How do YOU survive the weekend?

It seems as though eating/exercising is on point for me during the week, but when the weekend rolls around, I seem to fall off the wagon. What I mean by that is I'll either eat WAY too much, or I'll eat things I know I'm intolerant to (i.e. ICE CREAM). Then I pay for it later.

What are your tips and tricks to staying on the right path when temptation arises??

Open to new friends, too. Love to stay motivated! Rock on!


  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    ice cream that doesn't upset your stomach and have a great workout so you can eat what you want.
  • Amy_Andrews
    Amy_Andrews Posts: 106
    First, plan for a bit of a "cheat" meal so you don't feel guilty when you do have ice cream. Second, remove the temptation - set yourself up for healthy eating. And last, if you do have a splurge, just work it off.
  • Jstarr77
    Jstarr77 Posts: 24
    Hard for me to! My downfall is usually the drinking - I try to stick to wine, light beer and/or vodka and soda but it adds up so quickly!
  • cgirlygirl
    cgirlygirl Posts: 49
    I try to keep my water intake up. That helps keep the hunger away at times when I shouldn't actually be hungry. Other than that, I am in the SAME boat! Weekend struggler right here!
  • dlansford1
    dlansford1 Posts: 1 Member
    Try the Fit and Active Chocolate fudge bars. Only 100 calories and not bad tasting. As for temptation on the weekends I try to stay busy doing yard work or some other type of activity and try not to think about eating. Not to mention coming on here and posting my food. Keeps me honest.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    I've found it's all about structure. That is why most of us do so well during the week. Your (well at least my) week is pretty much the same old thing: wake up at the same time, go to work, work, drive home, walk the dogs, workout, eat dinner, get meals ready for tomorrow, bed. The weekends however, are usually very dynamic and never the same for me. So what I do, is plan my meals out ahead of time and plan my activities around those meals/snacks. It's a bit anal, no doubt, but it seems to work. Plus, like someone else said, give yourself a "cheat day". And by cheat day, I mean some extra calories. Many people think "cheat" means eat whatever you want.
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Skip breakfast. If you just opt for lunch and dinner you can have 2 pretty substantial meals.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I'm the opposite.

    Weekends are when I don't eat nearly as much as I need to. Probably because we are so busy during the weekends as opposed to my sitting at a desk and grazing all weekday long.

    I like what scottyg70 does in that he plans his meals out beforehand, which, I think, I will attempt to do this weekend.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I try to have at least one weekend day be an exercise day, so I have calories to play around with, and if I know I am going out to dinner or a party, I will do my research and log my food in advance. That way I can plan the day around that meal, and having my food in the log helps me stick to it when the time comes.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I just treat it like every other day. Weekends are harder for most people because we don't have work to take up most of our day. So we have more time on our hands, and sometimes boredom comes into play for eating. I just stick to my usual eating plan. Yes, the hubby and I usually have a dinner date on the weekends, but that's just one meal, and I am still cautious with what I order. The gym, errrands. house work, gardening, etc usually keep me busy enough to keep me in check :tongue:
  • tushq
    tushq Posts: 3
    Similar story with me. I don't drink on weekdays but on weekend in just 2 nights I consume something like 12-15 beer. I have no so any control when it comes to partying. The only escape is if I opt for whiskey, which being less caloric is a relief. But I hate whiskey in summers.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I've found it's all about structure. That is why most of us do so well during the week. Your (well at least my) week is pretty much the same old thing: wake up at the same time, go to work, work, drive home, walk the dogs, workout, eat dinner, get meals ready for tomorrow, bed. The weekends however, are usually very dynamic and never the same for me. So what I do, is plan my meals out ahead of time and plan my activities around those meals/snacks. It's a bit anal, no doubt, but it seems to work. Plus, like someone else said, give yourself a "cheat day". And by cheat day, I mean some extra calories. Many people think "cheat" means eat whatever you want.

