Any vegans out there?



  • I should also mention that it freezes well - just cover with a wet paper towel for reheating and microwave 3-5 minutes, let sit 1 minute, stir, and eat!
  • Oh that sounds delicious!!

    My brother and I went cold-turkey vegan together. The thing that sucks is, he freaking HATES mushrooms. So that limits a lot of substitution u_u

    Even though I'm supremely weary of the processed meat-substitutes, I was just dying to try the tofurkey italian sausages.. So I cooked them up in some saurkraut and prepared them how I like -- and well, my jurisdiction? Absolutely disgusting!! I had continued eating them just because I don't like to waste.. but when my brother said "You know what this reminds me of? That meat paste inside of canned ravioli" that was it.

    I was under my calorie goal yesterday because I threw the second one away, along with half of the first. Lesson learned, no more processed meat replacements. Yuckk. (Although Morningstar black bean burgers are seriously BOMB! I'd rather make my own black bean burgers from... black beans.. not processed soy protein :X)
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I follow a 90% raw vegan diet.. add me if you would like.
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    Even though I'm supremely weary of the processed meat-substitutes, I was just dying to try the tofurkey italian sausages.. So I cooked them up in some saurkraut and prepared them how I like -- and well, my jurisdiction? Absolutely disgusting!! I had continued eating them just because I don't like to waste.. but when my brother said "You know what this reminds me of? That meat paste inside of canned ravioli" that was it.

    I was also excited to try the Tofurky sausages and you're right, they're nasty. However, there are some delicious meat alternatives out there.

    Tofurky deli slices are tasty but unfortunately, that's the only thing I've found yummy from that brand. If you can get Yves brand, they make some tasty veggie dogs & Italian sausages. However, of all the vegan brands out there, Gardein is the tastiest, in my opinion. They make a stuffed 'turkey' breast that's amazing, comes with vegan gravy too! They also make some 7-grain 'chicken' fingers that are SO good. The only downside to all of these is that they are processed and contain a lot of salt - all in moderation though :)

    Try to get your hands on Gardein brand, they're typically in the frozen food/natural food aisle.
  • Will have to try them!! We have a natural foods market here, it's a bit out of the way for me, but I should try and make a visit to see if I could find some things. Especially since I've been craving a hot dog lately -- which is weird, because even when I did eat meat, I didn't really enjoy hotdogs like that.

    One thing I'll never buy again? Boca burgers :X They don't taste too bad, but my god, when they cook up they tend to fill your home with that "sour-rag" aroma.
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I was vegetarian back in my mid to late teens. I went vegan on February 22, 2012 for health and diet reasons. It was the 40 Day Daniel Fast.

    I was intrigued with the "vegan lifestyle" and read as much as I could get my hands on and did a lot of googling. After reading about so many atrocities in the food industry with animals, I knew I would never go back to the Standard American Diet. I feel so much better than I used to and was able to stop taking medication for my tummy troubles.

    If anyone is looking for vegan friends on here, just send me a friend request - my food journal is open to my friends :)
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Honey helps me with my allergies so that is why I have been so reluctant to give it up. instead of taking cough syrup i just have a tbs of honey and am good. Its just frustrating when you have those people out there that put you down for that. grr.

    I've heard it said that honey is a gift from the bees to us. I know it doesn't completely jive with veganism, but I think that is a nice sentiment. Also, honey does indeed have some wonderful benefits and requires less processing than many other sweeteners (especially if you buy local). That is good for the earth and good for the animals in the long run, the way I see it! :)
  • I'm a newer vegan myself (since 1/3/13) I went cold turkey after watching several documentaries on netflix. I went vegan partly for health reasons, mostly for ethical reasons. I actually cried watching some of them. I had no idea just what the food industry was doing to these animals...never realized what they do to the chickens for our eggs! That being said, we have a summer property and on my way out there I drive through the country and there's a property where they sell eggs. I have seen their chickens from the road. I plan to stop by and talk to the owners and take a look at the chickens and ask what they feed them etc. I may occassionally buy some eggs from them if I feel the chickens are being treated ethically. Other than that I have no desire to eat any animal products and am feeling better than I have in years!
  • vampvegan
    vampvegan Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I am mostly - trying to get there but what should I do whan my neighbors bring me fresh banana bread or my family cooks a vegetarian meal because they know I won't eat meat? It's an opportunity to defend animals but I don't want to offend people. For myself I'm all vegan, around others more flexible, but I'm still figuring it out. Its amazing all the lotions, soap, many things to watch for in addition to food! I need to get away from meat subsititutes and will be making some yummy alternatives plus Daiya needs to be a treat, b/c when it's around I eat the block in 3 days, soooo good..... Had straight up baked sweet potato today and it was so simple and tasty, plus it was covered in siracha. Also love "pizza" a tortilla baked w/ bbq sauce, pineapple, onion, cilantro and nooch, you can eat 3 whole pizzas and still feel great!
  • melanie622
    melanie622 Posts: 1
    Mostly vegan here! Although I do occasionally eat eggs and fish.

