so my low cal diet won't work to lose 50 pounds?



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Also, why would you want to be 190, unless you are six feet tall?
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    I have absolutely nothing constructive to add to this thread. Your style of weight loss just leaves me confused and wondering why would anyone want to treat their body in such a way? :cry: :sad:
  • mstrickland9
    mstrickland9 Posts: 102
    You are hurting your body. You won't be able to sustain a 900 calorie diet. Please stop and eat responsibly.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I should be eating 1700 calories according to the 'in place of a road map' thread.

    i've been eating about 900 calories a day.

    my plan is to stay on 900


    Think about this for a second.

    You didn't get to 250 pounds because you're so darn smart about food. You don't become obese because you make good decisions about nutrition. Right?

    So, you went and read a thread full of fantastic info and direction about weight loss because you're 250 pounds and want to lose weight. So what do you do? Throw all that advice and information out the window.

    A little harsh, but sort of what I was thinking.
  • riverview9
    riverview9 Posts: 3 Member
    A couple friends used to weight about as much as me. They signed up with a medical weight loss clinic. One has lost 40 pounds in the last two months. She eats about 900 calories a day, she's still losing. The other has hit a plateau at about 180. They don't eat sugar or salt, all protein, carb and veg. I don't eat the same thing as them.

    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    what happens when you hit the inevitable plateau... and there's nowhere to go from there because eating less would be even more dangerous? (answer: you will have to up your calories in order to regulate, which means putting on a few pounds before you can even think about trying to lose again)

    what happens when you reach your goal weight? are you gong to eat at under 1000 calories for the rest of your life? no? then plan to get fat again. what you are doing is one of the major causes of yo-yo dieting.

    I've lost close to 100 pounds in under a year. (i'm 5ft3, 40 yrs old) yeah i admit, the first few weeks i ate under 1200 because i was so pumped and motivated and wanted that initial big loss. but after that, ive been eating between 1500-1800 depending on the days activity and I have been losing (mostly) consistently. 100 pounds in a year is freaking fantastic, I am SO HAPPY, and I didn't have to resort to behaviors that will make me tired, thin my hair, result in loss of lots of muscle, or make me look sick. Plus, I get to enjoy lots of food i love, so I'm not going to have one of those days where I am so frustrated with my restricted diet that i go on an uncontrollable binge and eat all the things I have been missing.
  • mstrickland9
    mstrickland9 Posts: 102
    A couple friends used to weight about as much as me. They signed up with a medical weight loss clinic. One has lost 40 pounds in the last two months. She eats about 900 calories a day, she's still losing. The other has hit a plateau at about 180. They don't eat sugar or salt, all protein, carb and veg. I don't eat the same thing as them.

    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    No none here is trying to bash you. We are all trying to help you see the disaster you are headed for!
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    A couple friends used to weight about as much as me. They signed up with a medical weight loss clinic. One has lost 40 pounds in the last two months. She eats about 900 calories a day, she's still losing. The other has hit a plateau at about 180. They don't eat sugar or salt, all protein, carb and veg. I don't eat the same thing as them.

    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    your friends are likely being monitored by doctors. you don't seem as if you are and as such, what you're doing is very dangerous.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    In what way would a crazy crash diet make it "easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health"?

    That doesn't make any sense.

    Carrying out your plan is a bad idea and you know it. Did you expect something other than bashing by posting a plan you know well and good is horrible?

    OP posts: "So my low cal diet won't work?"
    OP hopes to get: "No, it's fine! Lose 50 pounds through malnutrition and crash dieting now. Worry about silly things like health and long term success later. What you need now is a crazy plan you know is wrong."
    OP gets: "Uh, no, it won't work and you know it."
    OP responds: "Can I just get information instead of bashing?"
  • tigermorris
    tigermorris Posts: 58
    I have my calories set to what MFP suggest, but I keep hearing and have read about the TDEE - 20% I had a personal trainer/nutritionist tell me to use the MFP calories. I am scared to bump the calories to the TDEE -20% MFP has me at 1250, it was 1350, but since I lost 15 lbs, it took me down to 1250. It is hard to know what to do, becuase different people say diffenernt things.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    This is why I quit reading these posts. Everyone is an expert! If it works for you and you are not feeling sluggish & run down then it works. We are all grown ups on here and should try to support each other not boss each other around.

    A person at my work always comments on what I am eating...too much salt, too many carbs. I've lost 16 lbs and she just exercises her mouth. Who is doing better??
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I have my calories set to what MFP suggest, but I keep hearing and have read about the TDEE - 20% I had a personal trainer/nutritionist tell me to use the MFP calories. I am scared to bump the calories to the TDEE -20% MFP has me at 1250, it was 1350, but since I lost 15 lbs, it took me down to 1250. It is hard to know what to do, becuase different people say diffenernt things.

