Damaged metabolism (Help!)



  • Lexandrea
    Lexandrea Posts: 56 Member

    came to ****ing post this.


    Thank you
  • Lexandrea
    Lexandrea Posts: 56 Member
    Not what you want to hear, but bulking is the cure to damaged metabolism.

    Keep the gains slow-moderate, and bust your hind end in the weight room to keep them as clean as possible.

    But the scale MUST always go up. Within a few months your metabolism will largely have returned to normal, and you can cut off the extra fat gain, usually quite easily since you are in the right place mentally following bulking.

    I personally don't think I need anymore fat on my body than there is now to fix my metabolism....I need muscle, and I shouldn't need stored body fat in order to get it.. =/ I'm not sure how to safely add more and more calories without gaining anymore too much, too fast...I'm hoping the clinic will tell me how....and help me...

    watch the videos that have been provided....

    no need for the "....."

    Thank you
  • 99daysto99lbs
    99daysto99lbs Posts: 5 Member
    for me I started off by mixing protein powder in with my oatmeal... and my dinner.. and if I had soup for lunch etc and very very difficult process managed not to log it. ... if you can't stomach more food that would be my suggestion