What have I done :(

I lost about 11kg last year then I stopped going to gym in November I think.

I decided I would allow myself to be relaxed over xmas then that turned into new year which turned in Easter and it hasn't stopped.

I'm so pissed off at myself. I put on a pair of old jeans today. I stopped wearing them last year cause they got too big and starting falling down.

They fit me again now and they are a bit tight

Why why why !!! I guess food addiction might be the same as alcoholics, they say an alcoholic can not have even 1 drink after recovery cause they can spiral back into old habits.
Well you can't give up food "cold turkey" but I guess we have to stay on track, getting back into old habits, is like alcoholics going back for a few drinks. Most of the time it can't be done cause you re-trigger the addiction.
Anyone else ever feel like this ?


  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    Consider it a lesson learned. We all have to learn some things the hard way. Now you know. You can lose the weight again and this time you CAN keep it off. Start today, don't beat yourself up.
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    Most of us have been there. Don't beat yourself up about it otherwise you will end up toe up in a chocolate cake. Just get back on the wagon and think of it as a lesson learned.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I went through a similar thing. A week off turned into a month off and before I knew it, a year and a half went by. I am learning to allow myself a treat meal occasionally--maybe once every week or two. someone brings a treat to work, I will allow myself a bite or if my calories are low for the day, maybe a small piece.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I did something like that I was 230 lbs and lost down to 130 well My hubby deployed I got depressed and bored and stuffed my face for a year and gained about 50 pounds -.- I will never ever do that to myself again!!
  • cursedcristy
    cursedcristy Posts: 20 Member
    I managed to get to my ideal weight last summer and I was the happiest I have ever been. I felt healthy and beautiful. Due to a long winter I started comfort eating and snacking. I have gained 2 dress sizes in the space of a month and a half and now im so angry with myself. I eat lots of home made food but can't keep of the cokes and doritos. Grr . We have all been there keep your chin up you will lose it again :)
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    I have lost weight and gian again, so many times its not funny :sad:

    I had something happen to a family member who ended up very sick, I realize this could happen to me if I don't change my lifestyle and now

    I now try and have a healthy lifestyle

    someone said those to me""If you're sick of starting over, you have to stop quitting" "if you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. you may have a fresh start any moment, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down'

    stick with it:smile: , you will feel much better

    anyone can add me
  • nicoleashley_24
    nicoleashley_24 Posts: 144 Member
    I most definitely feel like that... although, I've never actually thought of it like that. But yes, if I "allow" myself to eat like crap for a day or weekend, I have a VERY hard time reeling it in so it's better for me to just not start.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Use it as a leaps son learned but don't beat yourself up! Start again :)
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    Keep in mind this isn't something you can do until your happy then stop. If you want to keep the results then the change has to be permanent.
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    practically every other month of this year for me!
    you start to wonder UGH when are you going to CATCH A CLUE and really GET how this thing operates geesh!!

    I lost 6lbs in Jan - gained back 4 in Feb - I lost 6lbs in March - lost another 6lbs in april - weigh in may 1st - gained 6 back.

    it's like i take 2 steps forward I take two steps back................but in this case, opposites do not attract. Same thing that works in month one, i have to continue through to month two, and so on and so forth FOREVER. i think i have commitment issues, or afraid of change, or need a therapist, or a bit of all - you get the drift.

    Point being - I'm back in the saddle again and ready to tackle May. I think the idea is - you pick yourself up and keep trucking and HOPEFULLY dang! hopefully - it'll click in someday lol.

    (you're welcome for that Paula Abdul song in your head now by the way) lol.
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm kicking myself in the @ss right now -- I was doing great, then had a bad day a few weeks ago and I'm still trying to get back on track. I gained a few pounds but I'm still struggling because I don't want to toss in the towel as I've done in the past. Why do I do this?
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    This is a process! It sucks to watch your hard earned progress slip away, but you've already laid the groundwork for weight loss and developed the tools to do so. It shouldn't be as difficult to do it again once you've fully committed and gotten the ball rolling again.

  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    My first impulse was to give a motivational "tough love" just-suck-it-up-buttercup response, but I've had trolls flame me for that a lot lately, and it gets boring, so I'm not even going to go there.
  • Hockeymom610
    Hockeymom610 Posts: 65 Member
    You're not alone. I too reached my happy weight last summer. I was absolutely thrilled. I wasnt at my "ideal" weight but I knew it was the right weight for me. Then I started letting little things slip. And little things turned to big things. And now here I sit 20lbs heavier and very disappointed in myself.
    All of our stories are similar. We can do this. We can change bad habits back to good habits.
    Feel free to add me.
    REDI4CHANGE60 Posts: 170
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I am a member of this group too.
    It sucks, weight come up so fast, then goes down so slow!
    My ideal weight is 117, I am 123 now I was down to 113 (that was to low)
    It is only 6 pounds to go but fighting me all the way!
    My new goal will be to stay always within 5 pounds.
  • sassygamma
    sassygamma Posts: 84 Member
    You are so not alone, i am back here after a long hiatus, i had lost over 20 lbs and i decided to just relax for the holidays and my holidays keep coming, but a week or so ago i looked at myself in the mirror after i couldn't get a pair of jeans on that i wore before Christmas.

    I couldn't believe it, i had gained all my weight back plus some, talk about depressing, i wanted to cry but i knew i had done this all by myself, i had no one to blame, so after getting back on here, reading all the success stories i decided i can do this, i cant look at it as a diet i need to look at it as a lifestyle change..

    So here i am doing what i need to be doing, and making plans on what i am going to do when i lose 20 lbs, i am going to reward myself with something, maybe a manicure, maybe a new haircut, i dunno, but i will do something for ME...

    Good luck on this journey, you just need to figure out where your motivation comes from and grab it and run, you can do, you have already proved you can once....
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    don't beat yourself up.. it happens .. change it TODAY.. today is all you can fix... you can do that!
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    bumping....same as everything above!! Glad I'm not alone.
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    You're not alone. I too reached my happy weight last summer. I was absolutely thrilled. I wasnt at my "ideal" weight but I knew it was the right weight for me. Then I started letting little things slip. And little things turned to big things. And now here I sit 20lbs heavier and very disappointed in myself.
    All of our stories are similar. We can do this. We can change bad habits back to good habits.
    Feel free to add me.

    Totally not alone. I've been struggling off and on for the last six months. March became more difficult. In April we had two deaths at work in a week and a half, four deaths in six months. I was up to 500 days logging, and last all motivation and missed three. I feel my strong supporters have given up on me, only have a few that really try to encourage me any more. Tried adding new friends and now they are not logging in. I've gained 9 pounds since March. Trying hard to stay positive, and taking small steps to get back, but its hard.