so ive been hearing a lot of mixed comments regarding them.. some people swear by them and say its a great low fat low calorie snack.. others say no, that its too high in sugar.. what do you think? do you use them as snacks and still lose weight? aside from fruits, veggies, and nuts what else is a good kind of snack..


  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    Why care about sugar as long as you stay at a calorie deficit?

    I had them as elevensies for a month or two, but they were a tad boring. I've replaced them with almonds.
  • StephGettinFit
    StephGettinFit Posts: 43 Member
    i have been buying the yoplait 2x protein flavored yogurts. low sugar and high protein. but they do use artificial sweetener sooo that is not that great.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    yes but fage 2% tastes so much better
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I like Babybel lights. 42 calories, good little snack and a nice source of protein if like me you don't drink milk. Tasty too.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    yes but fage 2% tastes so much better


    Get plain and add your own mix-ins. I do plain 2% with berries, chia seeds, and nuts.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Get a tub of the plain flavor and then add your own stuff to fit your own macros. I don't usually eat any premixed yogurt because it is too high in sugars and chemicals.

    Try adding
    *Real vanilla, cinnamon, and sweetener of your choice (I use a bit of splenda)
    *Berries or sliced fruit and sweetener of your choice (much better than the teeny tiny pieces of fruit covered in sugar and HFC that they add to the premixed stuff)
    *Protein powder and sweetener if needed
    *No sugar added preserves (I like boysenberry)
    *Ranch seasonings then use as a dip
    *Pesto and use as a sandwich spread

    That said, if it fits your macros, your time, and your wallet, who cares what other people think?
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    I eat the plain Fage 0% and add fresh berries. It's my all time favorite yogurt. When I did eat the flavored ones, I didn't put all the fruit in it because I did think it was a tad too sweet.
  • Elif84
    Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
    I recently started eating the Fage 0% yogurts. I started with the 2%, but I switched to 0%. I like the 0% Fage yogurts because I don't like that rich, milky taste in yogurts. I add frozen berries to it and I feel like it fills me up as snack and it's low in calories.
  • susanonamission
    susanonamission Posts: 3 Member
    I use yogurt as a treat, like ice cream. I am trying to limit my dairy intake. Great snacks are Hummus (Costco has single serving packages) with cucumbers or zucchini slices, celery and hummus. steamed cold broccoli (make extra at dinner)with sesame oil and memme sauce rocks, oh so yummy. apples and almond butter. use fruit or veggies as your cracker or bread and you can really enjoy your snacks! super thin sliced potatoes (white or sweet or yams) baked in the oven will also work, but they are starchy so limit. smoothies without milk or protein powder are always a good choice. tomatoes with fresh basil and balsamic Vinegar and olive oil - fresh fresh fresh and so good. Trader Joe's boxed soups are luscious and low calorie.
  • _eli_80
    _eli_80 Posts: 40
    Get a tub of the plain flavor and then add your own stuff to fit your own macros. I don't usually eat any premixed yogurt because it is too high in sugars and chemicals.

    Try adding
    *Real vanilla, cinnamon, and sweetener of your choice (I use a bit of splenda)
    *Berries or sliced fruit and sweetener of your choice (much better than the teeny tiny pieces of fruit covered in sugar and HFC that they add to the premixed stuff)
    *Protein powder and sweetener if needed
    *No sugar added preserves (I like boysenberry)
    *Ranch seasonings then use as a dip
    *Pesto and use as a sandwich spread

    That said, if it fits your macros, your time, and your wallet, who cares what other people think?

    This is great thank you!!!

    (Also if you dont mind me asking.. how long did it take you to see real results?)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    What do you mean "good for you?"

    If you are making a lifestyle change, then you should consider the long term effects of the things that you are doing. Sugar and artificial sweeteners can have long term effects. Fat, in particular saturated fats, are bad where omega 3s like fish, nuts and avocados have good fat.

    Greek yogurt is better than regular yogurt. Low fat Swiss, and goat cheese are good snack choices. Hummus and carrots, celery with lemon juice...

