Anyone wake up early to workout?



  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I wake up at 5-6am all summer to garden for 2 hours a day. Does that count?
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    I am NOT a morning person and there are days I drag myself out of bed at 5:45 to take out the dog and do my 30 minute workout. I know - nothing compared to some of those early risers [4 a.m.? really? Why bother getting in bed even?]. Motivation: I use visualization: How will I feel at 7:45 as I leave the house and at 10 a.m. and the rest of the day if I drag myself out of bed and do this workout versus how will I feel if I roll over and sleep an extra 45 minutes? I actually have more energy post-workout than post 45 minutes extra sleep and feel better all day. That is what does iot for me. If I am really beat in the morning I might do yoga instead of a more intense cardio or upper body or core workout.
  • MrsLettieC
    MrsLettieC Posts: 1 Member
    I get up at 4:45 feed the cats, make a to go coffee. I pack my work clothes and lunch the night before so I can grab it and go. It took me almost two years and two alarm clocks to be able to do it. But it is so worth it!!! There's always a swimming lane open or Treadmill ready with my name on it!
  • cmart69
    cmart69 Posts: 15
    I do. I have found that the early mornings are the best time of day for me to be in control of.....once work and 4 kids and the rest of life get going it's CRAZY! I do not belong to a gym, everything is done at home purely out of necessity - my husband is in the military and currently gone on a 1yr deployment.

    I am up at 4:30am every day - yes, even on weekends. It took about a month for that wake up time to become a habit vs. a PITA. I workout/cool down from 5-6:30am, hit the showers, and am ready to start my day by 7-7:15 when my kids get up.
  • nsage1
    nsage1 Posts: 8
    I know how you feel! It's hard to get up. I have to take my son in law to work everyday at 5:30am so that helps me get up. I was working out at the gym but now I joined a strength and conditioning class where my kids attend taekwondo and its night classes 7:30 or 8pm. If your not a morning person working out at night might be easier for you.
  • LyndaMRou
    LyndaMRou Posts: 54 Member
    5 A.M. I have to do my workouts before work, if i don't i can never make myself do it when i get home.

    Asolutely! Though we don't have to get up that early, I still consider 6:15 "early" and find that if I get to the gym in the morning before I'm fully awake, I'm halfway though my workout before I'm aware I'm there. I love the morning boost to my metabolism and attitude to boot -- a great way to start the day.
  • deidresilva
    deidresilva Posts: 17
    The ONLY way I have been able to stick w/ my early wake up- work out plan was to figure out, plan and stick to a routine..

    My biggest obsticals: 1) SO not a morning person 2) My gym doesn't have interesting morning classes that are at the same time every day.. (im a 9-5er... why would I do a 5:15 class one day, a 5:30, or a 6:15 the next? a-hem 24 hr fitness...) 3) 6am is SO EARLYYYY :'(

    How Ive overcome them:
    1) Last summer I signed up for crossfit and did their 6am class! I made a couple friends in the class and it got me motivated even more to get out of bed!
    2) When my $$ ran out from crossfit (haha!) My neighbor and I created a routine w/ Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30 DVD... We set up a time.. (7am) met in her living room, turned on week 1 and made a routine M-F 30 mins w/ Jillian then 30 min girl chat time w/ coffee ;) and we worked our way up to week 4!
    3) On biz travel- I look up local gyms/barre classes/bootcamps.. whatever sounds interesting... and that has classes at the SAME TIME / EVERY DAY (Super important to me) ... put down the plastic.. and get back on it!!!

    Also- Coffee helps too... :P
  • mommy2313
    mommy2313 Posts: 9
    Wow!! Thank you ALL for your responses!! Sounds like it's something you just gotta DO!!! Just DO IT!!! I'll be setting my alarm for 4:00 Monday morning and having my daughter hide it somewhere in my room..sounds like that will work until i get use to getting up that early...gotta sacrifice to reach my goals nooo doubt! Thanks y'all!!!! :bigsmile:
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I set my alarm for 4 AM. My Fitbit One has a silent alarm which works wonders and actually gives me interesting data on how I sleep. I am usually out the door for my run at 4:45-5:00. The biggest thing for me is getting enough sleep. If I am in bed by 10 PM, not necessarily asleep at that time, I usually don't hit the snooze button. Getting enough sleep is my biggest predictor of whether or not I workout the next morning. If I can get a good 5-6 hours, I will usually workout.
  • curleegirl68
    curleegirl68 Posts: 53 Member
    I wake up at 4:30 to be working out at 5:15, 5:30. I started in November when Daylight Savings time fell back one hour. IT is hard now with Spring Forward though. On the weekends I have no problem. It honestly is a sacrifice, but you get your workout out of the way and feel so energized.

    I have to finish by 6:15-6:20 so I can prepare lunch, take a shower, have breakfast, etc etc.

    Don't get me wrong, there are days when I really don't feel like it, but as soon as I start exercising I feel a lot better.
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I get up @ around 1AM, drink 16-20oz of water, pack my food for the day, get ready and go. I work out from around 2:30 am - 3:30 - 4am, then go straight to work for 12.5hrs.... My gym is at the shop where I work. I average 3-4 miles a day and 40+ flights of stairs a day while at work also.
  • mommy2313
    mommy2313 Posts: 9
    I get up @ around 1AM, drink 16-20oz of water, pack my food for the day, get ready and go. I work out from around 2:30 am - 3:30 - 4am, then go straight to work for 12.5hrs.... My gym is at the shop where I work. I average 3-4 miles a day and 40+ flights of stairs a day while at work also.

    WOW!!! You must go to bed SUPER early??
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I'm up by 5:40 AM to walk over a mile uphill to the gym and take a class, then walk the mile back. The others in my class get up at 5.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I get up between 5:30 and 6 so I have time for a coffee, to log my food for the day, and a good run or bike ride before I have to get ready for work at 8:30. Gets it done and over with and I feel good all day.
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm up at a little before 4:00 am and usually get downstairs to start my workout by 4:10 or so.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    4am M-F @ the gym at 5am, and around 6am at thhe gym by 8am Sat. Sunday is my day off.
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    Bump, want to read later as I am so not a morning person!
  • katarina236
    katarina236 Posts: 40 Member
    I get up at 5:45 A.M. and I am out the door running by 6. My motivation is my dog. I trained him to run with me and now he MAKES me run! Most mornings he is up and waiting by the door for me. If I am having an off day then he will jump up onto the bed and bug me until I get up.
  • Fit2Skinnyme33
    Fit2Skinnyme33 Posts: 127 Member
    I am trying. My alarm goes off at 5am, I argue with myself in my mind about getting out of bed but my body doesn't move. Then I finally roll out at about 5:30ish/5:45 make it there by 6am.

    I am not a morning person at all but once I am out of bed, its a breeze from there. Not sure what I can do to give me more motivation to actually get out of bed!
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    5:00 alarm, 5:05 dressed, 5:10 coffee, 5:20 workout
    This has been my routine for about a year now. I like it. It's my quiet time from the kids.
    The trick is for your workout to be something that you really like doing so you don't dread getting up.
    Right now I am doing a 12-week lifting program and I know that if I miss a day, it will throw everything off. This gets me up every morning.
    Good Luck!