Weight loss pill ?



  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    There is no short cut, no quick fix which doesn't have a down side.

    Eat less + move more = sustainable weightloss

    Exactly. It is pretty simple and clear cut on how to lose weight.

    I wouldn't want to risk anything by taking diet pills.
  • 111orBust
    111orBust Posts: 41
    I would have been better off lighting the money on fire.

    ^^^ This.

    I was experimenting Myprotein carb blockers for a while and all I got for my effort was gastroenteritis.
    No one EVER needs to spend that amount of time in their bathroom.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    I took meridia under a doctors rx for 17 months ending five years ago, April 15th.

    I lost 121 lbs and was the darling of the medical practice....until:

    I had to have my gallbladder out
    I was hypertensive (since it is a Phen drug)
    I was addicted to Xanax for sleep
    I had heart palpitations
    My endocrine system crashed
    I somehow developed a false pregnancy from my hormones being shot.
    Miscarried, hemorrhaged and nearly died in my bed
    Had to have a D&C with E.
    Developed a HUGE ovarian cyst, which required hormone therapy

    And regained it all at the rate of about 10-15 lbs a month

    Other than that .....

    Forget diet pills. I'm lucky I didn't permanently damage my heart. I'm lucky to be alive.

    Thank you for sharing this. I wish you a complete recovery. Your experience should be "required" reading for all Newbies at MFP. Unfortunately, there is always somebody who wants to waste their hard earned money on illusions. Such is life.
    Good luck on your journey

    This^ You really should write a book, be an advocate, or something to get the word out about what those things can do to people. I think A LOT of people could benefit from reading this.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    What I truly believe is that everyone needs to get the idea of "jump starting" and "kick starting" weight loss out of their heads. I know...I've been there. Tried all sorts of diets that involved very low calories, cutting out certain categories of food and pills on occasion. Yep...I jump started all right...lost quite a bit of weight when I really stuck to it (which was VERY difficult) and then gained it all back. Over and over.

    This time around, I took the easy route. Just changed what I normally eat to make it a little healthier, but not deny myself what I really want if I really want it. So I never feel deprived and since this was a lifestyle cahnge, I don't feel as if I am on a diet that I will someday get off. Exercise has never been a problem even though I do more of it now and in my running I am getting faster which is very cool! So guess what happened to me taking the easy way out??? I've lost weight and kept it off! Nope...I didn't lose it all in a month, but I've lost consistently and there has never been that fear of it coming back. And I eat CAKE when I want to! Woo hoo!

    So get rid of that idea of kick starting weight loss. Learn patience and good habits. Save your money that you would have spent on diet pills and keep it for when you will need a new wardrobe.

    Just my two cents...
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    @Gracelenamethyst... you put on your profile you want to lose weight with GOD'S HELP. There are a lot of places in the Bible that mention how to be healthy and take care of your body. God intended for us to enjoy life, enjoy our food, enjoy ourselves. Get out and move, do something physical. Eat the things that God made available to us naturally, not man made processed junk. Be the best you can be for HIM, not for THEM (the ones who made fun of you) and do this for YOU! When you are tempted to eat/do something that's not good for your body, pray for strength. If you really want to do this with God's help, give it to HIM, not to diet pills. You owe yourself better than that! :flowerforyou:
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    This isn't to sound mean but there is no magic pill to weight loss. It takes patience, effort, and determination. You will find an entire community here on MFP willing to support you if you are willing to go the distance.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I tried oxyelite pro after a bunch of my coworkers had success with it. I lost 6 lbs in 2 wks but the side effects were unbearable. My anxiety was through the roof and I either tossed and turned all night or my body would decide that 4:30am was our new wake up time. My blood pressure was borderline hypertension when I've ALWAYS had perfect blood pressure. They also made me very jumpy but in weird way. Like while driving if the tiniest reflection caught my eye I'd jerk the wheel. Very dangerous. I've been consistent with diet and exercise so I've managed to keep the weight off but I'll never take them again.