    What you want to do is get a balanced diet, 90+ minutes of cardio a week, stay away from processed foods and learn about organic and whole foods. If you just want to lose weight, grab a bunch of Atkins protein bars and then you don't have to watch calories.
  • _eli_80
    _eli_80 Posts: 40
    I use yogurt as a treat, like ice cream. I am trying to limit my dairy intake. Great snacks are Hummus (Costco has single serving packages) with cucumbers or zucchini slices, celery and hummus. steamed cold broccoli (make extra at dinner)with sesame oil and memme sauce rocks, oh so yummy. apples and almond butter. use fruit or veggies as your cracker or bread and you can really enjoy your snacks! super thin sliced potatoes (white or sweet or yams) baked in the oven will also work, but they are starchy so limit. smoothies without milk or protein powder are always a good choice. tomatoes with fresh basil and balsamic Vinegar and olive oil - fresh fresh fresh and so good. Trader Joe's boxed soups are luscious and low calorie.

    this is great! thank you!
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    eat the plain nonfat yogurt and then it IS good. The stuff with added sugar, well, it's up to you. If you like your insulin spiked, then go for it. If you only want the protein, then yes, get nonfat plain or 2% plain. add your own blueberries or strawberries or whatever to them. In my opinion Fage brand tastes the best out of all of them. it's not sour. Personally, I've added nuts to it and made it part of breakfast or lunch.

    my idea of good snacks are all of the things you mentioned, combined. hell, throw it all in with your yogurt and you have a meal.
    pumpkin seeds
    apples with almond or peanut butter
    plain pumpkin
    cold sweet potato
    a tablespoon of PB or almond butter by itself
    coffee with real cream or coffee with coconut oil (blended in a blender, not just stirred in)
    make a green smoothy with lots of dark greens and protein powder, chia seeds, whatever.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I find the yogurt with stuff already mixed in too sweet. I find the plain greek too "tart". So I get a big tub of Vanilla flavored low fat yogurt and a big tub of Fage 2% and mix them together. Then I can add some fruit, almonds or a bit of granola to jazz it up. Not too sweet, not too "tart".
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    The plain is incredibly healthy. Get a big tub, add a few berries and a little honey if you need it. I usually have 2% or full fat though. A bit of fat helps fill you up and it tastes better!
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    I've been eating the plain 0% with homemade granola for breakfast, for several months now. I love it, it took me awhile to get used to the flavor (I have never ever been a plain yogurt eater), but its great! the 2% plain does have a less tangy taste, if you are not used to plain. I haven't had the full fat fage, but i imagine it is yummy.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    This is great thank you!!!

    (Also if you dont mind me asking.. how long did it take you to see real results?)

    When I first started I was on 1550 NET cals (about my BMR), a small amount of exercise (that I ate back as I said), with macros at about 30C/30P/40F. Yes, 40% fat. I lost 1.1lbs a week without fail (maybe +/- 0.2 lbs). I did this for 11 weeks straight, then moved to China and lost some more on my own since counting was pretty impossible. People REALLY started noticing and commenting after I lost 10lbs.

    Now I'm back, I started weight lifting with StrongLifts 5x5, gained a few pounds on a short bulk, and now I am cutting again. After summer ends I will do a longer bulk/cut cycle.

    What are your goals?
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I watch my sugar intake (diabetes runs in my family) but I don't think the sugar is too bad. I have a cup (at least) nearly every day and manage to keep my sugar within my limit.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Fage full fat beats all..
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    A serving of the plain only has 7-9 grams of sugar (depending on whether you get the single serving or measure out a cup from the big tubs) which doesn't seem like much to me! The 2% definitely has a better flavor and texture. I either eat it plain or mix in a Tbsp of all natural preserves. YUM!

    The big benefit of greek yogurt to me is the probiotics and protein.

    FYI, if you haven't tried greek yogurt before, the taste of the plain can be a big shocking at first...kind of like the difference between milk chocolate and 85% cacoa dark chocolate. It's a bit more like sour cream - in fact a lot of folks use it as a sub for sour cream. You do get used to it though! I hated plain the first time I tried it so I ate the Chobani fruit on the bottom or flavored for a while but then tried the Fage cups with the fruit on the side and realized that I like the plain yogurt all by itself so that's all I buy now.