    Two things I wanted to share for you, OP: 1) If you are not already eating Daiya cheese, go out and get some!! It really kills that cheese craving. It melts and stretches enough to be cooked with pasta, or on toast with avocado slices (my favorite snack). They have it at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. Most delicious, my favorite is the shredded mozzarella.

    Also, I have a great recipe for vegan pesto that includes nutritional yeast. I keep it frozen in ice cube trays and use a little at a time with whole-what pasta or brown rice, broccoli and tofu. It's one of my favorite go-to meals.

    Vegan Basil Pesto

    1 ½ cups fresh basil
    ⅓ cup olive oil
    ⅔ cup pine nuts
    5 cloves garlic
    ⅓ cup nutritional yeast
    ¾ teaspoon salt
    ½ teaspoon black pepper
    ¼ lemon, juiced

    Combine all ingredients in a food processor until nuts are around. Pesto should still have texture and not be completely smooth. Add more salt, pepper, or lemon juice to taste and enjoy.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    Vegan here! Open diary, feel free to add :smile:
  • inkwithgold
    inkwithgold Posts: 21 Member
    So glad to see this topic here! I am not a vegan, but am making a round-about turn back to vegetarianism.

    After a conversation I had with a cousin last fall, I decided to give it a go, started on October 11th. I found that my blood sugar improved AND my cholesterol dropped. :-) Over time, I started to re-incorporate eggs, and fish, into my diet and for the past few months I've been doing this at least once a week. I had also been eating fried burritos (I know, can you say diet killer?), which I had presumed was refried beans and spices. Yesterday, I had two bad experiences - one was with the little burrito bombs (um...bean burritos should not come with gristle!) and the second was with a take-away order of fish and chips that was under-cooked and 'chewy' in a way that it should not have been. It frustrated (and sickened) me enough to where I just don't want to go 'there' anymore. It's not worth it.

    I do not know if I will ever become a vegan, but I respect y'all that are - it takes real effort, and commitment. As for me, I feel that for every day that I go without eating meat my carbon footprint becomes a little smaller.

    If anyone on this thread would like to add me, that would be swell! Two of my besties on here are both omniivores and don't quite 'get' where I'm coming from, and it would be nice to have other MFPrs on my page that do.

  • vampvegan
    vampvegan Posts: 9 Member
    for ground "beef" you can soak walnuts in water or broth overnight, then season like hell with your fave flavors and process in your food processor, sautee w. garlic n onions and it makes a tasty taco, etc...
  • Tiffanie0407
    Tiffanie0407 Posts: 112
    i am one feel free to add
  • doreedawn
    doreedawn Posts: 11 Member
    Currently, I stay mostly plant strong (which translates to eating mostly "vegan" foods and even raw a huge amount of the time). I've had some terrible go-arounds about calling my diet "mostly vegan" on some forums so I won't say it for now. I haven't really seen that here on MFP so "Yay!" for that.

    My reasons are ethical as well as for my health. I shouldn't have un-fermented soy products and my boyfriend can't have gluten so we tend towards the raw recipes because usually those are both left out. I cook eggs for the boyfriend when he's here but otherwise try to leave out animal products as much as I can.

    I've been sprouting my nuts and legumes recently and really enjoying the results and knowing I'm eating "living foods". We're also incorporating many cultured and fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi to help our gut health. I'm going to try making some of the nut cheese recipes I have here soon so I'm trying some Rejuvalac recipes (with quinoa and buckwheat instead of wheatberries) so I can try making the fancy, cultured kind. We've had huge success with a raw, fermented sriracha substitute.

    I have tons of recipes both cooked and raw if anyone ever wants to share. You can add me if you like, too :)
  • for ground "beef" you can soak walnuts in water or broth overnight, then season like hell with your fave flavors and process in your food processor, sautee w. garlic n onions and it makes a tasty taco, etc...

    Wow that's a great idea!! I've done refried black beans for tacos, fried up black bean paste, etc, but never walnuts.

    @Doreedawn let me know how your nut cheese recipes turn out! I'm still a bit nervous to try them but really want to.

    I wish my grandmother were here, I'd have her whip me up a massive batch of kimchi omnomnom. And she doesn't use fish sauce when she makes it (Which yes, I do occasionally eat fish, but I hate a fishy tasting kimchi :X)
  • firstjog11
    firstjog11 Posts: 58 Member
    bump for later:wink: