Just curious



  • beckbeck
    beckbeck Posts: 31
    I'm actually completely confused at this point about how many calories I should be trying to eat. I am doing P90X and walking about 3 miles a day, 6-7 days a week, plus I have four kids and two of them are under 5 so I am moving, moving all the time. I tried starting out at 1200 calories because I wanted to lose 2 lb. a week. I ALWAYS went over that because I was starving and "bonking" with my intense workouts. And I was still losing weight for a while. Then I plateaued, and I knew it must be because I was not eating ENOUGH. I know the P90X book says I should be eating like 2700 calories a day but that seems so insanely high! So...I just have no idea. I've kind of decided to just do my workouts and eat what I feel I need to. I could use some help! :P
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    i looked at your pics and wow - you look like that and get to eat 1800 calories? i am so jealous.. maybe it's because they are Canadian calories - if we apply the exchange rate to them, it's about 1650 US calories (just kidding.. I am originally from Toronto myself, living outside PhilaPa right now)..

    Seriously - you look fantasic so enjoy yourself and your ability to eat and still have that body.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Am I the only person on MFP eating over 1800 calories a day? I feel sooo outta place! :sad: :laugh: man, I dunno how you guys survive on such little food!

    (Not a fitness trainer or a fitness model here! :happy: ) When I first entered my info into MFP and it suggested 1200, my reaction was "NO WAY!"

    I might net 1200 on occasion, but I don't think I've ever actually eaten below 1400 since I started logging back in February! While losing, I ate anywhere between 1400-1800ish a day, depending upon how much I worked out and how hungry I felt. If I met my calorie "limit" and I genuinely felt HUNGRY, I ate!

    I'm now moving into maintenance and trying to be guided even more by sensations of hunger. I am eating more calories than before and.... I still seem to be losing! :laugh:
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Actually I'm sort of happy to eat less because my grocery bills are down. Tuna goes on sale this weekend woo hoo!!! Time to stock up.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I dont set my goal at 2lbs lost a week because it told me 1200 and I cant live on that. I have my goals set for 1.5lbs a week and that means 1460 (down from 1500). However I exercise 5-6 days a week so I can eat more. I am always boggled by the threads of people who cant even eat 1200 calories. I was starting to feel like something was wrong with me. Glad I am not alone.
  • buggaboo73
    buggaboo73 Posts: 169
    1200 is tough, I make it some days but more often I am in the 1300 - 1400 range. I can do 1800 for a nice slow and steady loss that feels comfortable but I am going away in September for a weekend with my ex......long story but in any case I'd like to take off the last 15 I've been messing around with so I'm pushing right now to stay under 1500. I don't eat less, I eat lower calorie. Less would not cut it for me. Once I get to my first goal of 165 I will slow down and go up to 1800 and to stay fit.

    I too am completely confused and yeah, a little irritated I admit it, when I see people say they can't imagine eating "ALL THOSE CALORIES" to get to 1200. You're kidding me right??? But I've also noticed, if you look at the profiles of those who say they can't eat the whole 1200, probably 2/3 of them are young and either already quite thin and looking to lose 5 lbs or it's their first time dieting and in either they just have an unrealistic idea about it......so they think it means eating celery and carrots all day......which is great for the two days you can live that way LOL.
  • Cstaub
    Cstaub Posts: 18
    I'm at 1200...an not even hungry during most days. However, i'm not really losing weight anymore...i work in an office (even though i spend more time out in the warehouse then i do at my desk, and eat fruit/nuts/or a protein smotthie for lunch every day. I often workout beofre i go to work. Should i be upping my caloric intake? And any other advice for actually losing weight?
  • xxgoriexx
    xxgoriexx Posts: 39
    I don't think you are! But does it matter? You work out a lot, right? Your body needs more fuel than the rest of ours do. xD
  • littlelisa24
    littlelisa24 Posts: 127
    I'm at 2100 cals. Since i started running again. I eat at 12am. Help?
  • mekhala
    mekhala Posts: 123 Member
    my setting are set to 2080 calories, and i am trying to east them all... i even went over yesterday !! it wasnt planned but i did have a whole box of makado to myself....

    will be eating 1700 today to make up for the 300 i went over yesterday.
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    nope you are not alone there hun.
    I have 1720 .that is with 1 1/2 pounds a week to lose.
    Always good to see you post.
    hang in there.

    Oh a side note.started on the 3 lbs weights just arms for now.
    and heading back into the gym soon-not waiting on docs or insurance
    and get my groove on..lol

  • jrh5249
    jrh5249 Posts: 28
    My BMR is 1900 calories a day to lose a pound a week, and im usually very close either way, regaurdless of if i work out... or go drinking.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I'm sorry a few of you took offence to my post. Yes i'm very fit, I wasn't always, Yes I birthed all six children, one by one! lol...and I have the pleasure of having a job that allows me to keep in shape. I was starting to wonder though, with the kind of excersie programs I post, I wouldn't want someone only eating 1200 calories a day, and not eating back exercise calories to actually take on some of my workouts..it would be very inappropriate of me to condone that. I understand weight loss, it's just hard for me to give someone advice on exercise when they mail me and tell me they only eat 1200 calories, when they ask me what they should do and tell me they don't want to eat back calories, I honestly suggest walking..P90x, tabaat training, crossfit, heavy weightlifting all require lots of energy. I knew that there were more people out there losing weight and not going by that special 1200 number..that's all..I just wanna help.