Green Coffee Supplement for Fat Loss - Dr Oz

tbatteate Posts: 14 Member
Has anyone tried the Green Coffee supplement for fat loss?
It's gettin lots of hype~


  • shaeni1221
    shaeni1221 Posts: 36
    I have actually been taking it for about a month and a half now. But, I have also been eating well, gotten back to logging everything on here and exercising again. I have lost 3 - 4 lbs in the past month and my clothes are fitting better. So who knows if the supplement is helping or not? I decided when I finish the bottle I have, I won't buy anymore
  • SirBonerFart
    SirBonerFart Posts: 1,185 Member
    I have actually been taking it for about a month and a half now. But, I have also been eating well, gotten back to logging everything on here and exercising again. I have lost 3 - 4 lbs in the past month and my clothes are fitting better. So who knows if the supplement is helping or not? I decided when I finish the bottle I have, I won't buy anymore
  • tbatteate
    tbatteate Posts: 14 Member
    thanks! I think I'll give it a try, at least I'll have the placebo effect fot moral support! Any side effects? jitters or headache?
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    thanks! I think I'll give it a try, at least I'll have the placebo effect fot moral support!


    ....if you're in the giving money away mood...there are a lot better ways to give it away.

    Is doing it the hard way too much that you need a mental crutch like a placebo? Why even try to lose weight in the first place if you aren't ready for the commitment?
  • shaeni1221
    shaeni1221 Posts: 36
    thanks! I think I'll give it a try, at least I'll have the placebo effect fot moral support! Any side effects? jitters or headache?

    no side effects at all. At first I was only taking one in the morning and not in the afternoon because I was worried it would keep me awake, but I started taking it in the afternoon also and haven't had any issues
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Fads usually do get a lot of hype.

    Get rich quick schemes usually get a lot of hype.

    Thin down schemes were diet and exercise aren't a part of the equation get a lot of hype.

    What do these things have in common besides hype? They are a load of crap.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    thanks! I think I'll give it a try, at least I'll have the placebo effect fot moral support!


    ....if you're in the giving money away mood...there are a lot better ways to give it away.

    Is doing it the hard way too much that you need a mental crutch like a placebo? Why even try to lose weight in the first place if you aren't ready for the commitment?
    caffeine is a known appetite suppressant and it gives a minor metabolic boost. It is nothing truly noticeable.
    green coffee beans is a stupid concept and you might as well take a caffeine pill.

    The stuff that does work is usually illegal due to abuse
    1 of them can be taken safely but I do not ever suggest it to anyone unless they have experience with powerful stimulants and do not have an underlying heart condition
    the other 2
    which is clenbuterol can cause cardiac myopathy. which is dead cardiac cells.
    The other one is DNP which has been known to cause death.

    So lets just say this.
    Spending money on something to boost your metabolism is a little ridiculous when you could optimally lose weight just by eating less than body requirements and exercising.

    If you want something truly worth it you should make sure you get adequate calcium because it is associated with optimal fat oxidation. Calcium is used for cellular transport
  • jbruced
    jbruced Posts: 210 Member
    Has anyone tried the Green Coffee supplement for fat loss?
    It's gettin lots of hype~
    Nothing more than snake oil. Save your money or donate it to charity as mentioned above.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member

    Excellent idea. Maybe donate the money to your local food bank. Great cause and you'll get the same results!
  • EOHerrera
    EOHerrera Posts: 45
    Tried it - and it was worthless - shame on Dr. Oz! I had expected better from him than to promote "junk". I lost all respect for him and now refuse to watch his show if he's going to promote gimmick products.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Tried it - and it was worthless - shame on Dr. Oz! I had expected better from him than to promote "junk".

    He's been doing this for years. I'd be shocked if he promoted something that wasn't complete nonsense.
  • tbatteate
    tbatteate Posts: 14 Member
    Green tea is also a very powerful antioxidant, which we can all use. Free radicals damage tissues in our bodies daily that can lead to other more serious complications. So, for me there is a benefit to taking it regardless of the wight loss support.
  • tbatteate
    tbatteate Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for your comments. I hear what your sayin, I also added a good muti-vitamin, one of the MEGA line from GNC. They're great. I used to take them and didn't even have to change when I was pregnant or lactating.
    I have a medical backround am and familiar with ephedra and "phen" drugs and do not take them because of the cardiac risk associated them. I used to be an exercise junkie, loving the energy that came with it. Just trying to get going again!
    Take Care :smile:
  • tbatteate
    tbatteate Posts: 14 Member
    Also, a mental crutch is called emotional support which can make all the difference to someone. If your not intersted in that then why are you participating here?
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Oh no! I hear ducks!

    :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    Whenever you see the Name Dr. Oz be very wary.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Also, a mental crutch is called emotional support which can make all the difference to someone. If your not intersted in that then why are you participating here?

    It's just diet pill mental crutches are expensive. That's like saying "Well, I know wiring money to some random dude in some random part of the world won't REALLY make me lose weight, but it's emotional support, so that's okay."

    Unless you really do want to wire money to a random person.

    I can give you my info to wire money to. No problem.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Just exercise and eat right :\
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    So I don't look like a total jerk, there is a group on here called "supplement reviews" that might have more answers on it, just in case it gets ugly in this thread.