Anyone doing C25K



  • stevetroupe
    Week 6 Day 3 tonight! I can't run until 8pm tonight though. I never run that late, I hope I have enough energy.
  • JewelSmith
    JewelSmith Posts: 155 Member
    My first time around I made it to W6 and fell off. I have started over and I am now on WK1 again. Anyone feel free to add me. OP I will send you a request!
  • bgardiner49
    bgardiner49 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 3, finding it hard but good - I was very breathless after 5 mins running and my legs ached, but I made it. Doubt it was even 12 mph though! For those of you that are further ahead, what's the hardest week do you think?
  • waterfaeriegirl
    There is an active C25K group also
  • stevetroupe
    There is an active C25K group also
    On MFP or another site?
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    I'm on week 4 day 3, finding it hard but good - I was very breathless after 5 mins running and my legs ached, but I made it. Doubt it was even 12 mph though! For those of you that are further ahead, what's the hardest week do you think?

    Week 5, it has 3 different runs and the last one is 20 min straight. The first time I did C25K I did the first 2 runs 3 times ech cause I was scared to do the 20 miin straight. Finally got up the nerve and managed it. I have never had such a big smile on my face as when I hit the 15 min mark and realized I could do this!!!

    Just remember you CAN do this, 5 minutes is great. especially because you pushed through with sore legs. Next time it will be easier. If you have to repeat a week or even just a day do so and keep going. Speed comes later ( I hope:laugh: ) just keep running!!!
    Good Luck
  • kegger1997
    kegger1997 Posts: 74
    just completed W1D1 today. i am shocked at how easy it was. thought it was going to be touhg but i have been doing eliptical for 3 weeks now so i will just keep going with it.
  • 1992sophie
    1992sophie Posts: 9
    I'm stuck after week 3 :( I get through the first 3 minute run OK on week 4 but can't manage even the first 5 minute run all the way through. I spent another week on week 3 but it hasn't gotten any easier and I'm starting to lose motivation to continue...any advice??
  • tammymays39
    tammymays39 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Steve- I went though the C25K program to help me prepare for a 5k that I'm running in in about 5 weeks. Loved it, it really helped me but I'm also stuck at 12 - 12.5 mph. I run/walk outside 3 -4 times a week and love it but think that for me I need to build up my endurance so this week I'm starting a 2 mile walk/run and 1 mile on my treadmill - Devil canyon setting.. it's a killer.. it's actually a hard fast walk as I burn more calories doing that than running. Congrats to you!.. Keep up the good work!.. :smile:
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    I'm stuck after week 3 :( I get through the first 3 minute run OK on week 4 but can't manage even the first 5 minute run all the way through. I spent another week on week 3 but it hasn't gotten any easier and I'm starting to lose motivation to continue...any advice??

    Is it your legs being sore or are you completely out of breath?? If you're out of breath try slowing right down ,(so you're still jogging but could probably walk faster) stay at that pace and compete your 5min. If its your legs I really would try to just push through. They feel like spaghetti sometimes but unless there's a sudden sharp pain,its fatique and not an injury.
    If you still can't complete it do week 3 again. No shame in that!!. Maybe try to push yourself to 4 min and work up that way. Don't get discouraged, we all hit a point that slows our progress ( mine was week 6 and week, repeated both). You'll get there !!!
  • stevetroupe
    stevetroupe Posts: 16
    I'm stuck after week 3 :( I get through the first 3 minute run OK on week 4 but can't manage even the first 5 minute run all the way through. I spent another week on week 3 but it hasn't gotten any easier and I'm starting to lose motivation to continue...any advice??
    Maybe slow down a bit. At first it seems like a glorified shuffle rather than running. Don't give up. If you have to, keep doing week 3 until you feel comfortable moving on. That's better than quitting.
  • stevetroupe
    stevetroupe Posts: 16
    Hi Steve- I went though the C25K program to help me prepare for a 5k that I'm running in in about 5 weeks. Loved it, it really helped me but I'm also stuck at 12 - 12.5 mph. I run/walk outside 3 -4 times a week and love it but think that for me I need to build up my endurance so this week I'm starting a 2 mile walk/run and 1 mile on my treadmill - Devil canyon setting.. it's a killer.. it's actually a hard fast walk as I burn more calories doing that than running. Congrats to you!.. Keep up the good work!.. :smile:
    Thanks! Good luck with that 5K! The speed will surely come with your improved endurance. Devil Canyon setting does not sound fun though!
  • 1992sophie
    1992sophie Posts: 9
    I'm going to have a rest day today and then tomorrow I'll attempt it again. I WILL do it tomorrow!!! I'm determined, even if its just a shuffle! Its a mixture of aching legs and I have mild asthma which goes crazy when I exercise so it feels like my lungs are going to explode!
  • mumofzoe
    mumofzoe Posts: 29 Member
    Hi all
    My first post.
    Started C25k on Saturday, 1st & 2nd run were hard but OK, did 3run last night and only got half way through it, i got a bad pain in the back of my leg.
    Im running on the treadmill at the gym and was wondering if it's any easier on the legs running outside.
  • 1992sophie
    1992sophie Posts: 9
    I'm going to have a rest day today and then tomorrow I'll attempt it again. I WILL do it tomorrow!!! I'm determined, even if its just a shuffle! Its a mixture of aching legs and I have mild asthma which goes crazy when I exercise so it feels like my lungs are going to explode!

    I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT!!!!!! I finally completed the week 4 run, both 5 minute jogs and everything!!! The buzz of finally achieving it completely makes my aching legs worth it. I'm back in love with running :D
  • kegger1997
    kegger1997 Posts: 74
    week 1 down. on to week 2 monday.
  • missbrie11
    missbrie11 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm starting it this week! Anyone is free to add me, I'd love to have support while attempting C25K (and vice versa!)
  • stevetroupe
    stevetroupe Posts: 16
    I'm going to have a rest day today and then tomorrow I'll attempt it again. I WILL do it tomorrow!!! I'm determined, even if its just a shuffle! Its a mixture of aching legs and I have mild asthma which goes crazy when I exercise so it feels like my lungs are going to explode!

    I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT!!!!!! I finally completed the week 4 run, both 5 minute jogs and everything!!! The buzz of finally achieving it completely makes my aching legs worth it. I'm back in love with running :D
    Great job!!! You may need that extra day rest once in a while, listen to your body and don't give up. The further you go into C25K, the better that asthma will get! Keep it up!
  • lyndabyh
    lyndabyh Posts: 187 Member
    I'm going to have a rest day today and then tomorrow I'll attempt it again. I WILL do it tomorrow!!! I'm determined, even if its just a shuffle! Its a mixture of aching legs and I have mild asthma which goes crazy when I exercise so it feels like my lungs are going to explode!

    I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT!!!!!! I finally completed the week 4 run, both 5 minute jogs and everything!!! The buzz of finally achieving it completely makes my aching legs worth it. I'm back in love with running :D

    WAY TO GO !!!!!!! I'm glad you pushed, bet you had a huge smile all day too. I know I did every time I broke through a wall. Good for you. Keep running!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member