Help!!!! I can't lose weight!

Hi everyone. I started myfitnesspal 42 days ago. I was doing well the first few weeks. I lost like 11 lbs total. But over the past couple of weeks, my weight has gone up like 5 lbs, then lost 3lbs and it is not budging. I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I've been committed to it which is more than I can ever say I did in the past. Now I'm starting to get discouraged. What could be wrong?


  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi, So people can help you it might be a good idea to open your diary so people can at least see what you are eating.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    Open your diary! :)
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    You've lost 9 lbs in a little over a month... I'd say you're doing awesome!
  • Oradk7
    Oradk7 Posts: 1
    Another problem sounds like you hit a weight loss plateau. This means the muscles you use in your workouts have memory of the routine you are doing, making it harder to lose the weight. Keep you body guessing! I would suggest a change up in your workout routine! If you walk a lot, try integrating a jump rope during your walk. Better yet, try an elliptical!
  • ladymiajohnson
    Ok let me open my diary...
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You are losing weight. You have lost 9lbs. In 6 weeks, That is over a pound per week. You are doing wonderfully.
  • ladymiajohnson
    I am already at a plateau? I thought that only happens after you have lost a lot already. The problem I have is I live abroad as an expat in Korea so my choices are pretty limited. :-(
  • ladymiajohnson
    But somethings wrong because last week I gained like 5 lbs and then I lost only 3. So I am up 2 lbs then my last weigh in.
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    Your calories look good, but I would suggest eating more veggies/fruits. You'll feel better and your body will function better. Otherwise, weight will fluctuate 1-7 (ish) pounds daily due to water. Keep an eye on your sodium to also keep water weight in check. Only weigh in once a week. :) You're doing well!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    But somethings wrong because last week I gained like 5 lbs and then I lost only 3. So I am up 2 lbs then my last weigh in.

    This can be water weight due to high sodium or because of your menstral cycle.
  • bojkoj19
    bojkoj19 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there :)

    I was having the same problem. I thought I was eating healthy and working out but then I wouldn't loose any weight even when I was under calorie goal! It is so frustrating! Then I recently saw a British TV show on you tube called secret eaters, and that changed everything! First off there are tons more different types of eaters other then emotional eaters and I realized I was a grazer. I would have a bite of this and a bite of that without even realizing it. A lot of the time people do not even realize what they are putting in their mouths. You are probably not writing down that sip of juice, or the little nibbles now and then while cooking, or the oil or butter you used to cook your food even a pam spray thing. These things add up. Since I watched this show I now realize that I eat a lot more then 1200 calories.

    I also am an expat. I lived in Korea for two and a half years. I know it's more expensive to cook at home but it can be done. ( I did it) I get loads of fruits and veggies (at the markets or food store) then lean meat and chicken at the butchers (they have loads of them) eat whatever is in season. Always a great staple is bok choy. If you eat out, no more kim bop or som gup sal. Galbi is very good for you in moderation and kim chi is actually healthy for you (also in moderation) I always used to walk past a roasted chicken truck on my way home from work and I would get a chicken and debone the meat and put it on top of a salad or sometimes in the winter I would get the chicken then they would roast sweet potatoes outside of my apartment - yummy. Just look around and you will find healthy things in Korea!

    *To watch the show - type in "Secret eaters S01" in the search box of the you tube. I really hope this helps! Good luck!
  • bojkoj19
    bojkoj19 Posts: 37 Member
    Also if you want any more tips about eating healthy in Korea, feel free to send me an e-mail :) Good luck!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    It looks like you're not eating your exercise calories in the entries I saw. My understanding is with the MFP settings you should neat the goal + exercise calories.
  • lizlovestrees
    lizlovestrees Posts: 47 Member
    are you switching up your work outs? If I continue to do the same things, even if I'm busting my *kitten*, my *kitten* stays the same :p
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You aren't eating enough which has caused the plateau. Up your calories.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    But somethings wrong because last week I gained like 5 lbs and then I lost only 3. So I am up 2 lbs then my last weigh in.

    This can be water weight due to high sodium or because of your menstral cycle.

    Weight loss is most often NOT linear. Many of us go down, back up a bit, down, etc...

    I would be THRILLED to lose 9 pounds in 6 weeks. I lose less than a pound a week at the best of times AND it still bounces up and down like a rubber ball. :)

    Hang in there! You are doing great.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Do this and you *will* lose weight:

    1) Three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's it. No snacks, and no "in between" meals.

    2) Give up sugar. No sugar in coffee, soda, or on cereal. Give up fruit juice -- it's mainly just another form of sugar. Water is the only liquid you need.

    3) In the beginning, establish a very regulated moderate calorie diet. Don't follow any sort of fad. Just pick a selection of foods that add up to a normal balanced diet -- whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, a little meat, etc. But start out by having exactly the same three meals each day -- the same foods and the same amounts. Weigh the portions on a scale. Consider frozen dinners. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Smart Ones, and probably other brands have several that are low in calories and saturated fat, moderate in salt, and high in fiber.

