-3 long-chain PUFA in the prevention of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. The parent fatty acid ALA (18:3n-3), found in vegetable oils such as flaxseed or rapeseed oil, is used by the human organism partly as a source of energy, partly as a precursor of the metabolites, but the degree of conversion appears to be unreliable and restricted. More specifically, most studies in humans have shown that whereas a certain, though restricted, conversion of high doses of ALA to EPA occurs, conversion to DHA is severely restricted. The use of ALA labelled with radioisotopes suggested that with a background diet high in saturated fat conversion to long-chain metabolites is approximately 6% for EPA and 3.8% for DHA. With a diet rich in n-6 PUFA, conversion is reduced by 40 to 50%
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    Absolutely! I don't think anyone should suggest ANYTHING for someone with an illness of any kind.
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    Body by Vi is sweetened by Splenda. Shakeolgy does the same thing correct? I almost bought it. I am highly allergic to Aspartame and Splenda it is poison to my respiratory system. I found in my opinion the best Protein shake and it is Jay Robb and he backs it up with a money back guarantee plus the whey comes from free range cattle and everything in the shake is organic. 110 calories and 1 carb.
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    To the lady who started this thread: Congrats on finding something that fits into your life that you feel comfortable with. If it is helping you reach the goals that you want for YOUR body, then more power to you. It has taken me a VERY long time and many trials to find out what works for me and I am glad that you have found something that works for you.

    For those of you who are doing what this site is meant for (which is supporting people in their journey) : Thank you. It shows me that there are still people out there who can still be happy for others.

    To those who feel the need to bash her: Please just stop. She is not forcing her opinion on you. She is merely stating what works for her in case someone else is struggling and may find something useful in what she has to say. She is not pitching, she is merely commenting.

  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for the info! i have been interested in trying it for a while now. I wasnt a big believe in "drinking" my meal but every once in a while i actually crave my slim fast mix. I add spinach, chia seeds flaxseeds, ice , skim milk and i love it!
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Still. Not. Buying. It.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Can you mix the shake with ice cream?
  • cedman1
    cedman1 Posts: 104 Member
    Can you mix the shake with ice cream?

    Sure, you could mix it with powdered bubble gum if you wanted.
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    for any skeptics out there
    survey of 100 doctors who recommend shakeology to their patients
    watch the video

    Doctors are NOT nutritionists. We are taught the bare minimum about basic nutrition for healthy people (protein have 4 calories per gram, sucrose gets broken down into glucose and fructose, etc), and then we had a 2 hour interactive session about nutrition for sick patients taught by students studying for their RD. And this is over the course of 4 years. Everything I know about nutrition was from taking nutrition courses in undergrad.

    Sure there are doctors who go on to specialize in preventative medicine, which does include knowing your nutrition, but an ER doc? Really?

    I really hate that people think physician = knowledge about everything ever so we must bow down to them and take their word.

    And I'm a medical student. Totally not biased.

    Plus I'm willing to bet my late night ice cream that they were compensated in some way.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Body by Vi is sweetened by Splenda. Shakeolgy does the same thing correct? I almost bought it. I am highly allergic to Aspartame and Splenda it is poison to my respiratory system. I found in my opinion the best Protein shake and it is Jay Robb and he backs it up with a money back guarantee plus the whey comes from free range cattle and everything in the shake is organic. 110 calories and 1 carb.

    It has no artificial sweeteners at all. Just google the ingredients.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Still. Not. Buying. It.

    You. Don't. Have. To.

  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member

    All of the ingredients in Shakeology serve a purpose. There are different ingredients that have different results.

    Proprietary Super-Protein Blend: The Whey, Sacha Inchi, Chia, Flax, Quinoa, Amaranth, Pea - Help to build lean muscles, improve skin and hair, support mental clarity, and reduce cravings

    Proprietary Super Fruit/Anitoxidant Blend: Camu-Camu, Acai, Acerola Cherry, Bilberry, Goji Berry, Grape Seed, Green Tea, Luo Han Gua, Pomegranate, Rose hips - provides antioxidant support and promotes a healthy heart and optimal blood pressure.

