You're getting too thin comments?



  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I once had a guy I know telling me I would fly away in a hard wind ( at 162 pounds, 5;5" ) ??

    That really happened to me when I was 5. A sudden gust of wind turned the full skirt of the circa late 50s little girl's dress I was wearing into a kite and I flew off my grandparents' back porch.

    I was a skinny kid and a naturally thin adult well into middle age, and I almost never heard any comments about my weight. About the closest to being told I was too thin I recall was when my doctor told me I was on the lightweight side but had enough meat on my bones for a "tall petite person." And no one seemed to notice when I got fat because it happened gradually. But everyone had something to say when I took the weight off. Even one of the ladies who hand out free samples at Walmart had an opinion and thought I needed to hear it. I think it's just human nature to notice relatively rapid change.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Thank you so much for being normal. I am alarmed at how many on this site display an actual ED. I don't think you are one of them. You look healthy so, the people making the comments are probably just not used to you this way. If they saw a stranger at your weight they wouldn't think anything of it. Carry on and realize they just want you to be healthy and it alarms them that you could lose too much, not that you have, but they just haven't adjusted to the new you yet.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Thanks! It's good to know I'm not the only one!
    And I do wonder if our idea of what is a normal size has changed too. After all, most of the general population is overweight to some degree. Being overweight is starting to become normal!
    I get this too and it's shocking to me. I am currently 5'11, 198 (down 100 over a year-ish) and my BMI is 28, which is still in the upper half of the overweight category. I need to lose about 25 more lbs to get to healthy BMI, yet I have had a couple people lately tell me that I am "losing too much weight," and that I should "knock it off." Where are these people's heads at? Is being healthy considered abnormal now?
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    My son said "mom! stop, you're too thin now!" He says he feels guilty cause when he was 7, (he's 29 now), he made up a song about my fatness-it was called "Baby Beluga" as in whale.
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    How about: "Are you still dieting? How long are you going to that?
    No, I'm not dieting, I'm eating a salad of mixed greens with 4 tbs of straight olive oil. As for eating healthily, I plan to do that forever.
  • JodehFoster
    JodehFoster Posts: 419 Member
    Grandma: You are too skinny! I make you cookies now. Wait here.


    I don't enjoy hearing this crap either, between the sick comments & "you shouldn't lose anymore". Where were all these opinions about my well-being when I was CLEARLY unhealthy @ 5', 230#?

    Oh yeah, the opinions have NOTHING to do w/ my well-being...but they have everything to do w/ their own insecurities/shortcomings, IMO. STFU.
  • dlbaron
    dlbaron Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks! It's good to know I'm not the only one!
    And I do wonder if our idea of what is a normal size has changed too. After all, most of the general population is overweight to some degree. Being overweight is starting to become normal!

    This! Recently a Facebook friend of mine posted criticism about a get-healthy campaign advertisement, calling it body shaming. While I don't think people should be made to feel bad about their bodies, especially if they take care of themselves but are naturally curvy, we need to realize that our lifestyles and diets are totally unnatural. There are tons of factors in American culture that people never question- lack of public transportation (thus sitting in a car everyday), essentially subsidizing processed foods and pushing up prices of local and organic produce (watch King Corn or Food, Inc), television, desk jobs, etc. Props to everyone here for realizing that and trying to get to a weight that is actually healthy for your body!

    A couple years ago I dropped two clothing sizes and was eating well and working out everyday. A friend of mine got really critical and would constantly try to pressure me to eat junk food. She would tell me I was way too skinny, it was scaring her, I shouldn't deprive myself. I felt great eating only whole foods and exercising, but to some people who have never tried that, it's a foreign concept. I think a lot of people have never tasted good "health food" or don't understand how a hard workout can turn a crappy mood around.

    Keep doing what you know works for you! I don't know if people are jealous or just unfamiliar with your new lifestyle. I hope this wouldn't come off as preachy or something, but maybe you could invite them over and share a healthy delicious meal or make them a vegan dessert. If people see that you are still eating great tasting foods and not just celery, maybe they will be more supportive and even consider changing their habits a bit too!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I had a friend tell me recently that I'm "going to blow away". :huh: Hardly. And I have dinner with this friend on a weekly basis, and she sees how I eat (back for seconds, all the food, plus dessert, while she eats tiny portions, no rice, no bread, etc). Ridiculous.

    I have had a couple people ask if I'm still trying to lose weight, or tell me I don't need to lose any more, and I just tell them that I'm not working on losing any more weight (which is true), but trying to lower my body fat percentage a bit more. Usually shuts 'em up. :bigsmile:
  • annahlotr
    annahlotr Posts: 23 Member
    I've gotten them in the past, but I kinda agreed with them. The second I drop below 140, people start asking if I'm ok. I'm 5'9, and dropping below 140 really isn't great for me because it means I'm losing muscle I don't want to lose.

    Right now, I'm 152 and not thrilled with my weight, but I've been 150 and loved my weight. For me, it's about how much of my weight is fat and how much is muscle. Right now, it's too much fat and not enough muscle. When I was 150 and loved it, I had more muscle than I've had most of my life.
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I get "Now don't go getting all anorexic on me, you have lost enough weight".

    You know how you shut them up? I say "When I was 30 pounds heavier why were you not here saying "now don't go getting fat on me you have gained enough weight". Always stops them dead in their tracks. They have no clue how to respond.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I am starting to get that also. I had lost about 10 lbs over the course of a year, so people really didn't notice that. Since Feb, I have really kicked it into gear and lost another 12 lbs since then. My SIL said someone that we go to church with actually asked her if I had a "problem with substance abuse" since I was losing weight so fast. I was so upset, my loss averages out to 1lb a week, and I am sure that is healthy. Since I have never been this healthy before, I was mad that someone would try to imply that I was doing something wrong to get here!

    Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband and when I told him about it, he just hugged me and said not to worry about it. Basically, haters gonna hate! He did say that if anyone mentioned it to him that he would be sure to set them straight!
  • smirf1972
    smirf1972 Posts: 93 Member
    I get this too, i'm happiest at10st (140lbs) and constantly get told once I get under 147lb, i'm 5'8 so not unhealthy. Other people don't always know whats best for you, listen to your heart, as long as your healthy thats what counts.
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    I wondering if anyone else has dealt with the issue of people saying you are too thin. I'm right smack in the middle of my BMI and have a few people tell me I have lost too much weight. Mind you, I know my arms look puny but the rest of me is fine!:laugh:
    All. The. Time. That and, "you're counting your calories? You look great, why the heck would you want to count your calories?! you're too thin as it is..."

    Drives me nuts.
  • ilmb87
    ilmb87 Posts: 216 Member
    No "too thin" comments (yet), but I do get "don't get too crazy thin!" ones quite often.
  • grace42d
    grace42d Posts: 156 Member
    I once actually flew away in the wind. Wind speeds close to 100 MPH up on Long's Peak Colorado. Me at around 90 pounds. I went about 10 feet before crashing! Good thing it wasn't near a cliff.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    another perspective, is that i think for people who have struggled with their weight their whole life, and then manage to get control of things and lose the weight... their friends and family are used to them being heavy, and having no control over it, so the idea that we are losing weight in a healthy way, and are not sick or overdoing it or something crazy seems... well.... unlikely! I think sometimes it causes them to assume something must be wrong.

    ^^^ This is exactly what I think, with respect to my own situation. No one, not even my family, has seen me look lean and athletic/fit since...god, since pre-puberty??? I can understand that it's visually shocking (especially if there's been a lag between visits) - heck, sometimes the mirror surprises *me*. Perhaps it's natural to assume something is "wrong" because the new situation is such a deviation from "normal"? I think all you can do is explain what you're doing and reassure them that you're healthy.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    My dad told me last week if I lost any more weight he was going to kick my *kitten*... Funny think is I haven't lost any since January, I've been toning up... But he didn't want to hear it. Some days being a dad's girl is hard! I'm still 10-15 pounds from my goal!
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    My mum keeps saying the weight loss notices on my face! How can any one lose 20lb off their face only lol:laugh: :laugh:
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Yeah I get it, I'm 5'4" and 189lbs, though I don't really look it, still I know I have a ways to go.
  • Livingdeadnurse
    Livingdeadnurse Posts: 140 Member
    I despise the, 'You're too thin' comment. I'm nowhere near my weight loss goal (about 170-180 give or take) and people are constantly telling me that i need to stop or that I'm 'Fine where I am'.

    'Why are you still trying to lose weight?'

    'You're STILL losing weight? (this is usually followed by said person me looking me up and down). What are you trying to lose? Your damn mind?

    'You need to stop going to the gym so much! You already look stupid!' (said by a loved one recently)

    Sometimes I think it's because they are insecure about their own body.