Proper Gym Etiquette



  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    So, what you're all saying, is to basically use all the things our parents should have taught us as children:

    Put your toys away when you're done with them!
    Clean up after yourself!
    Be polite and respectful!

    Wow, what a concept!
  • abrodniak
    abrodniak Posts: 47 Member
    Don't leave a mess. Take your empty water bottle and sweaty towels with you, wipe down any equipment you use, and put up any equipment you took out. It's really annoying to have to clean an area or machine before you can use it, because the person before you was too lazy to clean up after him/herself.
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    If you're sick, stay the hell home!
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    What is proper ettiquite on doing heavy shrugs in the squat rack when there really isn't any open space to do them on the floor?

    Does your gym really have no intermediate racks of any kind? Just a full squat rack or nothing?

    They have a couple of Smith machine racks but I refuse to use that trash, otherwise it is flat, incline, or decline bench racks or squat racks. Seeing as most of the pansy's don't do much squatting I have just been using them to do my shrugs. There is a small amount of space where I might be able to squeeze in on the floor but there aren't any empty barbells so I'd be taking from one of those anyways. I don't care that much honestly I shrug more than most of the boys squat but I just wanted to know what was proper.
  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member
    For a brief period of time, our gym posted the following sign:

    "No personal hygiene (nail clipping, shaving, etc.) allowed in the pools, hot tub, or saunas. Thanks, Management."

    EEEEEEEEWWWW! Blarck. Retch. Urp.

    Don't do those things in those spaces. Ever. Ever ever. Sick.
  • xXMollySarusXx
    Do not fart while doing squats.
  • xXMollySarusXx
    For a brief period of time, our gym posted the following sign:

    "No personal hygiene (nail clipping, shaving, etc.) allowed in the pools, hot tub, or saunas. Thanks, Management."

    EEEEEEEEWWWW! Blarck. Retch. Urp.

    Don't do those things in those spaces. Ever. Ever ever. Sick.
  • tejero1101
    When old men walk around the locker room naked. Seriously put on a towel for god-sakes. Or people posing in the locker room mirror. You don't have mirrors at home.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    Dont do your circuit training in the weights area particularly around all the benches so noone can use them.

    Dont pinch someones space in the group fitness class while they step away for a quick water break

    Dont blow the boogies out your nose 50 times while in the shower

    Remove your 400 kilos of weights from the barbell after squatting thanks!

    The benches are not there for your iphone, nike drink bottle and gucci handbag!
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    If you want something just ask or see if you can work in. Don't awkwardly stand behind someone glaring at them without saying anything.
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Our gym has boards for signing up for the cardio machines. A girl today actually signed up for the machine 3:30-4:00

    The problem was only 3:00. During peak time. One stair machine for the whole place. I hope she enjoyed her full hour of stair climbing. Must have been awesome.

    Don't do this. One day I will get the nerve to call people like this on their behaviour. Not today though, not today....
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    They have a couple of Smith machine racks but I refuse to use that trash, otherwise it is flat, incline, or decline bench racks or squat racks. Seeing as most of the pansy's don't do much squatting I have just been using them to do my shrugs. There is a small amount of space where I might be able to squeeze in on the floor but there aren't any empty barbells so I'd be taking from one of those anyways. I don't care that much honestly I shrug more than most of the boys squat but I just wanted to know what was proper.

    TBH/IMNSHO The equipment should be used for those who need it to do what they are doing safely. If you're shrugging 315+, you damn well deserve to have the ability to rack the weight somewhere from which it is comfortable to pick it. Curlbros with 95 lbs on an ez curl bar don't need a squat rack. Guys doing strapped shrugs at 2xbw are certainly entitled to a few sets in the rack.
  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    I don't get the issue with nakedness in the locker room.

    Unless you're rubbing one out like this one creepy guy in my gym does all the time (although he may have an implant, and just be drying it off, who knows) isn't that what locker rooms are for? Have you never seen a naked person of your own gender before? Please, I have other things to worry about not to remember to cover myself with a towel at all times.
  • ijavagypsy
    ijavagypsy Posts: 109
    It's best to acquire your own free weights and equipment. Then you don't have to tolerate anyone else's nonsense. :smile:
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    i say do whatever you want, just dont bother me haha...
  • Trimi
    Trimi Posts: 57
    6) At busy times do not use Cardio equipment more than 30 minutes.

    This one I disagree with. Yes, it's not polite to use a cardio machine if you're just walking slowly, texting on your cell, but if I'm training for a marathon and have to run a 15K or a 20K that day, I'm not stopping at 30 minutes just because it's busy. If it's busy, wait for your turn or go bug someone else.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Never say "Is that a dumbbell under your towel or are you just happy to see me?" while in the sauna.
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Don't break into lockers and steal everything you can get your hands on. I researched the last gym I joined and read several reports of that on Yelp, but I'd never heard of such a thing and figured it couldn't be true. I mean, how do you cut off locks right in a gym locker room? So I joined and found by talking to people that it was true. I only ever used the pool, which was my main reason for joining, and kept my bag by the pool like everyone else who didn't want to be robbed blind. The locker room was filthy, so I showered and shampooed in the open showers by the pool in my swimsuit. Normally I'd say that's bad etiquette, but at that place it was a cleanliness and bag protection strategy.
  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    It's best to acquire your own free weights and equipment. Then you don't have to tolerate anyone else's nonsense. :smile:


    When I was a member at LA fitness, they only had 1 power cage. I couldn't go below parallel in their squat racks, so those were totally out.
    It's amazing some of the god awful strange things I saw people doing in the power cage (often as I had to wait 15 minutes for it).

    Once I had everyone staring at me in horror because I wore shorts on deadlift day. New knurling+shorts = blood everywhere. Of course I disinfected the bar afterward but still.
  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
    These have probably all been said but here are some of my 'requests':

    1 - Wipe down the machines when you finish - especially when you come off the upright bike dripping in sweat - eugh!

    2 - Actually put some effort in during classes - especially high impact boxercise circuits classes which are meant to be done with a LOT of effort. Last week, I was with a girl wearing a black velour tracksuit, full make-up (you know the type) and gave the most half-hearted attempt at punching when she had the boxing gloves. Let's just say that she 'hit like a girl'...hit like a woman!!

    3 - Don't jump on the treadmill, start walking and texting the whole time - you can do that anywhere, don't need the gym for that...other people actually want to use the treadmill properly.