14 pounds (1 stone) by June 1st anyone? :)



  • ahoysarah
    ahoysarah Posts: 16
    Any weight loss is weight loss, we can do it! :)
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    I won't be going to any drastic measures to lose the 14 pounds! Its just an ideal goal for me. :) I'm sticking to 1200 calories and exercising for at least 60 minutes a day. We'll see where thats gets me. :)

    Anyone can join, set your own goals, see if you can reach them. :)

    To lose that much weight, 14 lbs in 30 days, you are going to have to burn 1633 calories per day more than you take in. That is a lot..

    Not burn 1633 more than she takes in. I think you meant 1633 less than her TDEE?

    She can eat at a 1000 deficit and burn 600 with exercise.

    I am no expert. I took 3500 calories/lb X 14 lbs / 30 days =1633 deficit
    My wife weighs the same as the OP and we could not set up her profile for 2 lb loss per week because it won't compute below 1200 cal/day. For her to eat a 1000 cal deficit, wouldn't she need to eat around 700 cal/day?
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    My goal is already to lose 11lbs by June 1st!
    So I'll get on track, might as well try for the extra 3!
  • ahoysarah
    ahoysarah Posts: 16
    I won't be going to any drastic measures to lose the 14 pounds! Its just an ideal goal for me. :) I'm sticking to 1200 calories and exercising for at least 60 minutes a day. We'll see where thats gets me. :)

    Anyone can join, set your own goals, see if you can reach them. :)

    To lose that much weight, 14 lbs in 30 days, you are going to have to burn 1633 calories per day more than you take in. That is a lot..

    Not burn 1633 more than she takes in. I think you meant 1633 less than her TDEE?

    She can eat at a 1000 deficit and burn 600 with exercise.

    I am no expert. I took 3500 calories/lb X 14 lbs / 30 days =1633 deficit

    So I need to burn 1633 more than I eat?
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    I won't be going to any drastic measures to lose the 14 pounds! Its just an ideal goal for me. :) I'm sticking to 1200 calories and exercising for at least 60 minutes a day. We'll see where thats gets me. :)

    Anyone can join, set your own goals, see if you can reach them. :)

    To lose that much weight, 14 lbs in 30 days, you are going to have to burn 1633 calories per day more than you take in. That is a lot..

    Not burn 1633 more than she takes in. I think you meant 1633 less than her TDEE?

    She can eat at a 1000 deficit and burn 600 with exercise.

    I am no expert. I took 3500 calories/lb X 14 lbs / 30 days =1633 deficit

    right. But you didn't say deficit. You said "burn more than she takes in". theres a difference. :)
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    I won't be going to any drastic measures to lose the 14 pounds! Its just an ideal goal for me. :) I'm sticking to 1200 calories and exercising for at least 60 minutes a day. We'll see where thats gets me. :)

    Anyone can join, set your own goals, see if you can reach them. :)

    To lose that much weight, 14 lbs in 30 days, you are going to have to burn 1633 calories per day more than you take in. That is a lot..

    Not burn 1633 more than she takes in. I think you meant 1633 less than her TDEE?

    She can eat at a 1000 deficit and burn 600 with exercise.

    I am no expert. I took 3500 calories/lb X 14 lbs / 30 days =1633 deficit

    So I need to burn 1633 more than I eat?

    No. What I said the first time. :)

    Do you know your TDEE?
  • skinnyme444
    skinnyme444 Posts: 86
    I'm interested but it seems a seroous challenge! Would be afraid of not meeting it :-( Added you!
  • DinkyDani88
    DinkyDani88 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm not sure I can do 14lbs, but I'll defnitely give it a go! I've lost 8lbs so far & my 14lb goal is 15th June, but I've just started the 5:2 diet, so hoping this will help me surpass my targets.
  • joannhollins
    joannhollins Posts: 1 Member
    I'll try it with you, I am on the 1200 cal. per day plan, and do try to exercise each day. Let's do it, I know we will see results. Good Luck.
  • priyanjalee
    priyanjalee Posts: 12 Member
    Im in.... I too will give it a shot... 1 stone is around 6 kgs... Kind of kicked about it already.... :D
  • I am in a similar situation. My 50th birthday is May 29 and I know i will hate every picture of me at the celebrations unless I lose weight.
    I just started with Myfitnesspal yesterday. I would be so happy to lose 14 pounds by June 1!!!
    I'm going to walk everyday and check this site for encouragement.:smile:
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    Tony, when you explain TDEE to her Maybe I can get it too.
  • hadiolar
    hadiolar Posts: 66 Member
    Im in, my goal on the 23rd of April was to loose 20pounds by the 3rd of June to kick start my weight loss.. At the moment I have lost 7pounds aas at May 1st..So I will definitely join your challenge so I can loose some weight too..All d best!
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    Tony, when you explain TDEE to her Maybe I can get it too.

    Wasn't getting at you, just wanted to make sure she understood. :)


    That's your TDEE. Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Basically how many calories a day you burn just going about your day.

    So if your TDEE is, say, 2200, you can only eat 1200 and already you've got a deficit of 1000, leaving 600 to be got through exercise.

    She hasn't burnt 1600 more than she's taken in. She's just not taken in 1000 of those calories. Does that make sense?
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I am just tracking my weight loss by five lb increments. If I look at larger numbers, my focus goes all fuzzy.

    Slow and steady is what I'm working on. But it's coming well. I plan to add leg lifting (weights) to my routine to help with my swim kick. I can't do anything upper body with weights yet, because of a healing injury.

    Good luck and happy Pre-birthday!
  • lugirl319
    lugirl319 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'd like to join you! I am trying to go by the 1200 calorie too!
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    Tony, I will read it when I get some sleep, and let you know later. Thanks
  • ahoysarah
    ahoysarah Posts: 16
    I didn't think this topic would be so mpopular. Feel free to add me, I'll try support you all. It just a bit of a loose goal, if you don't meet it, its no problem! Just trying to lose some weight, have a bit of fun and get motivated! :)

    And Tony, I kinda understand what TDEE is now you've explained it. I'm thinking its like pushing your trolley round the supermarket, doing the hoovering and the dusting, that sort of thing? :)
  • Ilaped
    Ilaped Posts: 6
    I'm in. :D Will start working out tomorrow onwards.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Take the time to read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13

    Then set to do this with a reasonable, sustainable, moderate deficit. You'll have to keep up and maintain whatever you're doing to maintain your weight loss, be patient!!!

    I'd say aim for 8-10lbs, that's already a lot for a month!!