Anyone wake up early to workout?

If so what time and how do you make yourself get out of bed?


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i start at 4am, half a cup of coffee and out the door i go.
  • juliana0813
    juliana0813 Posts: 49
    i used to get up at 5:45 am to go running because where i live, it gets hot very quickly, so early in the morning it was still cool. I admit, it's not easy (Especially for a teenager) but i just thought of the results i'd get and if i didn't do it, i'd feel crappy for the whole day. :-)
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I have a bootcamp/class at 5:45. I get up at 4:30 and pack my gym bag with my work clothes, drink water, dress, make smoothie, drink more water and I'm out the door by 5:20... :-)

    I'm SO NOT a morning person, but I found out that if i don't work out first thing in morning, life gets in the way and I never get around to it!
    Oh nad how do make myself get up??? I set the alarm FAR away from my bed... but on a very loud, annoying setting. If I can just get my self to stand up-I'm good to go LOL
  • emuravyeva
    emuravyeva Posts: 103 Member
    This is not meant to sound stupid: cold floor. I have laminate flooring in the bedroom and it gives me that jolt to wake up.

    Also, put your alarm clock across the room the night before so it will force you to get out of bed to shut it off. If you live with a spouse/partner/roomie, ask them to hide it somewhere. You'll be WIDE awake by the time you find it.
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    5 am! That seems to be the only time I can fit in 30 minutes to do my workout. My newborn gets the evenings when i get home from work...
  • bmiller211
    bmiller211 Posts: 222 Member
    I start work at 7 am and get up at 415 do either a 2.5 mile run or bodypump at the gym...getting up has become a ritual and is quite easy. I used to be a night person but from 30 years of early rising I have gotten so used to it I don't think I could change back!
  • PhatDiaries
    PhatDiaries Posts: 7 Member
    i've tried the 4 am workout but i cant seem to get myself out of bed.. maybe i should just throw myself out of bed when the alarm rings hahaha!!
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I have tried this before, but I find that I'm just not awake enough haha. I make time to work out after work (which for me, is around 3:30pm).
  • kellygeorge8182
    kellygeorge8182 Posts: 6 Member
    4:45am T/T (boot camp); 5:45am W/F (run). 6:45am S/S (boot camp). Because if not then, then it just doesn't happen.

    And there's not really a trick to it. You just have to do it. But once it's done you have a lot more energy throughout the day.

    I really do get more done by noon than most people do all day. But only because i haul my *kitten* out of bed and get it done.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    My alarm goes off at 4:05 and I'm usually out the door, on my run, by 4:30. I've become quite good at running in the dark!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Alarm goes off at 3AM. I'm at the gym by 3:20.

    I have that internal argument going on every morning. "Get up, this is your time!" and "Oh FFS!, sleep all the way to 5! Imagine how sweet that would be!"

    ...and every morning I just get up.
  • Early is the only way with me, almost impossible to do a workout with toddlers around my feet. I set a goal at getting up 7 am before kids for 30 minutes dvd session. I actually enjoy the fact that I've achieved it and the rest of the day is mine. Also get your calorie increase early on helps me plan food intake for the day. Sleep and feel better too. It actually energises me. This is all from someone who HATED exercise
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    My alarm goes off at 5am, and I usually get out of bed pretty quickly to use the wash-room. I only do 20-30 minutes or easy to moderate exercise in the morning, and it is usually cardio: to get things loosened up and moving.
  • dez_yaoichan
    dez_yaoichan Posts: 454
    I have to be at work at 9am so I get up around 5:30

    30 minutes to wake up and check my computer
    1 hour to get set up and finish my work out
    1 hour to cook and eat breakfast
    45 minutes to get ready for work
    15 minutes to drive

    I get home around 6:30-7pm and am in bed around 10:30pm

    at the end of the day I am too tired to even care about working out, so if I get it done early I can just focus on my day.
  • 19Lindsay76
    19Lindsay76 Posts: 135
    5 A.M. I have to do my workouts before work, if i don't i can never make myself do it when i get home.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I wake at 4 am to start my workout at 5 am.

    I prepare all logistics the night before. My protein shake at the fridge and my water container in the gym bag.

    All workout clothes and shoes ready next to bed. All I have to do is lace up and go.

    I go to bed very early for most people. I do not go out at night anymore. I feel healthy and strong. Priceless.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I'm not that early. 6:30 am when my teen leaves for school. Sometimes I get really lazy and go back to bed until 8am. I work afternoon shift, though, so I get home from work around 11pm and don't leave until 2:30pm
  • 5AM and to the gym by 5:30. I have everything ready to go the night before. My gym bag, work clothes picked out and in the bag, etc. I do all my personal hygeine tasks at the gym after my workout. All I do is hit the alarm, change into my gym clothes and jump into my car. Key for me is to get driving into the direction of the gym before my mind and body realize what's happening. LOL.
  • LuckySe7en
    LuckySe7en Posts: 49
    I do. I have to be to work at 9am, and my commute takes around an hour and a half, so I need to be out of the house by 7:30. In order to get in my morning workout I wake up at 5:45 at the latest. Sometimes I dilly dally, but I get up. No snooze. I make myself get out of bed by doing morning affirmations, (Every cell in my body is filled with vitality and healing. I am at peace and in harmony within myself, and will fill my body with that which nourishes me.) and I have a goal dress hanging on my wall. I tell myself that if I skip today, then that is one day longer I wait to fit in that dress. It's hard because I just started working out in the morning, and I used to hit the snooze like 8 times. But I still manage. :smile:
  • JenHol79
    JenHol79 Posts: 90 Member
    working out in the am is my ultimate goal - I think it's just going to be something I force and make a routine. I have two small kids (8 & 5) and my husband works long hours so when I get off work and home its non stop but routine and if I get out of routine everything seems to go out of wack. So I think if I make getting up early a routine and could stick with it then I would be more ap to do it. If only it were that easy haha. Im a snooze person and it doesnt matter where my alarm is I will get up, hit snooze and go back to bed