    Proprietary Super-green/Phytonutrient Blend: Moringa, Chlorella, Spirulina, Spinach, Barley Grass, Kamut Grass, Wheat Grass, Oat Grass - helps alkalize the body and promotes detoxifacation of the liver, kidneys, and blood to restore health and vitality.

    Proprietary Adoptogen Blend: Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cordycepts, Ginkgo, Maca, Maitake, Reishi, Shisandra, Tulsi (holy basil) - Helps protect the body from stress, support the immune system, and balance the endocrine system.

    Prorprietary Pre-and Probiotic/ Digestive Enzyme Blend: Yacon Root, Lactobacillus, Sporogenes, Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain, Papain - Helps increase the nutrient absorption, promotes regularity, and improves digestion

    Hm, this is one of the problems I have with supplements such as Shaleology in general - a whole lot of sciency-sounding things that nonetheless fall short of making any claims of causation that would expose them to scrutiny from regulators, and in reality is total nonsense. This is classic advertising double-speak.

    For example: 'Super-protein' blend! Helps build lean muscles; Sure - like any calorie can 'help' build muscles.

    "super-fruit' 'promotes' a healthy heart!! Yeah, like eating fruit does. And breathing. Breathing helps 'promote' a healthy heart too.

    "Super-green' 'Alkalizes' the body. This one is pure BS - your body is extremely well buffered to maintain correct pH. In pathological states sometimes the blood and tissue can build up excess acid. But eating some green stuff does absolutely NOTHING to change that. This one is complete bunk. "Alkalising' is another empty buzzword that implies the body needs something it plainly does not. Like saying 'tables! Our products promotes the healthy balance of tables that help you sit down and eat your dinner' . Sure, tables are useful. But ingesting them won't do you any good.

    "Adoptogen'. WTH is an adoptogen? It's another made-up term that has absolutely no meaning. If you went to a doctor or scientist and said "I hear I lack sufficient adoptogens' they would be very puzzled. These ingredients appear to be mostly leaves. Leaves are very unlikely to help 'balance' your endocrine system. Indeed, it generally does not need balancing.

    "Probiotic blend' Most people have heard of probiotics, so this one seems useful. Except - let's look at what's in there. Amylase.. that's the salivary enzyme that breaks down starch. Most people don't lack that. Lipase and lactase - breaks down fat and lactose, respectively. Here's the problem with this - you are ingesting them. Enzymes are extremely sensitive to temp and pH. How much are they going to do for you after they get digested in your stomach acid? Nothing.

    So actually all of this stuff is there for one purpose only - it creates the impression of the product being 'worthwhile' and 'scientifically sound', which justifies a high cost. The nutritive value of all this stuff is probably extremely close to 0.

    I use a beachbody workout program that's worked wonders for me (Turbofire), but I prefer real food for reasons like the poster about. From a fellow scientist, this guy hit the scientific nail on the head.

    That said, if Shakeology works for you OP, awesome. Enjoy :)
  • nineteenstars
    nineteenstars Posts: 24 Member
    To the lady who started this thread: Congrats on finding something that fits into your life that you feel comfortable with. If it is helping you reach the goals that you want for YOUR body, then more power to you. It has taken me a VERY long time and many trials to find out what works for me and I am glad that you have found something that works for you.

    For those of you who are doing what this site is meant for (which is supporting people in their journey) : Thank you. It shows me that there are still people out there who can still be happy for others.

    To those who feel the need to bash her: Please just stop. She is not forcing her opinion on you. She is merely stating what works for her in case someone else is struggling and may find something useful in what she has to say. She is not pitching, she is merely commenting.

    All of that.
  • Pinkylee77
    Pinkylee77 Posts: 432 Member
    for any skeptics out there
    survey of 100 doctors who recommend shakeology to their patients
    watch the video

    Doctors are NOT nutritionists. We are taught the bare minimum about basic nutrition for healthy people (protein have 4 calories per gram, sucrose gets broken down into glucose and fructose, etc), and then we had a 2 hour interactive session about nutrition for sick patients taught by students studying for their RD. And this is over the course of 4 years. Everything I know about nutrition was from taking nutrition courses in undergrad.

    Sure there are doctors who go on to specialize in preventative medicine, which does include knowing your nutrition, but an ER doc? Really?

    I really hate that people think physician = knowledge about everything ever so we must bow down to them and take their word.

    And I'm a medical student. Totally not biased.

    Plus I'm willing to bet my late night ice cream that they were compensated in some way.

    You are not a physician yet and may never be but after 30 years in the medical field I find most doctors know more than you realize about nutrition at least my husband and I do.
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    I love Shakeology!
  • I love how the word Shakeology brings EVERYONE onto the playground for an old fashioned rumble.

    I have two cents however... and as someone who very rarely posts on the boards, I am going to share them! :)

    I wanted to HATE Shakeology (and honestly I really do hate Beachbody, their coaches, P90x, and all of these fads.... I mean come on Beachbody, you seem like a huge SCAM! Just sell your product in a store like a normal person).... I already lost 60+ lbs eating whatever I wanted and working out 5x a week. Not brain science here, peeps. Anyway, my friend (who yes, is a Beachbody coach) sent me some samples of her own Shakeology supply to try after I told her that I was bored with my breakfasts (waffles, eggs, overnight oats, etc.) I had absolutely no intention of buying this stuff... but I tried it and it was delicious. It was absolutely the best tasting/textured protein or meal replacement shake I've ever had. Yes, I know chewing real food is very important to many people, but I actually like DRINKING things. I love milkshakes, smoothies, creamy coffee beverages, you name it. I don't think Shakeology is the holy grail to weight loss, but here's the thing... it tastes good. The end. That is worth my $4 scoop of flavored powder right there.

    Overpriced? Sure. (Maybe? Heck I have no idea... I'm not losing sleep on if I'm spending $1-5 on my breakfasts here) but from the most standard non-Beachbody associated view, this stuff taste good and I assume at least SOME of their nutritional claims are valid (I will say that I've noticed some of the digestive benefits!) -- if this is your key to jump starting your day, staying on track, hitting the gym, whatever you need to do to lose weight... I think you should go for it, if you can disassociate yourself as much as possible from the Beachbody brainwash, which is what I do!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I love shakeology with peanut butter and ice. It is simply amazing,
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I do shakeology for dinner when I don't have time/I'm too lazy to cook. So far I'm loving it! It keeps me full all night. I have tried it for breakfast and lunch as well, and didn't like that as much. I feel like going to sleep after eating it is best for me because then I don't think about how I just had a shake for dinner haha.
    I finally decided to give Shakeology a try. But I am going to start to what led up to this because I am a believer in NOT replacing meals with shakes....the changes we decide to make in life must be something we can make for a lifetime or they won't stick.

    Let me just say that I love breakfast!!! I was raised in the country where FRIED meant LOVE! My mom always made fried foods. I love a big ole country breakfast which usually includes: Fried Eggs, Fried Potatoes, Fried Bacon and many other such unhealthy things!!!!! :)

    Before I started watching what I ate I would go get 2 Breakfast Jacks and a Large Fry for Breakfast from Jack in the Box. UGH!!!!!!!! That is disqusting now. Haha. Can't believe I would eat that bad.

    I still have my fried foods for breakfast...usually a Potato, Egg and Cheese Taco with Jalapenos and Salsa. Only runs me about 300 calories but the sodium and cholesterol are terrible. I don't think there are any good nutrients in this. Plus I was/am spending up to $5 a day on Breakfast...just on the weekdays....on the weekends more.

    I have really tried to change my breakfast habits....because I want to like healthier things for breakfast....I went through a lot of egg whites, english muffins, etc. I still fall back into my cravings. And I never get enough nutrients.

    So....this is what made me think Shakeology would be good for me. Not because I want to be thin. Not because I want a quick fix....but because I want what I start my day with to be packed full of nutrients to provide energy and good choices for my body throughout the whole day. :) My main concerns were/are:

    Am I going to be hungry still?
    Is it going to taste good?
    Is the cost worth it?



    Shakeology is $119.00 a month. WOW! But when you break this down and realize how much you are already spending a month on evens out.
    I was spending $5/day on weekdays and let's say $7/per day on weekends.
    20 weekdays a month x $5 a day = $100.00
    8 weekend days a month x $7 a day = $56
    That's $156.00 a month!!!! Uh...what?!?!?!