    Totally agree with this. I am more tempted on weekends because I have the time to be tempted by food. That's not the case during the week, when I have work, the gym, and other obligations keeping me busy. I am fairly obsessive about planning my time on weekends though, and if I just get myself out of the house, that helps a lot.

    I also think it's critical to get rid of things that tempt you. I really don't have anything in my fridge or cabinets that I would be tempted to binge on, and even if I did, it's all fruit and vegetables and meat and Greek yogurt, so it won't kill me.

    I do want to say that I don't agree with the idea of eating something and just working it off later. That starts a vicious cycle of binge and punishment that will seriously corrupt your relationship with food and cause you to feel guilty about what you eat all the time. Just give yourself a little bit of breathing room ONE day (not all weekend).
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Barely, by the skin of my teeth. Some weekends are better than others. If I am able to stay home and relax, its actually better because I stay busy catching up on my projects. If I have places to go, that usually throws me off my routine.
  • colapopmusic
    I waitress :) So I actually get paid to workout and have fun :) It's my other job during the week that makes this losing weight thing so had.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    This is normal and we all are usually victim to it. Most are not on a schedule on the weekends like we are during the week so the best you can do is to try to keep a similar structure (maybe a lil lax) on the weekends. Just do your best.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'm retired from my job, so now it's just the farm. Weekends are no different from any other day. Still have to haul hay, feed and water the horses, gather eggs, clean stalls ,tend the seedlings, do my work outs. I don't go out drinking at all.....I never thought that was fun.. If you work all week and then party on the weekends, well, of course you'll have more problems keeping on track. Try yogurt instead of ice cream .Don't keep stuff like candy, cookies, etc. in the house if you think you can't eat it in moderation. Plan to spend your weekends bike riding/canoeing/hiking/going to art fairs, where you'll do a LOT of walking. ... something like that rather than going out and drinking.Maybe that will work.
  • apriljackss
    apriljackss Posts: 96 Member
    Weekends definitely are more difficult for me too. I actually find that because I'm busier and trying to get all the housework, yardwork, etc. done in just two days that I'm more likely to go for something fast and usually unhealthy. I try to keep only healthful things around the house but, as much as I love him, my boyfriend can be a bad influence when it comes to buying snack foods! I'm the kind of person that has to eat regularly or I become very unpleasant to be around. What I find helps is eating a big breakfast before I get started doing whatever it is I have to do that day, which can usually get me through all of my chores and leave me time in the evening to get a suitable dinner sorted out. I do like someone elses point that if you work out though, you can be a little less frugal with your calories, my workouts on the weekend all involve working around the house, it can certainly burn calories, especially if you have that in mind while you're doing it. A few extra lifts of the laundry basket here... some squats while gathering things. lol it probably looks pretty silly but it all adds up.
  • DivetePurple
    DivetePurple Posts: 5 Member
    Just set up goals to yourself. You don't have to feel guilty every time you put a spoon of ice cream in your mouth or drink a glass of Coke, or even eat a slice of pizza. It's just about control. Don't go stuffing your face all the way, girl!
    What you have to think about is how fabulous you wanna look on Monday, and how much of a pain in the a** it will be to lose all those little pounds you managed to put back on during the weekend...
    So, be brave! And, remember: Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous always!!!! ;)
  • mgore0404
    mgore0404 Posts: 65 Member
    I agree the weekend is the worst part for me also. It's the time we meet up with family and friends, and the time that everyone seems to want to "Drink" there calories. Right now I am trying to not drink alcohol since husband and I are trying to get pregnant. I just remind myself that what I want is more important than what we are eating. But on another note, if I know I am going to be doing something "heavy" over the weekend, I sometimes save up my calories, and exercise. But I am new at this calorie counting thing so maybe I too am still learning. Happy weight loss !
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    You bring up a great point! I think I also slip on water intake... I'll try that this weekend :-)
    I try to keep my water intake up. That helps keep the hunger away at times when I shouldn't actually be hungry. Other than that, I am in the SAME boat! Weekend struggler right here!