    Edit: Oh and a funny thing about online reviews, I tried to post all this on GNC.com and they never published my review. Go figure lol.
  • Seven1979
    Seven1979 Posts: 4
    Hello, I have taken Phentemine 37.5. My Doctor order them for me and thats the only way you can get them is by a doctor. It really works. I was only on them for 3 months. . The first month I lost 20 pounds. 2nd 15pds and 3rd 25pds. Also My weight lost doctor was giving me B12/LIPO shots as well....IT WORKS FOR ME.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Hello, I have taken Phentemine 37.5. My Doctor order them for me and thats the only way you can get them is by a doctor. It really works. I was only on them for 3 months. . The first month I lost 20 pounds. 2nd 15pds and 3rd 25pds. Also My weight lost doctor was giving me B12/LIPO shots as well....IT WORKS FOR ME.

    What will happen once you stop taking them?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I took ephedrine (legal in Canada) until one day my heart raced for no reason for a few seconds. That's the last time I touched the stuff.
  • do not even waste your money. the only thing that works is DIET AND CARDIO. if you want consume some caffeine pills or green tea to curb hunger. Good luck
  • getsexy40
    getsexy40 Posts: 1
    weight loss doctor?
  • tbatteate
    tbatteate Posts: 14 Member
    In agreement with the general consensius that they DON'T work and can even be harmfull to you...
    However, I have to admit that I'm still always looking for a little help, but there will never be a "miracle" pill. Take a good multi vitamin, GNC's Mega Woman is great, so that your body an perform to the best of it's ability and keep hydrated with good ol' H2O.
  • NGM7492
    NGM7492 Posts: 35 Member
    Its cheaper to just eat less and go for a good walk every day and get the same or better results. Good luck with your diet plan no matter what you choose. I hope it works for you.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I have tried every diet pill there is with the exception of Alli, just cant stand the thought of "anal seepage". Yes, some of them worked. The ones that worked were the amphetamine based drugs (Phentermine, etc.) but I am here now so what does that tell you? I gained back every pound and more and my metabolism is shot. I dont know if it is shot because of the pills or because of other health issues I have (Hashimotos/HypoT) but either way it is practically non-existent.

    As others have said:

    Eat healthy meals and snacks
    Drink water
    Get plenty of sleep

    Not a quick fix but could be a permanent one!
  • tdelo7634
    tdelo7634 Posts: 40 Member
    repeat after me ...eat in a deficit and exercise, eat in a deficit and exercise, eat in a deficit and exercise....
    Or one or the other.
  • selina884
    selina884 Posts: 826 Member
    are a waste of money
  • Im currently taking Xenical under my doctor. Taking Xenical though you have to have a whole lifestyle change, so I do think once I stop the pills it will be easier to continue. Eat anything fatty while taking Xenical and you will pay for it big time lol

    Can I just add its not a quick fix, but it does motivate me :)
  • thx for all your answers, fellas I'm just curious, because all of my relatives told me that it really does work.. since I couldn't trust the articles on the internet, so I posted this.. thank you for warning me.. ^^ it scares me after looking through all your posts.. ._.
  • lcvaughn520
    lcvaughn520 Posts: 219 Member
    I have had EXCELENT progress with the Diet pill I have been on over the last few months and it has worked wonders. Lost weight and changed my body to be lean muscle

    Brand Name : Kick your *kitten* off the couch

    Directions: Eat a heatly quantity of healty foon x regularly ..... Results are better if done daily for every meal

    Enforce regular Exercise (Weight Resitant Training Perfered)

    The Results can be mind blowing if this product is used correctly ... No known side affects except feeling good about yourself !

    Bwaha yeah this is exactly right. I used to take a diet pill and I stopped because I started having heart palpatations. There is a reason why diet pills are not FDA approved - they are DANGEROUS. I would lie in bed at night and feel my heart going a mile a minute. Also, it didn't work. Stay away!!!