    Definitely worth the price. CHECK!


    So....I made my Shakeology at 7:30 am. Started drinking it as I walked out the door and didn't finish it until 10 am!!!!!! It took me so long to finish because I was feeling FULL!!!! And here it is 11:57 am and I am still FULL! I am usually clawing at my face ready for lunch by now.

    I made my Shakeology as below:

    1 Scoop of Chocolate Shakeology
    8 oz Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
    4 Ice Cubes
    Blend in blender!

    Curbs the hunger!!!!! CHECK!


    So....I was warned by my beachbody coach that Shakeology does have a chalky taste...And this is true. It's not terrible. But it's not the best I have ever had. What would you expect though with so many good ingredients jam packed into one shake. And there are several recipes to pruce this shake up. I just had mine plain jane. The flavor was not bad...little chalky but I could definitely drink this everyday. It tastes better knowing that what I am putting in my body is good for me. :)

    Tastes decent but not amazing! Check!!

    Overall, I am very satified with my purchase so far. I feel great. And the best part is...I haven't had nor have I craved a Diet Dr Pepper today. I am so addicted to those. This is going to help me in so many ways. :) Just thought I would include some information on Chocoloate Shakeology below for those interested.

    Proteins and Amino Acids
    Vitamins and Minerals
    Adaptogen Herbs
    Digestive Enzymes
    Whey protein, brown rice protein, pea protein, sacha inchi, quinoa, chia, flax, amaranth
    Vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, vitamins B1, 2, 3, 6, and 12, biotin, pantothenic acid, folic acid
    Calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum,
    phosphorous, zinc
    Açai berries, acerola cherry, bilberry, blueberries, camu-camu, goji berries, pomegranate, rose hips, luo han guo, grape seed, green tea
    Moringa, chlorella, spirulina, spinach, barley grass, kamut grass, oat grass, wheatgrass
    Astragalus, ashwagandha, cordyceps, gingko leaf, tulsi (holy basil leaf), maca root, maitake mushroom, reishi mushroom, schisandra
    Yacon root
    Bacillus coagulans
    (Lactobacillus sporogenes)
    Amylase, bromelain, cellulase, lactase, lipase, papain, protease
    • Help build and repair muscles
    • Reduce hunger and food cravings
    • Help keep blood sugar steady
    • Promote healthy skin, hair, and nails
    • Support brain function to help promote alert thinking and well-being
    • Support your immune system to help you stay healthy and strong
    • There are 13 vitamins that are considered essential for proper body function. Shakeology has all of them.
    • There are a total of 23 vitamins and minerals in Shakeology.
    • These vitamins and minerals are important micronutrients your body needs to carry out every chemical process needed for life.
    • Help your cells make energy
    • Build and repair muscles and strengthen bones
    • Support energy production
    • Protect the body from free radicals
    • Prevent cellular damage
    • Promote cardiovascular health
    • Support strong immune function
    • Promote healthy aging
    • Help detoxify the body
    • Promote an ideal alkaline state
    • Help promote strong immune system function
    • Help the body cope with environmental stress
    • Naturally help increases energy
    • Help promote ideal cognitive function
    • Promote calmness
    • Probiotics need special nutrients—prebiotics—to grow and thrive
    • Yacon root has the highest concentration of prebiotics of any plant in the world
    • Helps strengthen the immune system
    • These are the good, healthy bacteria that live in your intestines
    • Promote healthy digestion and normal colon function
    • Help you break down food so you can assimilate nutrients better
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    Proprietary Adoptogen Blend: Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cordycepts, Ginkgo, Maca, Maitake, Reishi, Shisandra, Tulsi (holy basil) - Helps protect the body from stress, support the immune system, and balance the endocrine system.

