30 Day Shred!! Who's with me?!



  • countrygirlsoul
    L2D10 done!!! I think i may stick to level two for another day or two and then....level three here I come!!!
  • my2loves04and06
    I still haven't gotten back into the Shred yet. :blushing: My left knee still hurts from weeks ago when I took that unintentional 20 mile bike ride. It *only* hurts when I bend it, which is what, every 30 seconds during the shred? LOL I'll do it today though. I MUST or I'll never start back.
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    Mpos- I am also doing the couch 2 5K program. Is yours on the ipod/iphone? I am only on week 3 and it is kicking my butt. Do you do it on a treadmill or outdoors?

    L2D1 FINISHED! At first I thought L2 was a lot easier and then it got to circuit 3 and I thought I was going to pass out. The strength moves were tough to say the least.

    Hi. I have the couch to 5K in my iTouch. I run at the park. And yes, as you go each week, you sort of wonder whether you'll have the energy to finish the cycles of running. I was amazed how easy it was for me to finish week 5's 20min run. Week 6 - was easy during the 1st 2 mixes and when I did the 3rd mix which was supposed to have been the 25mins continous run....I just plain choked!!!! :sick: I felt so bad :sad: . I think it was also due to other things happening during the week so I really am not beating myself up, yet! :wink:

    The bright side of the whole choking part was....I was finally driven to open up my Shred dvd (plainly out of guilt :blushing: ) So, L1D1 down and my plan is to re-start week 6 of couch to 5k then do Shred after each run. I think that will be better than not having days off in between my workouts. I'll see what happens and keep you posted.

    Just keep running....it feels good to see the changes in my body's performance & of course, shape :happy:
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    I am doing it on the treadmill and think I was attempting to go too fast for the running part. I had to go back down to week 2 for another session because I could not jog for three minutes straight without feeling like I was going to pass out.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Just done Day 4 level 1, followed by a 4 mile run, off out with the girls tonight so need the extra cals. :drinker: :drinker:
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    I am doing it on the treadmill and think I was attempting to go too fast for the running part. I had to go back down to week 2 for another session because I could not jog for three minutes straight without feeling like I was going to pass out.

    hi again wmchick, I agree that when one gets carried away we tend to have that passing out feeling. On the other hand, if we run slower then our HR isn't really working as it needs to. I went back to the forums on couch to 5K sometime back and most of the posters mentioned that as long as we don't feel like were turtles it's fine:bigsmile: After reading that...whenever I feel like I'm running out of breath, I just pace myself to enable myself to catch my breath while still running though. I am planning to acquire a Polar ft7f later this month. Hopefully, that will give me a good idea of my performance.

    For now, the objective is just to be able to run 30mins without stopping. Never mind speed, etc. I'll keep posting on my shreds & runs. Take care.
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Yeah that is probably the best strategy. When I all out push and try to run 7 mph, I am okay for about a minute but definitely can't make it for the three minutes. I might try week 3 again later this afternoon guess it depends on how the day goes. I went from NEVER being able to run to this program though, so any running is an improvement at this point. I will keep at it with the far away goal (feels far away anyway) of being able to run for 30 minutes straight.
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Hi, I have just done my daily shred, did Level 1 again, I missed Sundays as was out all day, so am going to call this day 5. Really pleased I have done it today though as have ben shattered and dont tend to do much on a Monday night, so am off to bed happy :happy: :happy:
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    Hi everyone,

    Happy to report that I got the nerve to do C25K week 6 mix 1 with L1D2 of Shred back to back. Man! was I sweaty but happy at the end of it. I am now drinking lots of water to avoid sore muscles....this is a suggestion I read in some posts some time back. I hope I can do this everytime. There are just days when I`ve had to much work or activities that doing them back to back might do me more harm that good.

    Wish me well :love:
  • wmchick81
    wmchick81 Posts: 273
    Finished L2D3 today. The V things are killer (in circuit 3). I just can't do them without stopping several times. I feel like you have to be a lot more coordinated for level 2 than for level 1.
  • countrygirlsoul
    Level 3 Day 1 complete!!! YAY!!! I can't believe I finally made it past level 2, now on to three! I think Jillian is crazy though....jumping jacks with wieghts!??! Oh well, I like level three, def more challenging but good!
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    L1D3, done:happy:

    Can someone help me log for Shred, pls?!?!? I know we get 9 mins of cardio which I just log as jumping but for the strength & abs exercise I'm just at a loss.
  • countrygirlsoul
    L1D3, done:happy:

    Can someone help me log for Shred, pls?!?!? I know we get 9 mins of cardio which I just log as jumping but for the strength & abs exercise I'm just at a loss.

    I just log it as circuit training and I think that just about everyone logs it this way too. Hope that helps. :smile:
  • countrygirlsoul
    Level 3 Day 2 done!! I can't believe that when I first started the shred I couldn't do the push-ups and now by level three I'm able to do them without stopping!! Yay!!:happy:
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Just about to do Day 6 level 1, didnt do a shred yesterday, did a 3 mile fast run though so not too bad. :wink: :wink:
  • porter09
    porter09 Posts: 31 Member
    i started on the 16th so will finish on the 14th aug, im doing each level for 10 days each, i find level 1 quite easy so today i did jillians target trouble zones before the shred and i thought i was gonna pass out lol i just know my arms will be sore tomorrow but it is all worth it!
  • porter09
    porter09 Posts: 31 Member
  • erodriquez
    erodriquez Posts: 56
    What are the Jillian workout? Can I walk uphill?
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    What are the Jillian workout? Can I walk uphill?

    It's the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD. Go back on this thread to get all kinds of info! :smile:

    L2D7& 8 for me. Picking the shred up after a 12 day break for me! :noway: :noway: The Cruise was awesome! Lots of walking through medieval towns and all over St. Petersburg. We even did a bike tour. I actually worked out 3 times on the ship. Now back to reality and the 2 pounds I added before the trip and the one I did ship-board. I will see if I can pick up where I left off. I allowed the jet-lag to keep me from the elliptical. Today... back to that!
  • mpos
    mpos Posts: 55
    Ok, I'll log it as circuit training then. Also, maybe I'll move on to L2-L3 depending on how easy L1 becomes. Jillian says we should feel the stress BUT NOT pain in the body.....until tomorrow's shred & run!:wink: