here's an idea to lose weight!



  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    FALSE. 100% of people suffering from an STD have both eaten and moved at some stage in their lives. DON'T BELIEVE THE LIES

    Hey baby, I put the STD in STUD. Now all I need is U. want me inside of you?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Also your profile picture irks me. "Pretending to be a shark" is generally not conductive to weight loss or general life improvement. I spent years pretending to be a shark and expecting miracle results. What a waste of time

    You were doing it wrong. You have to actually live the shark lifestyle. Swimming constantly, salt water in your eyes, tracking the blood of your victims for miles around, poor dental hygiene. I know that it sounds glamorous to pretend, but the actual shark lifestyle takes a lot out of you and causes massive weight loss.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    FALSE. 100% of people suffering from an STD have both eaten and moved at some stage in their lives. DON'T BELIEVE THE LIES

    Hey baby, I put the STD in STUD. Now all I need is U. want me inside of you?

    Are you going to bake me a pie with apples, cinnamon, and your hair?
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    FALSE. 100% of people suffering from an STD have both eaten and moved at some stage in their lives. DON'T BELIEVE THE LIES

    Hey baby, I put the STD in STUD. Now all I need is U. want me inside of you?

    Are you going to bake me a pie with apples, cinnamon, and your hair?

    I've already expended far too much hair sending envelopes full of it to men on death row so no.
  • Thats f**** creepy
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    whierd - you are awsome. can I be your best friend?
  • Boomshakalaka01
    Boomshakalaka01 Posts: 65 Member
  • GiinaBeanxo
    GiinaBeanxo Posts: 15
    I wish!!
    hahahaha, love it.
    Thank you for this brilliant contribution to the MFP weight loss community. You have given us all the missing equation for successfully losing weight. The Old Common Wisdom of Eat More Don'T Move At All has finally been usurped! The villagers shall rejoice at this news and statues erected n your honor!

    You are tiny!

    Maybe a little off topic, but you look AMAZING! :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    whierd - you are awsome. can I be your best friend?

    Only if it comes with benefits. Which are negotiable.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    FALSE. 100% of people suffering from an STD have both eaten and moved at some stage in their lives. DON'T BELIEVE THE LIES

    Hey baby, I put the STD in STUD. Now all I need is U. want me inside of you?

    Are you going to bake me a pie with apples, cinnamon, and your hair?

    I've already expended far too much hair sending envelopes full of it to men on death row so no.

    If you aren't committed then this isn't going to work.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    whierd - you are awsome. can I be your best friend?

    Only if it comes with benefits. Which are negotiable.

    We'll have to be cyber buddies as I live in Australia. Is that cool with you?
  • swellswede
    swellswede Posts: 11 Member
    Bwahahaha! So needed to laugh! Cynical and honest or honestly cynical, either way it was funny!
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    and its a no brainer!
    Eat less, move more

    Eat less than what? Move more than what? Eat less broccoli? Move more than a stopped clock?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    whierd - you are awsome. can I be your best friend?

    Only if it comes with benefits. Which are negotiable.

    We'll have to be cyber buddies as I live in Australia. Is that cool with you?

    Hmm...depends...can you write dirty haikus?
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    whierd - you are awsome. can I be your best friend?

    Only if it comes with benefits. Which are negotiable.

    We'll have to be cyber buddies as I live in Australia. Is that cool with you?

    Hmm...depends...can you write dirty haikus?

    I have much to learn, but I suspect you can teach me.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    and its a no brainer!
    Eat less, move more

    This is why you are my friend!
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Thank you for this brilliant contribution to the MFP weight loss community. You have given us all the missing equation for successfully losing weight. The Old Common Wisdom of Eat More Don'T Move At All has finally been usurped! The villagers shall rejoice at this news and statues erected n your honor!

    Haha. Love it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    whierd - you are awsome. can I be your best friend?

    Only if it comes with benefits. Which are negotiable.

    We'll have to be cyber buddies as I live in Australia. Is that cool with you?

    Hmm...depends...can you write dirty haikus?

    I have much to learn, but I suspect you can teach me.

    There is. We can be best friends on an interim basis for now.
  • fenna3107
    fenna3107 Posts: 46 your response!
  • fenna3107
    fenna3107 Posts: 46
    Thank you for this brilliant contribution to the MFP weight loss community. You have given us all the missing equation for successfully losing weight. The Old Common Wisdom of Eat More Don'T Move At All has finally been usurped! The villagers shall rejoice at this news and statues erected n your honor! your response!