    Prorprietary Pre-and Probiotic/ Digestive Enzyme Blend: Yacon Root, Lactobacillus, Sporogenes, Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain, Papain - Helps increase the nutrient absorption, promotes regularity, and improves digestion

    I'm lost. Exactly what is that ****?!
  • cutiemexiz
    cutiemexiz Posts: 31 Member
    I haven't tried this product. So I am not caring how this works, it was just the information I found about it. And other foods that may help balance (if that makes sense)

    vitamin A required amount is 3000 IU for men & 2310 IU for women. the max is 10,000 IU. The shake has 5,000 IU

    vitamin C required amount is 90mg for men & 75mg for women. The max is 2000mg. The shake has 180 mg

    vitamin D required amount is 600 IU for ages 1-70 & 800 IU for ages 70+. The max is 4000 IU. The shake has 200 IU
    Also found in exposure to the sun, butter(7.8 IU/tbsp), eggs(85.1 IU/egg), fish liver oils, & in fortified food.

    vitamin E required amount is 22.4 IU. The max is 1,500 IU for supplements. The shake has15 IU
    Also found in veggie oils, green leafy vegetables, fortified food, eggs(2.4 IU/egg), nuts

    vitamin K required amount is 60 mcg for women ages 19-24, 65 mcg for women ages 25+, 70 mcg for men ages 19-24, 80 mcg for men ages 25+. The shake has 40mcg
    Also found in vegetables [like spinach (145 mcg/cup), asparagus (55.7 mcg/cup), and broccoli (110 mcg/0.5 cup boiled w/o salt)] & beans, soybeans (87.4 mcg/cup mature soybeans), eggs(0.7mcg/egg), strawberries (3.3 mcg/cup), meat

    vitamin B1 (thiamin HCl) required amount is 1.2 mg for men ages 19+ & 1.1 mg for women ages 19+. The max is between 50-100 mg(depends on the person). The shake has 1.5 mg

    vitamin B2 (riboflavine) required amount is 1.3 mg for men ages 19+ & 1.1 mg for women ages 19+. The max is 400 mg(used to treat migraines at this level). The shake has 1.3 mg

    vitamin B3 (niacin) required amount is 16 mg for men & 14 mg for women. The shake has 5 mg
    Also found in greens, meat, poultry, fish, eggs(0.2mg/egg), fortified food. Having a fraction of the required dose still helps with cholesterol

    vitamin B6 required amount is 1.3 mg for men and women ages 19-50 & 1.7 mg for men ages 51+ & 1.5 mg for women ages 51+. The max is 100mg. The shake has 2 mg

    folic acid (folate) required amount is 400 mcg. The shake has 200 mcg
    leafy green veggies [like spinach (58.2 mcg/cup), broccoli (50.4 mcg/cup), and lettuce], beans, peas (94.3 mcg/cup green peas), lentils (920 mcg/cup), fruits [like lemons (31.7 mcg/cup of juice), bananas (30 mcg/cup sliced), and melons], and fortified food

    vitamin B12 required amount is 2.4 mcg for ages 14+. The max is 25 mcg. The shake has 6 mcg

    Biotin required amount is 30 mcg for ages 19+. The shake has 90 mcg

    pantothentic acid (calcium d-panthothenate) required amount is 4 mg for men & women ages 14+. The shake has 5 mg

    calcium required amount is 1,000 mg for ages 19-50 & 1,200 mg for women 51+ and men 71+. The max is 2,500 mg for ages19-50 & 2,000 mg for ages 51+. The shake has 300 mg
    Also found in milk (306 mg/cup of fat-free or skim milk w/ vitamin A), cheese, yogurt (488 mg/cup of skim milk, plain yogurt), broccoli (34.1 mg/cup), kale (90.5 mg/cup chopped), chinese cabbage (73.5 mg/cup of bok choy shredded), fortified food, and tofu (434 mg/0.5 cup of regular tofu)

    iron required amount is 8 mg for men & 18 mg for women ages 19-50 & 8 mg for women ages 51+. The shake has 6mg
    Also found in meat, fish, poultry, vegetables [like spinach (0.8 mg/cup), kale (1.1 mg/cup chopped), broccoli (0.6 mg/cup)], dried fruit, nuts, beans, lentils (14.5 mg/cup), and peas (2.1 mg/ cup of green peas)

    phosphorus required amount is 700 mg. The shake has 250 mg
    Also found in meat, milk (247 mg/cup of fat-free or skim milk w/ vitamin A), and whole-grain bread and cereals