    Simple instructions for sedentary people who exercise: Calculate your BMR. Set your calorie goal to that number. Eat back exercise calories. Adjust as necessary after a month.
  • middyfire
    middyfire Posts: 12 Member
    You WILL lose weight eating at 900 calories a day. But you won't be nourishing your body or giving it the nutrients it needs. It's also not sustainable long term.

    I would especially worry since you mention you have trouble staying within higher calorie goals. In that situation you're very likely to end up in a place to gain it all back very quickly would certainly advocate focusing on something that is sustainable now, to achieve your long term health and weight goals.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    A couple friends used to weight about as much as me. They signed up with a medical weight loss clinic. One has lost 40 pounds in the last two months. She eats about 900 calories a day, she's still losing. The other has hit a plateau at about 180. They don't eat sugar or salt, all protein, carb and veg. I don't eat the same thing as them.

    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    I hope I don't come across as bashing Riverview.

    My concern with the diet you describe your friends being on is ~ so do they plan to stay on that diet for life?

    What I find soo very helpful re: the info I've picked up on this site is, seems very wise (to me) to work towards a lifestyle that can work for LIFE. And not just to crash diet and quickly lose weight. And be at high risk to gain it all back again.

    I came here expecting to be advised to go super low calorie, but the info to the contrary that I read seems so damn sensible. I started this 'diet' expecting I'd drop weight faster, and I've come to trust the 1 or 2 lbs a week I've consistently been losing is reasonable and the best way to go.

    I wish you luck. I also wish you'd pause to consider the wise info you've received here.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    A couple friends used to weight about as much as me. They signed up with a medical weight loss clinic. One has lost 40 pounds in the last two months. She eats about 900 calories a day, she's still losing. The other has hit a plateau at about 180. They don't eat sugar or salt, all protein, carb and veg. I don't eat the same thing as them.

    If I could quickly get down to 180 it would be easier to focus on the best way to lose for long term health.

    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    There is a big difference between a reasonable deficit that prompts your body to use fat stores to run itself and eating so little you are burning things you don't need to burn and diminishing reserves for the activities of daily living. The point of this is not to just get there. The point is to learn how to stay where you are once you get there and to be satisfied with your body there. It doesn't serve you or anyone to crash out and yoyo diet all the time.

    So can you lose that weight on 900 calories per day? Yes of course you can, just like you could lose the weight eating nothing but pop tarts or bacon or ranch dressing, but that doesn't make it a reasonable, sustainable, or safe way to do it.

    And if you feel the need to do a crazy low calorie diet, at the LEAST stick with eating at least your BMR and eat back exercise calories. That is still excessive, but it is more reasonable.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Sure it will work.

    But you'll be losing muscle along with the fat. Which means you won't be as happy with your appearance when you get to your goal weight.

    And, very little calories usually means fatigue, so you're risking being tired all the time. In addition, some people experience hair loss, brittle nails, skin issues, etc. Your body isn't getting much, so the "extras" don't get the nutrients. On top of all that, you risk slowing down your metabolism. That means when you get to your goal, your maintenance calories will be lower than someone who had been eating at a more moderate deficit.


    BMR is your basal metabolic rate ...... this is what your body needs daily to survive .......heart, lungs, kidneys .....some pretty important stuff.

    Yes - your body is "storing fat" .... however, every single nutrient your body needs is NOT stored there.

    Healthy fats - nuts, nut butters, avocado, olive oil ...... these are calorie dense foods and will up your calories quickly. Don't be afraid of full fat products ... salad dressings & dairy. Fat (dietary) is not bad.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I think you have found a great plan to continue the cycle.

    I don't want to sound like a jerk, but why start a thread to say here is what I am doing, I don't really want any information or advice?
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    This won't end well.
  • I could either save money by putting 10% of my paycheck into a savings account each week. Or I could save money by prostituting my body at a truck stop on weekends and then putting that money into a savings account.

    I would probably have a bigger savings account faster with the second option, but does that make it the smart option?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Could I get information instead of just bashing?

    You are getting information. The information you are getting is that
    1) You will lose weight
    2) The weight you will lose is not necessarily the fat you want to be losing
    3) Losing weight like at that calorie level is not sustainable
    4) Sustainable weight loss is healthier in the long run
    5) A list of healthy food options

    Exactly what else do you want? We aren't medical doctors here.
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