    4) Weigh yourself every day on a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale. Your weight should go down over every couple of days. If it doesn't, eliminate items from your diet or reduce the size of portions until your weight does go down. (If you don't have a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale, I'd recommend the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Scale, which is sold on Amazon.)

    5) When you have achieved a weight losing diet, then you can start making adjustments to add variety, but make sure that you keep losing weight.

    6) Maintain your exercise program.

    I've written an essay about losing weight on my blog that talks somewhat more generally about how to lose weight. Here's a link to that essay:

    This looks good.

    To the OP, ditch the frosty flakes in the morning and eat yogurt or oatmeal (not the sugarry kind you have been eating). And eat more vegetables.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    I'm afraid that I don't buy into the 'plateau theory',

    nearly all the time this comes down to weighing everything you eat and drink,

    you've had a good weight loss, 6lb is 21,000 calorie deficit, divide that by the number of days you've been going & that'll give you your calorific deficit number,

    then, go back to your food diary for the period you were losing weight & work out the average daily calorie intake,

    add those two numbers, that'll give you your TDEE, subtract 20% from that number & put it in as your daily calorie intake goal,

    then as I say, be fastidious about weighing everything & recording everything, and only weigh once a week, same place, same time, same conditions

    good luck with your continuing journey :flowerforyou:
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    You are almost complete opposite of what I believe in. A good "diet" is something you can maintain for life. Yes, a little strict at first is fine, but most people can't stay this way for life. Take small steps and let your body adjust! That way when you get to a plateau, you still have plenty of tools in your belt to change things up!

    1) I find if you eat 3 meals a day, but are "starving" in between, most people are more likely to binge. I'm like that. It was when I switched to 6-7 (200-400 calorie meals) I stopped constantly thinking of food.

    2) Water is your best friend, but when you are used to other things, I find weaning your way off sugary drinks to be best. If you drink normal pop, switch to diet (for now), use propel packets to flavor your water (or something similar)

    3) Stay away from prepackaged foods if you can. They usually leave you disappointed an hungry!!! Make your own meals if you can. Yes you may need to supplement with something like a "healthy" frozen dinner but you will be much more satisfied with other types of foods. One of my favorite meals is putting 4oz ground turkey (with taco seasoning), roasted onions/green peppers, over a salad of romaine and spinach with vinegar. It tastes just like a taco salad with less than 200 cals!

    4) DITCH THE SCALE!! If you do want to use it, use it only to educate yourself of your fluctuations of water weight. The ONLY way to measure progress is HOW YOU FEEL!! If you look in the mirror and smile, your making progress. I like taking pictures on the first weekend of every month and comparing them. Even though your weight isn't changing, you'll see the difference! A tape measure will help as well!

    5) Make sure your happy and can maintain this lifestyle.

    6) The only one I agree with.. lol!!

    I'd like to add.. EDUCATE YOURSELF!! Don't listen to any "one" person and experiment. Everyone is different. Look up Layne Norton (PhD/Bodybuilder/Coach/Personal Trainer) on YouTube. Great info!!

    Hope that helps! :)
    -Jenae Smith

    Do this and you *will* lose weight:

    1) Three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That's it. No snacks, and no "in between" meals.

    2) Give up sugar. No sugar in coffee, soda, or on cereal. Give up fruit juice -- it's mainly just another form of sugar. Water is the only liquid you need.

    3) In the beginning, establish a very regulated moderate calorie diet. Don't follow any sort of fad. Just pick a selection of foods that add up to a normal balanced diet -- whole grains, veggies, fruit, dairy, a little meat, etc. But start out by having exactly the same three meals each day -- the same foods and the same amounts. Weigh the portions on a scale. Consider frozen dinners. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Smart Ones, and probably other brands have several that are low in calories and saturated fat, moderate in salt, and high in fiber.

    4) Weigh yourself every day on a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale. Your weight should go down over every couple of days. If it doesn't, eliminate items from your diet or reduce the size of portions until your weight does go down. (If you don't have a 0.2 lb. accuracy scale, I'd recommend the EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Scale, which is sold on Amazon.)

    5) When you have achieved a weight losing diet, then you can start making adjustments to add variety, but make sure that you keep losing weight.

    6) Maintain your exercise program.

    I've written an essay about losing weight on my blog that talks somewhat more generally about how to lose weight. Here's a link to that essay:
  • hfester
    hfester Posts: 114 Member
    I think you should consider your progress so far. There is a Reports function on this site that shows your progress in a line graph, which might help you see the big picture. You're doing great! Weight loss that is long-term does not happen very quickly. Think of it this way: when you lose it super fast, you usually re-gain it super fast.

    Also, I don't think a couple weeks of no loss is considered a plateau. A true plateau can last months. What you're experiencing is pretty normal. I understood what you meant, though.