    iodine required amount is 150 mcg. The shake has 52 mcg
    Also found in iodized salt, seafood, and kelp

    magnesium (magnesium oxide) required amount is 400 mg for men ages 19-30, 420 mg for men ages 31+, 310 mg for women ages 19-30, & 320 mg for women ages 31+.The shake has 80 mg
    Also found in green leafy veggies, nuts, beans, peas (47.9 mg/cup of green peas), soybeans (521 mg/cup of mature soybeans), and whole-grain cereals

    zinc required amount is 11 mg for men & 8 mg for women. The shake has 6mg
    Also found in red meat, poultry, oysters (14.1 mg/3 oz. of eastern oysters), fortified cereal, whole grains, beans, and nuts

    copper required amount is 900mcg. The shake has 800mcg
    Also found in oysters (1.3 mg/3 oz. of eastern oysters), shellfish, whole grains, beans, nuts, potatoes (0.1 mg/0.5 cup of boiled potatoes w/ salt and skin), dark leafy greens, dried fruits, and organ meats

    manganese required amount is 2.3 mg for men & 1.8 mg for women. The shake has 2 mg
    Also found in nuts, legumes, seeds, tea, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables

    chromium required amount is 25 mcg for women ages 19-50, 20 mcg for women ages 50+, 35 mcg for men ages 19-50, 30 mcg for men ages 50+. The max is 1,000 mcg. The shake has 60mcg.

    molybdenum required amount is 45mcg. The shake has 30 mcg
    Also found in legumes, grains, leafy vegetables, liver, and nuts. Difficency in this is very rare. Is an antioxident that helps prevent cancer. Found in this search site, first link (very reliable sources here) :
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I love shakeology with peanut butter and ice. It is simply amazing,

    Of course you'd say that. You're a coach and want to make money just like the others pretending it's fabulous. It's powdered things. Eat REAL food, food is meant to be chewed. A drink is a drink, not a meal. People don't normally powder everything up mix with liquids to eat and I'm sure even if there are some good things in it that we survived this long without having and survived just fine. Some of those odd ingredients from goodness knows what foothills or far flung valleys that we don't need them to be healthy are a waste of money just like some other sensible people said!

    Did anyone even listen to what the scientist in this thread said? Might be a good thing to do. Go back and read then buy food.. or a cheaper shake if you are just craving a sweet drink.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Did anyone even listen to what the scientist in this thread said? Might be a good thing to do. Go back and read then buy food.. or a cheaper shake if you are just craving a sweet drink.

    Sadly, nobody ever does. That's why these threads are always brought back from the dead when they are months old, just like this one. Give it a couple more months and we'll see this thread resurrected once more when a butthurt coach posts again about the wonders of their magic powder.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Did anyone even listen to what the scientist in this thread said? Might be a good thing to do. Go back and read then buy food.. or a cheaper shake if you are just craving a sweet drink.

    Sadly, nobody ever does. That's why these threads are always brought back from the dead when they are months old, just like this one. Give it a couple more months and we'll see this thread resurrected once more when a butthurt coach posts again about the wonders of their magic powder.


    And I also find it amusing that fact OP posted this in July titled Day 1. Last post by the OP - July, same day.
  • bnorris2013
    bnorris2013 Posts: 256 Member
    I think it's so strange that shakeology gets such a bad rap around though its some sort of scam. Unless the label is a lie they obviously went out of heir way to pack it with a hell of a lot of nutrition - including leafy greens.

    I agree that you, at some point, must go back to normal food. but, as someone who alternates days between shakes and regular food, shakes helped me get a handle on my right and jump started my diet plans.

    Same thing with visalus full of good nutrients


    Go to amazon or ebay and you can usually by the stuff by the bag and a little bit cheaper and without being forced to do it
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    My husband was using shakeology to replace his breakfast and liked the product. Long story short-- he had some extensive lab work done by the endocrinologist (nothing to do with weight loss) and some results were very "off". When asked if he was on any "medication" that would skew the results-- no meds, just drinking Shakology. Dr said, don't drink it for 14 days and we will redo the labs. Result, Shakology is a fine product, but will skew your liver levels on any lab work. Makes it look like your a hard core liquor drinker.