Skinny Saturday Challenge!

:flowerforyou: Do you need a weekend boost? I sure do! Many times the weekend is a challenge to get through and we end up undoing everything we worked so hard for through the week. Take the Skinny Saturday Challenge and finish your weekend with a smile on your face! :bigsmile: Here's what it entalis:

Think double, double, double! :happy: :happy:
Double your exercise=
Double your water intake (within healthy limits)~ :drinker: :drinker:
Double your willpower to stop eating after dinner and log every tidbit that crosses those lips! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Just let us know now if you are in....then check in and out when you can tomorrow to let us know how it is going and encourage someone else. Grab a buddy and make the c ommitment! :heart: There is power in numbers....I know one thing for sure.....


Bring it on Mr. Saturday! We are ready for you! :love: :flowerforyou:


  • EmmaCusted
    EmmaCusted Posts: 12
    immaaa in : ) :drinker:
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    As usual I'm in like chicken wings :laugh:
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    LETS DO THIS!!! I've been so active and going to the gym regularily my kids are excited to go the the gym!!! So how could I possibly not be excited and motiviated by that!!!
  • VolatileChocolate
    Count me in. Food wise I'm normally fairly good over weekend as I'm doing things I want to do and not stuck in the office and using food as a delay tactic to do next case. Where I fall down is with my water during week I will alway drink 2 ltrs just in office hours alone, but at home I forget to drink. So this challenge will help me to start drinking as soon as I get up and also make sure I'm not eating something I shouldn't be.

  • Paxie
    Paxie Posts: 9
    I'm in! (except for the doubling of exercises, I ran extra much yesterday cause I know I wont have the time for it this weekend)

    I'm going for a night of roleplaying with the guys - you can BET there will be tons of snacks. My biggest challenge will be not to dive into that mountain of tasty sin! TRIBBLE willpower!!!

    We can do this!
  • JillieHobbs
    18 Glasses of Water
    At Least 2 - 45 Minute Workouts
    Log Food All Day - Eat Healthy!
  • agrasty2002
    agrasty2002 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in.

    2 - 55 Minute Workouts!!
    2 Liters of Water
    No eating after dinner - unless I'm super starving and I'll have just a protein shake.
    Log all of my food intake! :)

    Let's get it!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: YESSSS!!! Going for a fresh fruits and veggies day.
  • DawnCallas
    DawnCallas Posts: 68
    I am in 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's do this!!!
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I am so in after the great results from Wed Challenge :drinker:
  • Mon11
    Mon11 Posts: 2
    I'm in weekends are the worst, i give in soo much on the weekends, but not anymore i will defeat them!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm definitely in! I'm entered in the Bix 7 tomorrow - 7 mile race at 8am! :bigsmile:
  • jrsmithne
    jrsmithne Posts: 124
    I am in, exercise will be easy, long brisk walk while daughter is at soccer practice, then putting a second coat of paint on her bedroom walls.

    Easy for me to remember to drink water, I sweat way too much!! :cry:

    Food...not even sure what we will be eating, but since I am the one cooking, should not be too hard to cook healthy.

    Good luck i just have to remember to check in. :wink:
  • smile2010
    smile2010 Posts: 27 Member
    I am in!! I need the motivation to log!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I'd like to join in too! I usually barely track my foods on the weekends, but I vow to track everything, despite the fact that tomorrow is my bridal shower... eek! I'm working out both days too! :)
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I'm in weekends are the worst, i give in soo much on the weekends, but not anymore i will defeat them!

    YES! We shall defeat Mr. Saturday....big time! Bring it! :bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :grumble: :angry: I need to set my DH down and impress on him how serious I am about the 'just fruit and veggies day' tomorrow. Grrr. He's already saying, aaww, you don't need to be THAT strict. I am talking about a day here, man, so stop offering me all those tempting foods. It's not fair!

    Intend on having a positive and successful day tomorrow! Cause it sure was a bit of a bummer week.

    :heart: Rebel:heart:
    MOUSELADY Posts: 16
    COUNT ME IN....DONT LEAVE ME OUT:bigsmile:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yea! SSC for me :tongue:
    I'm aiming for Zumba @ 1100 & a great round of WiiFit+ with the family before supper.
    I easily get in 70oz of water, so I'll try for 100oz.

    Have a great early start all!
  • VolatileChocolate
    OKay, just up and had breakfast and already I know I need to reach for a glass of water to ensure I hit my target today. Have a busy one ahead its 8.10am been up since 7.30am, about to leave a drop partner off at work and do the food shop. Exercise will try and do between 2-3 hours of digging on the garden throughout the day.
    I'm a mobile beauty therapist working evenings and weekends and have a client this afternoon so will be off to them (i've never counted calories doing that job but have realised now that with all the carrying of equipment, setting it up and then things like massaging really seem to burn them off)

    Will be on here at lunch time.
